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Elizabeth had been surprised that she managed to successfully make it through her NEWT's. She was confident that she'd done well, even amidst her heartbreak and sadness.

Her results, proved just that. She'd walked away with all outstanding or exceeds expectations. A miracle really. Not that she planned on doing anything with these incredible marks. She was going on the run after her husband, after all.

She'd felt the strain of it when Mcgonagall cornered her in the corridor after everyone had received their results. She'd praised Elizabeth for her hard work, despite her many missed lessons this year. She'd also asked what Elizabeth saw herself doing and that, was a question that Elizabeth could not answer. Instead, she'd made an excuse, saying her friends were waiting and she had to go.

She often wondered what her parents would think of her now. They really didn't know the woman that she'd become. She was married and she'd passed her NEWT's, only to throw them all away. That would be the daughter they remembered.

She also thought of Theo. She knew that if he was here, he would have scooped her up in his arms and mumbled streams of sentences in Italian. He would have demanded they throw a party. It was moments like these, when she missed him the most. During her normal everyday routine, she could almost act as if he was still here but not when everyone was celebrating a monumental moment, no. He should've been here too.

Elizabeth was overjoyed to hear, her friends had also earned similar results. Apart from Enzo, who received one 'poor' mark, but he insisted that it didn't matter because it was in astronomy.

The Slytherin five had in fact gotten drunk that night. Very drunk. They spoke about life, they spoke about their lost friends and most of all, they spoke about how Hogwarts had been their home.

Now, as Elizabeth sat perched on her bed, she stared at the 'EM & PP' that was engraved into the wood of her bed post. Her fingers traced it, wondering where all the time had gone.

Pansy was frantically running around the room, asking Elizabeth which trinkets she wished to keep, the girl just nodded to one every couple of times that Pansy asked, even though she had no intent of using any of them. Pansy would soon realise that in the morning.

"Why aren't you more stressed?!" Pansy screeched, her raven bob was sticking up everywhere, as she let out a sigh.

"Pansy...calm down" Elizabeth chuckled.

"No! No! I have to be packed! Graham is getting me from the train station tomorrow evening, I want to get it all done today and then tomorrow I can relax!" The girl stilled, taking a deep breath before continuing on her madness.

"I'm gonna-...yeah" Elizabeth stood up, quickly scurrying out of the room before the girl had a chance to protest.

As soon as she shut the door, she too took a deep breath, walking the mere two steps forwards and pushing open the door to Draco's dorm, where she knew the boys would all be.

Of course, they were all sprawled across the beds, no sense of urgency present whatsoever.

"Thank Merlin" Elizabeth scoffed out a laugh, dropping down next to Enzo on Mattheo's bed.

"What's wrong?" Enzo chuckled.

"Pansy is like a crazy woman" Elizabeth looked at him with very wide eyes. Her imitation of Pansy being crazy.

"I think she's just nervous...about life" Blaise threw his head back against Draco's pillow.

"Hm can't relate" Draco had a smug look on his face, one that made Elizabeth flip him off.

"You seem, better" Blaise gave Elizabeth a peculiar look, one that deepened when she looked to Enzo nervously.

"I'm just-excited for the future" Elizabeth looked down to her hands.

"As we all should be" Enzo threw his arm over Elizabeth's shoulder.

"Then let's get Pansy out of that dorm and let's go and graduate" Blaise smirked, as he pushed himself off Draco's bed, patting the blondes shoulder as he passed him.

Draco followed after the boy, leaving Elizabeth and Enzo, alone in the room.

"You're still sure about this? Because we leave early in the morning..." Enzo gave her a soft smile.

"I'm sure enz. Now, let's do this" Elizabeth jumped up, smoothing out her robes before holding her hand out for Enzo, who took it with a smile.

As they left the boys dorm and descended the stairs, Blaise, Draco and Pansy were all stood waiting for them. Their robes in perfect condition, more than they had been the past seven years.

"I can't believe this is the last time we'll all be here, like this" Pansy looked around her friends with a sad smile.

"I know..." Blaise shook his head in disbelief.

"It's just a shame that we are missing some people..." Enzo looked down to his shoes before looking back up and tilting his head towards the ceiling, as if he was looking to someone.

"No matter where we go...Theo will always be with us" Draco spoke, making everyone's heads whip to him. It was probably the soppiest thing the boy had ever said.

"Yes, surprise, I have emotions" Draco rolled his eyes with a huff.

"Only took you seven years Malfoy" Elizabeth teased, nudging his arm with her shoulder.

"We need to go" Blaise butted in, linking his arm with Pansy's. They lead the way, with Elizabeth, Enzo and Draco following behind them.

Elizabeth took in her surroundings as she walked the corridors. She felt...oddly content. It had been one hell of a ride and it definitely hadn't been easy. She'd experienced her first love, her first heartbreak, her first time, the loss of a baby, the love of Theodore Nott, her brothers ever growing wisdom and a group of friends that she'd know for the rest of her life.

She feared that the memories she held here, were not linked to her mind but the place. She was terrified of losing them, of growing up and forgetting everything. Forgetting Theodore Nott. Forgetting her times with Mattheo riddle and the rest of her friends.

But if that was that case, she was glad that she got to live them. That she got to experience all that being a young witch had to offer.

She just hoped, that the next stage of her life, was as kind as Hogwarts had been.

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