Love on the brain

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"Ready?" Mattheo whispered in a sing song voice, his hands tightly clamped over Elizabeth's eyes.

"Yes!" Elizabeth giggled. As Mattheo removed his hands, Elizabeth took a second to let her eyes adjust to bright light of the sunset but when they did, her mouth fell open.

"Mattheo..." Elizabeth felt tears brimming her eyes. They were next to the black lake, a picnic blanket was spread out under a tree, with fairy lights illuminating the space.

"Do you like it?" Mattheo asked with a nervous chuckle.

Elizabeth spun around, running straight into his chest.

"I love it" Elizabeth squeaked, her voice wavering.

"Hey, don't cry" Mattheo pulled back slightly, gently running the pad of his thumb under her eyes.

"It's good tears" Elizabeth chuckled.

"Come on" Mattheo took her hand in his, guiding her onto the picnic blanket and helping her sit down.

Elizabeth's eyes were wide and glistening as she looked up at the tree branches above her, the fairy lights twinkled gently and a large smile grew on her face.

"Matty you-you did good" Elizabeth spoke quietly, pulling her lip between her teeth.

"I wanted it to be right this time, I can't-I don't want to risk losing you again" Mattheo smiled softly, taking in the radiance that was in front of him.

"Drink?" Mattheo asked.

"Please" Elizabeth giggled, watching as he waved his wand, revealing a picnic basket. "Nice touch".

"Oh Shutup" Mattheo smirked, pulling out two glasses and a bottle of champagne.

"And where did you get that?" Elizabeth revelled, staring at the bottle with wide eyes.

"I know someone" Mattheo looked up at her through his eyelashes, to see her eyebrows raised in question.

"So Draco?" Elizabeth smirked.

"Maybe" Mattheo shook his head as he handed her a glass, watching as she sipped from the drink.

"So...Pansy was very intrigued by my patronus earlier, she told me to ask you about yours?" Elizabeth leant back on her elbow, watching the boy intently.

"You can see mine" Mattheo shrugged, pulling out his wand. "Expecto patronum".

Elizabeth found herself sitting up straight, her jaw pretty much touching the floor as she watched the black coyote circle around him.

No. Fucking. Way.

"Oh my Merlin..." Elizabeth spoke in a whisper.

"What?" Mattheo asked nervously.

Elizabeth pulled out her wand, clearing her throat.

"Expecto patronum".

Mattheo watched with furrowed eyebrows, until, he saw the small, tan coloured coyote, burst from the tip of her wand. His eyes softened as he watched his own patronus, approach hers. They sniffed eachother lightly before inevitably rubbing their heads together.

"They like eachother" Elizabeth spoke in amazement.

"I'm not surprised..." Mattheo spoke with a chuckle and a scoff. His eyes finding hers, even in the now darkness, they were still a bright green. Standing out above everything else.

"I didn't say it earlier...but you are, the most beautiful girl I have ever seen" Mattheo gulped, watching as Elizabeth's eyes flickered onto his.

"Stop I'm n-.."

"No, you are. I've never seen anyone with hair as shiny as yours. With eyes that are so piercing and intimidating yet so...gorgeous. Your lips...don't get me started on your lips" Mattheo shook his head softly.

Elizabeth felt a blush rise to her cheeks and suddenly, she felt hot. Even with the cool winter air blowing around her, her skin, was on fire.

"Mattheo..." Elizabeth let her head fall back with a slight chuckle "do you know what I thought? The first time I saw you?...I thought, wow, he is a boy crafted by Merlin because there is no way, that any person can have such beautiful big brown eyes or such long thick eyelashes and then you smiled at me and...I couldn't help but wonder if there was anything about you that wasn't perfect" Elizabeth lifted her back up, looking at his face, to see a smirk resting on his lips.

"What can I say? The Riddle genes are amazing" Mattheo smirked devishly as Elizabeth rolled her eyes.

"Look at them..." Elizabeth sighed, motioning to their patronus' that were curled up together on the picnic blanket.

"Come here" Mattheo leant back on his elbows, opening his arms, smiling as Elizabeth crawled over to him. Her head was rested on his chest and her fingers traced patterns on top of Mattheo's white shirt.

Elizabeth hummed softly, relaxing into his grip. She ever so slowly, moved her fingers down his chest and onto his abdomen. She could feel his abs through his shirt and her mind moved a million miles per second, she couldn't help but imagine his skin pressed against hers and in a moment of confidence, she let her finger trial all the way down to his belt buckle. She felt Mattheo gulp, his Adam's apple bobbing against her head and a smirk fell upon her lips. Look who's crumbling now.

Elizabeth played with his belt before letting her hand slip over his crotch area, palming him through his black trousers. The fabric became tighter around the area as Mattheo grew harder and harder, his head falling back against his shoulders.

"Uh-we should um...-we.." Mattheo stuttered out his words. Any chance of him forming a sentence, lost.

"Mhm we should" Elizabeth giggled at the flustered boy.

"Fuck Elizabeth" Mattheo growled lowly as her fingers slipped just below the waistband of his trousers.

"Looks like you're the one who's crumbling Matty" Elizabeth whispered as she tilted her head back, planting a soft kiss to the skin of his neck.

"I think we'll both be crumbling Lizzy" Mattheo quipped as he ran his index finger down her neck, over her collarbones and then down to the small bow of her dress, that rested in her cleavage. Elizabeth shivered slightly at his touch, letting out a hum of approval.

"Let's-...let's go to your dorm" Elizabeth hummed, gulping as she watched his finger draw circles on the tops of her breast's.

"Let's" Mattheo growled close to her ear, his breath fanning her neck.

"Won't Theo and Draco be there" Elizabeth mumbled, letting her head fall against his shoulder as his finger slipped into the cup of her dress, brushing against her nipple.

"They'll have to leave or...they can stay and listen to you screaming my name" Mattheo sucked at the skin of her neck, making sure to leave a mark behind.

Elizabeth let a small moan leave her lips. Normally she'd be embarrassed, too shy to let anyone touch her like this but with Mattheo, it was different. She felt safe.

"No, they'd have to listen to you...moaning my name" Elizabeth smirked, slamming her lips against Mattheo's.

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