Collapse of the heart

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Mattheo walked the fifth floor corridor, on his way to their sacred spot. The only place he could ever really think, ever really breathe. No matter where Elizabeth was, if he went there, he could feel her.

It was like her presence was engrained into the wood of the windowsill, her laugh, her smile, her eyes. He could see them there, in the reflection of the window panes.

A cigarette was placed between his lips as he looked out over the school grounds, his mind immediately going to Elizabeth and what she was doing right now. He knew what she was doing. She was in the library with Dillon, who Mattheo had come to accept. The blonde Ravenclaw had made it very clear that he had no intentions of stealing the brunette girl and Mattheo had to trust that. But he didn't like it.

His boredom had led him here, with the rest of his friends off doing god knows what, he had nothing to do but smoke.

The quietness was something he liked, something he could share with Elizabeth because she liked it too. It was one of the first things he'd found out about her. With all of the thoughts and worries in her mind, she enjoyed her outside atmosphere to be silent.

His silence was disrupted when he heard footsteps approaching him and of course, he assumed it was Elizabeth. No one else came up here but when he turned his head to the side, his eyes narrowed and a grimace fell upon his face. Olivia.

"How strange to see you here" her high pitched voice rattled around the walls.

"You followed me. Didn't I tell you that I'd cut your tongue out" Mattheo sneered as he flicked his cigarette away, standing up and shoving his hands into his pockets, ready to walk away from the girl.

"Like I told you before, that's no way to talk to your fiancé" that word again. Mattheo assumed she was deluded, she had to have something wrong with her.

"Listen clearly...I'm not your fiancé, not now and not ever" Mattheo spat the words harshly at the girl, bumping her shoulder as he passed her but he didn't expect her to grab his wrist.

"I AM your fiancé, gosh surely your father told you how this whole thing works because mine did. Or are you incompetent?" Olivia rolled her eyes but her words, made Mattheo stiffen. His father.

"What did you say?" Mattheo's teeth were gritted, his jaw tense as she stared into her brown eyes.

"Your father and my father, paired us up for pureblood marriage. I don't know why you keep acting like you don't know what I'm talking about" the girl crossed her arms, rolling her eyes.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I don't know anything about this. I'm with Elizabeth" Mattheo was losing his patience, he had no problem with murdering this girl right here, right now.

"We are set to be married in the summer so should end things with her now" Olivia smirked but Mattheo took a step forwards. His hands wrapping around her throat as he pushed her back against the wall.

"I'm not marrying you" Mattheo grumbled under his breath, watching as the girl struggled for breath. "The only girl I'll ever be marrying is Elizabeth Montague" Mattheo released her harshly, letting her body fall to the floor as he turned on his heel and stormed down the corridor. There was somewhere he needed to be.

With his chest heaving up and down and his nostrils flaring, he went back to the dungeons. Quickly making his way into his dorm before apparating. The last thing he needed was a professor seeing him do so.

Where he once saw four poster beds with green sheets, he instead saw a large staircase and marble floors. Riddle manor.

"Father!" Mattheo shouted out, his voice echoing as he did so. He kept his fists clenched tightly, his knuckles turning white.

"Mattheo, what are you doing here?" Mattheo's father appeared as if from nowhere, his hands behind his back as he narrowed his eyes in on his son.

"You son of a bitch" Mattheo stormed forwards, grabbing his father by the collar of his shirt and slamming him harshly against the wall. "You signed a marriage contract for me? Why?!" Mattheo's lip twitched as he screamed in his fathers face but the man's blank expression didn't falter.

"It was in your best interest. Do you really think you will get anywhere in life, if you marry that...that girl. Who walked away from her family name and inheritance? I will not have any heirs born by her. You need a real pure blood wife. Who believes in the hierarchy it brings" his father sneered as he spoke of Elizabeth, not even able to say her name. His words didn't ease Mattheo's mind at all, they simply angered him further and in a fit of rage and utter horror, Mattheo pulled his fist back, throwing it forwards into his father's jaw.

"Do. Not. Speak. Of. Her. Like. That" Mattheo's knuckles bled, his blood dripping onto the white floors.

"You can hit me all you like boy but it won't change anything, the contracts were binding. Of your life and of Olivia's. You will marry in the summer or you die" the man chuckled as he spat some blood out onto the already ruined floors.

Mattheo felt his lip quiver. Tears threatening to spill, of sadness and of anger. His whole life, flashed before his eyes and he found himself missing what could have been. What should have been. His Elizabeth, pulled from his grasp once again, by the man that had given him life. He had no choice, he had to let her go and he would be married to someone he couldn't stand, all in the name of being a pureblood.

With one last fleeting look at his father, Mattheo shook his head. Taking slow steps backwards, until he apparated away.

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