Gryffindor boy

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It was now mid October, the trees had shed their leaves and the air was much crisper. Elizabeth loved the dark evenings, it was the perfect season for reading a book under a blanket.

After her conversation with Mattheo, they'd been playing the role of 'friends' well. They were closer than they had ever been but Elizabeth could still see the love he held for her in his eyes, she just hoped that he could see hers too.

"Lizzy" Elizabeth's eyes widened as she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Sorry, I was deep in thought" the brunette girl giggled, watching as Mattheo shook hid head with a smirk.

"I'm so excited to eat" Theo exclaimed loudly.

"When aren't you?" Blaise added.

"True but I'm starving" Theo whined like a child.

"Grow up" Draco hissed as he glared at him.

"Chill out Malfoy" Enzo chuckled lightly.

"Honestly you're all a bunch of pussies" Pansy sneered with the roll of her eyes.

Elizabeth and Mattheo stayed quiet, stifling laughter as their friends bickered.

"Sooo what's the plan for Halloween?" Pansy asked after a few moments of silence.

"A party duh" Theo scoffed.

"Any chance for Theo to get drunk" Blaise laughed, patting his friend on the shoulder.

"And any chance for you to get high" Draco raised his eyebrows at Blaise.

"Very true Malfoy" Enzo smirked, earning a glare from Blaise.

"Don't gang up on me!" Blaise exclaimed, a frown on his face.

Pansy shook her head, sighing loudly before turning to Elizabeth. "You're going to come right?".

"I don't know" Elizabeth scratched her head. Last time hadn't gone so well.

"You should come" Mattheo spoke as he bumped Elizabeth gently with his shoulder.

"I'll think about it" Elizabeth smiled widely at pansy.

"Yay!" Pansy shrieked, earning a scowl from Draco who was sat right next to her.

"What's taking the old man so long? I'm so hungryyy" Theo rested his elbows on the table.

"I don't know...looks like he's talking to someone" Blaise shrugged as he stretched his neck to see better.

"Oh here we go.." Enzo spoke, making everyone turn to the front of the hall.

"Good evening. I apologise for keeping you from your dinner but...I have an exciting announcement. In an unusual turn of events, we have a new student joining us..."

Elizabeth eyed pansy with a confused look on her face, before they both turned back to Dumbledore.

"Mr Garcia, please step forwards to be sorted" Dumbledore extended his hand forwards, ushering a boy with black hair and striking blue eyes to the sorting stool.

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