Moving forwards

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Elizabeth and Mattheo had been living in a bubble. Wherever Elizabeth went, Mattheo could be found. Maybe it was his concern for her wellbeing, or maybe, it was because he was in love with her. Elizabeth wasn't sure but either way, she liked it. Since the incident she'd been increasingly more anxious, loud noises or unexpected touches would make her jump out of her skin and in fear of being alone, her friends had devised a system. At all times, someone was with her. Mostly Mattheo but of course, he couldn't go into the girls bathroom's, so that, was a job for Pansy.

Jay Garcia seemed to of magically disappear, no one had seen him, not even his Gryffindor confidants. Elizabeth hoped that he was too scared to show his face again, although she knew it wasn't the case, somehow and somewhere, he'd show up. Another reason for Mattheo's constant worry.

Elizabeth tried to stay positive and one thing she was excited about, was Christmas. It was mid November now and although it was definitely early, buying Christmas presents would be her perfect distraction. The only problem...she needed to go alone. She wanted the presents to be surprises and having someone with her, would ruin that. So, she devised her own plan. She would simply sneak off to hogsmeade earlier than everyone else. Preferably when they were all still asleep.

So, at the wonderful time of six o'clock in the morning, Elizabeth was up and ready to leave. Not only would she have to avoid any of her friends but also, sneak out of the school. Fortunately for her, this wasn't the first time. No, her and Mattheo used to sneak out most nights during fifth year and she happened to know of a tunnel that lead from the school, all the way to hogsmeade.

With her wand in hand, she left the common room. The only light was from the tip of her wand and she could barely see a metre in front of her face but thankfully the entrance to the secret tunnel was not far, matter of fact, it was in the dungeons.

Hidden behind a statue of Salazar Slytherin, of all places. She knew she'd have trouble moving it, she didn't quite have the same strength that Mattheo did.

"Locomotor" Elizabeth whispered, watching as the statue graciously slid aside, allowing her enough room to squeeze in to the tunnel. Once inside, she grimaced at the amount of cobwebs but nonetheless, she pushed forwards.

She hummed a tune as she walked the never ending tunnel, trying to keep herself distracted from any odd sounds. Most likely bats, but possibly deathly creatures.

Fortunately, she wasn't killed by anything and she made it to the small cobble streets of hogsmeade with little stress. Not much was open at this time of the morning, so Elizabeth decided to head to the Three Broomsticks and grab a warm butter beer. Something to warm her slightly shivering body.

As she entered into the old beaten down pub, Madame Rosmerta was scrubbing away at the bar with an old rag.

"Hi Rosmerta" Elizabeth chimed in a sing song tone. Last year, she became quite fond of the bar maid, having spent many Saturday's sat in her pub, telling her all of the trials and tribulations of her life.

"Oh my! Miss Montague is that you? My how you've grown! What will it be? A butter beer I assume?" The blonde woman smiled, clapping her hands together.

"Please" Elizabeth took a seat at one of the barstools.

"What're you doing here this early child?" Madame Rosmerta frowned as she poured Elizabeth's drink.

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