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1 month later

"Shotssss!" Pansy hollered loudly, placing seven glasses on the table.

"Oh Merlin" Elizabeth sighed, she'd not feeling great today or for the past week actually but like always, she ignored it, assuming she was just ill.

"Oh yes!" Theo clapped his hands together.

"I love when we all get drunk" Enzo was practically bursting with excitement.

"Alright chill out Berkshire" Draco spoke with the roll of his eyes.

"Don't be a prick Malfoy" Blaise flipped the blonde off.

"Everyone Shutup and take a shot!" Mattheo shook his head as he finished filling up the glasses. Sliding them across the table to everyone before handing one to Elizabeth. She took it with a small smile and brought it up to her lips.

"3! 2! 1!" Pansy shouted, everyone downing their shots.

As Elizabeth tipped the alcohol into her mouth, she found that she couldn't swallow it. No, instead, she felt instantly nauseous. In a means to disguise it, she held the alcohol in her mouth as she heard coughing and spluttering from around her.

"Fuck that shit is strong" Theo said with a grimace.

"Damn right" Blaise pounded on his own chest.

"So bad" Draco winced.

"So, another one?" Enzo asked as he looked around the group.

"Yeah fuck it" pansy clapped her hands together.

Mattheo turned his head, looking at the small brunette that hadn't said anything about the potent alcohol. Her face was flat and she had gone a sickly white colour.

"Are you okay?" Mattheo placed his hand on her thigh but when she didn't speak, nor open her mouth he frowned. "Lizzy?".

She gagged, she actually gagged and that was the last straw. She was on her feet and taking on the stairs to the dorm at full speed, bursting into her bathroom and spitting not only the alcohol from her mouth but also emptying the contents of her stomach into the toilet.

She slumped onto the floor, leaning her head back against the tiled wall as she took in a deep breath.

"Elizabeth?" Pansy pushed the bathroom door open, frowning as she looked to the girl on the floor. "What's wrong?" Pansy walked in further, pressing the back of her hand to Elizabeth's forehead.

"I just feel sick, I have for the past week" Elizabeth let out a shakey breath, running her hands into her hair.

Pansy's brows furrowed deeper than they ever had as she looked over Elizabeth's figure.

"What?" Elizabeth asked skeptically.

"Nothing" Pansy shook her head, walking back into the room.

Elizabeth wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, climbing to her feet and flushing the toilet. She walked over to the sink, grabbing her toothbrush and toothpaste and brushing her teeth. As she watched her figure in the mirror, she turned to the side, noticing how bloated she had been recently. She shook her head before spitting out the toothpaste and rinsing her mouth out with some water.

On her way over to her bed, she grabbed one of Mattheo's sweatshirts, slipping it on over the small crop top she was wearing. She slipped into her sheets, snuggling up against her pillow.

Pansy joined her on the bed, seemingly inspecting Elizabeth's mannerisms.

"Pans why do you keep looking at me like that?" Elizabeth swallowed thickly.

"Elizabeth...when was your last period?" Pansy pulled her lip between her teeth as she stared down at the small brunette.

"Well it was-...." Over a month ago. "Over a month ago" Elizabeth gulped.

Pansy's eyes widened and her eyes scanned down Elizabeth's body, landing on her covered stomach.


"Am I?" Elizabeth looked to Pansy with wide eyes.

"I don't know, you need to-um pregnancy tests. Muggle thing's but I know someone that will have some" Pansy nodded her head quickly. "I'll be back" she quickly placed a kiss to elizabeth's forehead before running out of the room.

Elizabeth remained still, her soft breaths the only sound she could hear and little than five minutes later, Pansy reappeared. Locking the door behind her.

"Here" she held out a box. "You just take the cap off and pee on the end" pansy gulped as Elizabeth took it from her.

"Who did you get it from?" Elizabeth asked as she sat up.

"Don't ask questions just go piss on it" pansy shooed her into the bathroom. Tapping her foot and pacing the room as she waited. The sound of the toilet flushing and the door knob turning, made her body still. Her eyes widening when she saw a shakey Elizabeth stood in the doorway.

"Well?" Pansy's breathing was erratic as she looked at the brunette.

"It has two lines and the box's says that..."

"It's positive" pansy muttered, instantly approaching Elizabeth and wrapping her arms around her small frame.

"What do I do?" Elizabeth tugged at the roots of her hair as she pulled away from Pansy.

"Well you tell Mattheo because it's-..." Pansy stopped talking as she watched Elizabeth chew on her lip.

"It is Mattheo's right? Because you've only slept with Mattheo..." Pansy swallowed as Elizabeth's mouth opened and closed a few times. "Elizabeth" she clicked her fingers in front of her face.

"N-no...I've slept with someone else as well" Elizabeth looked to her feet.

"Who?" Pansy narrowed her eyes but they widened in realisation. "Oh Elizabeth" Pansy sighed, running her hands into her raven bob. "It was Theo...that's why the boys were acting weird when we came back from the holidays".

"Yeah" Elizabeth nodded.

"So you really wouldn't know whose it was because there was like what? Only a week between them" Pansy sunk down onto the edge of her bed.

"I know" Elizabeth rubbed her eyes with her palms.

"Fuck, I don't even know what to suggest. What are you going to do?" Pansy exclaimed loudly.

"I can't keep it" Elizabeth shook her head.

"So you'll put it up for adoption?" Pansy furrowed her eyebrows.

"N-no, there's this thing that muggle's have...I've read about it, it's called an abortion" Elizabeth watched as Pansy's face contorted into confusion.

"I'll support whatever decision you make" Pansy nodded, not asking the already shaken girl anymore questions.

"I love you Pans" Elizabeth sat next to her friend, pulling her into a tight hug.

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