The great hall

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After four hours on a train, with Adrian Pucey trying to come on to her, Elizabeth was more than ready to get dinner over with and go to bed. Even with her brother's persistent warnings to his friend, Adrian still kept his arm slung around Elizabeth's shoulders as they climbed off the train and onto the platform.

Her eyes scanned her surroundings, like they always did and the group of people in front of her, made her let out a sigh. No matter where she went, they were there.

"Pucey! Hands off my sister now, or I'll chop your balls off" Graham hollered loudly from behind Elizabeth but Adrian just chuckled, clearly thinking her brother was joking. What shocked Elizabeth the most, was that in an unexpected turn of events, Mattheo spun around, his eyes landing on Adrian's arm that was wrapped around her shoulders. He seemed tense, his Adam's apple visibly bobbing in his throat as he gulped.

For some reason, it made Elizabeth smirk. He was clearly annoyed about it, so who was she to stop Adrian? Matter of fact, she decided to play into it a bit. Her hand rose up and laced with Adrian's hand that was hanging loosely over her shoulder. The blonde boys eyes seemed to widen but a smirk graced his face.

Elizabeth watched Mattheo through the corner of her eyes as they passed the group of their fellow Slytherin's. His jaw was tense and his nostrils flared as his eyes followed her figure.

"Hey..Montague" Elizabeth heard from behind her. Her whole body froze but when she heard her Brother's voice, she relaxed.

"What do you want Riddle" Graham sneered at the brunette boy, who'd caused his sister so much pain.

"Since when did Lizzy and Pucey get together" Mattheo grimaced, even mentioning their names in the same sentence felt disgusting.

"None of your business...mate" Graham smirked as he passed his former friend, catching up with his sister. The first thing he did was push Adrian's arm off her shoulders and send him a deadly glare but once the boy backed off, he relaxed.

"What did he want?" Elizabeth asked quietly.

"Wanted to know when you and Pucey got together" Graham chuckled.

"Oh" Elizabeth smiled to herself but Graham narrowed his eyes in on her.

"Ohhh no no no. Don't you dare!" Graham exclaimed.

"What? It's just a little fun" Elizabeth shrugged, fiddling with the rings on her fingers.

"It's not a good idea, but do what you want little sis" Graham patted her shoulder playfully. The rest of the journey to the castle was silent, which Elizabeth hated. It gave her too much time to get into her own head. Her leg bounced up and down nervously, the whole carriage ride. Her brother was engrossed in conversation with his friends and that led to Elizabeth letting her eyes wander.

Unfortunately for her, they landed on the carriage behind them. The one which held all of her old friends. As much as she wanted to tear her eyes away, she couldn't. She watched as they laughed and joked with each other, the sight alone, tore at her heart strings. Just as she went to pull her eyes away, she saw something that she thought must not be real. A mere fragment of her imagination. Enzo was smiling at her, all be it, it was barely a smile but it was definitely visible. Elizabeth let the corner of her mouth twitch upwards before turning her head back around, just in time for the carriage to arrive at the castle.

Once inside the school, Elizabeth was quick on her feet, she wanted this night to be over with. She very quickly took her seat in the great hall, her brother to her right and Adrian to her left. Just how she'd always asked them to sit, this way, no one else could end up sat beside her. Of course, her former friends and former boyfriend, were sat pretty much right next to her, the next person after Adrian, was Theodore Nott. Thankfully, Pansy took the seat opposite Elizabeth and she sent Pansy a relieved smile, if it had been Mattheo, she would have surely burst into flames.

"Good evening students, it is wonderful to have you back this year...."

As Dumbledore went on and on about things that Elizabeth didn't actually care about, she tapped her manicured nails against the wood of the table. Watching as each of her finger tips brushed the mahogany wood. It was something she always did, whenever she felt nervous, for some reason, making the mental connection between an object and her physical touch, calmed her mind.

A sound, similar to the one that was being created by her own nails, made her lift her eyes, ever so slightly. She found the source of the sound, it was coming from Mattheo, who was tapping his fingers in the same rhythm as Elizabeth, no doubt it was something he picked up after being with her for eight months. Her eyes locked with his hand before she let them drift up to his face, his eyes were locked on Dumbledore, hanging on the end of his every word but all Elizabeth could pay attention to, was him. The slight scar that rested over the bridge of his nose and his long thick eyelashes, that brushed his cheek bones whenever he blinked. He was gorgeous and even though he'd hurt her, she could still admit that.

A gentle kick to her shin, made her break eye contact, her eyes met Pansy's wide ones. She'd saved Elizabeth from a world of embarrassment because the second she looked away, Dumbledore concluded his speech. Elizabeth sent Pansy a knowing look, silently thanking her.

Mattheo noticed the strange exchange of looks between the girls and his first thought was that something was wrong with Lizzy. Was she okay? Was she having a panic attack? Did she feel dizzy?. Questions that he didn't have the answer to circled his mind and for the rest of dinner, he remained tense. He couldn't deny that he still cared for the brunette girl, of course he did. He loved her but at that point in his life, he was struggling and instead of talking to anyone about it, he took it all out on her. He pushed her away and broke her heart because he was too proud to admit that he needed help.

As dinner concluded, Mattheo watched subtly as Elizabeth raised from her seat, bidding goodnight to her brother and Pucey, before meeting Pansy at the doors of the great hall. Once the girls were gone from his sights, he let out a breath that he didn't realise he'd been holding. Why did she still consume his mind? It had been months since he'd last seen her, yet the grasp she had on his heart, was as strong as ever.

"You good man?" Theo's voice broke Mattheo from his trance.

"Yeah I'm good" Mattheo nodded as he stood up, joining his friends to leave the hall.

"Was being that close to Beth too much for you?" Draco asked in a mocking tone.

"Shutup Malfoy" Blaise hissed, hitting the blonde around the back of his head.

"Don't be ridiculous...our boy is over her now" Theo chuckled, patting Mattheo's shoulder. Oh how wrong was he.

"I don't think you ever really get over your first love" Enzo spoke in a low tone, so quiet that Mattheo knew the other boys didn't hear him, but maybe they weren't meant to...

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