No mother of mine

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After Elizabeth and Mattheo's heart warming moment in the kitchen, Elizabeth felt less anxious. Less on edge, having no secrets was really the best thing in the world.

The two teenagers paraded the ball, their arms linked together as they mingled and danced. Elizabeth was sufficiently drunk, wobbling on her heels as she walked but with Mattheo's strong arm linked with her's, she didn't have to worry. Or so she thought, until she caught sights of her mother storming towards her.

"Fuck" Elizabeth mumbled, making Mattheo's eyes follow her gaze.

"Elizabeth, what are you doing here!" Her mother exclaimed loudly.

"Having a nice time, or I was until you showed up" Elizabeth flipped her mother off with a sarcastic smile. Something that made Mattheo screw his face up.

"You're drunk" her mother sneered.

"Yes, wow, turns out you do know how to pay attention to your children" Elizabeth chuckled, stumbling on her heels but Mattheo was quick to steady her body.

"Lizzy I think that's enough" Mattheo whispered, sending her mother a quick smile before looking back to the drunk girl in his arms.

"You're still parading around with the riddle boy I see...even after he broke your heart? Elizabeth I raised you to be stronger than that but not to worry, it won't matter much longer" her mother hissed, sending Mattheo a glare.

The boy tensed at her words, he'd always found Elizabeth's mother to be, well, not the most pleasant. He knew what she was like, always belittling everything Elizabeth did. Always on her case about how she looked and what she was eating.

"What does that mean?" Elizabeth grumbled as she narrowed her eyes in on her mother.

"Well, tonight was successful. We've managed to find a lovely young pureblood boy who cannot wait to take you as his wife" Elizabeth's mother smiled proudly but Elizabeth's whole face fell. She couldn't believe that her parents were so stuck in their ways, that they'd really sell her off to some stranger.

"You did what?" Elizabeth pushed out of Mattheo's arms, coming face to face with her mother.

"It's about time" her mother reached up to fix Elizabeth's hair only for the girl to slap her hand away.

"I'm not marrying anyone" Elizabeth scoffed.

"You will and you'll do it without complaint" her mother gave her a warning look.

"No!" Elizabeth exclaimed loudly. Mattheo could tell by Elizabeth's screwed up fists, that she was losing it and in a bid to make sure she didn't do anything she would regret, he snaked his arm around her lower waist, drawing circles on her hip with his finger.

"Listen here-..." her mother raised her finger, pointing it in Elizabeth's face and as much as Mattheo would usually not get involved in things that did not concern him, he couldn't stand to watch.

"That's enough, she's drunk" Mattheo hissed, his jaw clenching as his eyes locked with Elizabeth's mothers.

"Do not tell me what is enough for my daughter" she scoffed. "Matter of fact, she should come and meet her soon to be husband" the woman smirked, wrapping her hand around Elizabeth's forearm.

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