New girl

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The great hall, on the first day back, was a ritual that Elizabeth could do without. It was the same speech, every year. As much as the girl admired her headmaster after his kindness last year, she still wished he wouldn't talk so much.

Her elbows rested on the table, her chin on her hand as she awaited the sorting ceremony. Mattheo was opposite her, his actions mirroring hers, he looked utterly bored like everyone else in the hall. Theo was muttering under his breath about how hungry he was and Blaise was nodding a long, barely even paying attention to his friend. Enzo and Pansy were playing rock, paper, scissors and Draco's attention was else where. The Gryffindor table to be exact.

Elizabeth let out a breath as she watched her headmaster take the stand at the front of the hall, his eyes roaming the space and in a strange turn of events, his eyes met hers. For a second, Elizabeth furrowed her eyebrows, trying to decipher the apologetic look on his face. What did he have to be sorry for?. His next words, confused her even further.

"Before we start our usual sorting ceremony, we will welcome a new comer who is set to join our seventh years....i know this is a strange occurrence, but I hope, you will all be welcoming" Dumbledore raised his eyebrows as he looked at Elizabeth, directing the last part, directly to her.

"A new student? In the last year? What the fuck" Pansy whispered close to Elizabeth's ear. The brunette shrugging at her friend's words.

"....please welcome, Olivia Westwood" Dumbledore stepped aside, allowing a tall raven haired girl to step forwards. Elizabeth took her in, the way her hair touched her waist, the way her cheek bones were perfectly sculpted and her plump lips were the perfect shade of pink. She was about five foot seven, her legs were that of a model's.

The new girl's eyes scanned the hall, landing on the Slytherin table and Elizabeth followed her gaze, to see that it was on her boyfriend. Her whole body tensed up, as she watched her eyes scan his face before she sent him a playful wink.

Mattheo's eyes widened and a grimace grew on his face. He immediately looked to Elizabeth, who's hand's were grasping the table so hard that her knuckles had turned white, her nostrils were flared in anger and as he reached for her hand, she pulled it away, crossing her arms over her chest. Mattheo turned to Theo, who gave him a look that said 'I don't blame her'.

Elizabeth watched the sorting hat be placed on her head with narrowed eyes and of course, it placed her in Slytherin. There was no doubt that she would end up in the same place at Elizabeth. As Olivia stood up, Elizabeth sucked in a breath, quickly looking to her headmaster again, who was already watching her. His lips were pursed and his eyes held a knowing look, something that made Elizabeth question what was happening.

Before she had any chance to decipher anything, the girl that she was once watching from a distance, was now stood in front of her, well, behind her boyfriend to be exact.

"Hi" Olivia spoke in a high pitched irritating voice, her long hair being twirled around her finger as she stared at Mattheo. The boy looked to her quickly, looking away instantly when he noticed her flirty demeanour, he wasn't interested.

Pansy leaned in closer to Elizabeth, both of the girls inspecting Olivia with judgement behind their eyes. Even Pansy felt rage towards the girl and it wasn't her boyfriend that she was flirting with.

"Move please" Olivia squeaked as she lightly pushed Theo's shoulder, squeezing herself into the space between the two boys.

Theo frowned deeply, looking to Elizabeth to see her ready to explode. The concern he felt for his friend was strong in this moment, he knew her and he knew, she wasn't about to sit back and watch.

"Can I help you?" Mattheo hissed as he looked into the girls brown eyes.

"That's no way to speak to your fiancé, is it?" Olivia smirked, diverting her eyes to Elizabeth quickly and then back onto Mattheo.

"What?" Elizabeth spat, standing up and slamming her hands on the table, only for pansy to force her back into her seat.

Olivia was clearly no girls girl because she looked at Elizabeth as if she was a bug that she needed to squash and Elizabeth didn't like that, she didn't like how close she was to her boyfriend and she certainly didn't like the looks she'd been sending her. Her hand was already on her wand underneath the table, ready to hex this girl until she could no longer talk.

"Listen to me, I don't know who you are but if you ever look at her like that again or ever speak to me again...I'll rip your tongue out" Mattheo spat towards Olivia, his eye's turning black as he narrowed them in on her.

"Make that two of us" Pansy chimed in, sending the girl a fake smile and flipping her off at the same time.

Olivia's eyes widened and a loud scoff fell from her lips but she seemed to get the message because within a second, she was on her feet and walking towards the other end of the Slytherin table.

There was still a deep crease resting between Elizabeth's eyes, a niggling feeling eating away at her mind as she looked to her boyfriend with a tense jaw.

"Lizzy-.." Mattheo spoke softly, only to be cut off.

"Do you know her?" Elizabeth asked flatly.

"What? No!" Mattheo scoffed, clearly offended that she'd assume the worst from him.

"Then why does she think you're engaged?" Elizabeth clenched her teeth together so hard, that she was sure she must of broken one.

"I don't know Elizabeth" the use of her full name from his lips, made her flinch, a knife had just been thrust into her back.

"Okay let's calm down" Enzo chimed in, looking between Mattheo and Elizabeth nervously.

"Enzo is isn't the time to argue about this" Theo shook his head.

"Yeah well-..."

"Shutup!" Draco hissed.

Elizabeth whipped her head to the side, glaring into his grey eyes and she enjoyed the fact that he cowered under her glare.

"She's obviously crazy, Mattheo wouldn't do that to you and he certainly wouldn't do it with that" Blaise exclaimed, cringing slightly as Olivia's voice echoed through his mind.

Elizabeth took in Blaise's words, he was right, Mattheo would never do that to her. Not after everything they'd been through, not after he worked so hard to get her back. She was just paranoid, that's all it was, or so she thought because it was true, Mattheo would never do that to her but there were people in this world, who would....

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