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"He's dead!"

"No, no"

"We have to do something!"

"Is she okay?"

"I don't know!"

Muffled voices were the only thing she could hear. She could understand what they were saying, she could sense them around her but she was numb.

Her hand hadn't left his. Her thumb still stroked his knuckles, begging for him to squeeze back, just once but nothing.

The pain from her own injuries, barely scratched the surface. No amount of torture could make her feel right now. It should have been her.

Mattheo couldn't tear his brown orbs away from the scene in front of him, no matter how hard he tried. His eyes were glossy, unspilt tears going stale as he bid himself to stay strong.

His friends were crumbling around him and at the centre of it all, was her. She hadn't moved, she hadn't spoke. She hadn't even looked upwards, she was in shock.

Her hand was clutched to her chest, no doubt because of the bruises and blood that resided there. Mattheo knew they had to move her but he didn't know how. She wouldn't go quietly, she'd kick and scream and potentially hurt herself more but he did know one thing, she couldn't stay staring at a corpse forever.

"Berkshire" Mattheo grasped enzo's shaking figure tightly. "We need to move her" he glanced down at Elizabeth.

"Y-yeah" Enzo swallowed thickly, wiping his nose with the back of his hand as him and Mattheo both positioned themselves on either side of Elizabeth.

"Now" Mattheo muttered, both of them grabbing underneath Elizabeth's arms, lifting her up from the ground.

A loud shrike escaped her lips as she tried to scramble back towards Theo's body. Her arms flailing at her sides and her legs kicking out.

"No! NO!! Take me back! Take me back!" Elizabeth's sobbing made a cry escape Pansy's lip's, she couldn't bear it.

"I need to go" Pansy sputtered, storming from the room, with Blaise close on her tail as he tried to console her.

"Malfoy" Mattheo spoke with wide eyes, flickering his gaze down to Theo's body.

Even though Draco's face remained relatively flat, his eyes spoke all that he couldn't. He looked, broken.

"Take her out of here" Draco nodded to the two boys, who held the sobbing girl in their arms. "Get her to Madame!".

"It should have been me" Elizabeth mumbled out as her sobs started to subside, clearly having worn herself out.

All three boys stilled, their hearts breaking for the brunette girl.

"Lizzy don't-don't say that" Mattheo shook his head, feeling a lump grow in his throat.

"He died...saving me" Elizabeth's lip quivered violently, letting the boys know that she desperately needed a calming draught.

"Go" Draco spoke once more. Waving his wand at the door, which swung open, allowing Mattheo and Enzo to pass through it, their hands still clinging to Elizabeth's body.

Her writhing had stopped, her body going limp in their grips as they tried to discreetly carry her out of the common room.

Many pairs of eyes burned into the two boys, but they knew it wasn't because of them. Seeing a girl covered in blood being carried through the corridors, wasn't an everyday occurrence.

And neither was watching your friend be killed or seeing his dead body on your bedroom floor.

Elizabeth remained motionless, even when Madame pomfrey tried to coerce her into drinking a potion. It was as if, she wasn't there. The lights were on, but nobody was home.

Enzo had left shortly after they arrived, stating that he didn't want Malfoy to deal with Theo alone. Which Mattheo agreed on but right now, he wished someone else was here, someone who could get her to talk. He wished Theo was here.

Staring at her curled up body on the hospital bed, was driving him insane. It had been a fear of his, that Elizabeth would one day, sub come to her darkest thoughts and now, he felt like he was living his worst nightmare. The words that had left her mouth, those words. Had triggered something within him, his fear was only intensified, she said it should have been her.

Mattheo was afraid, that if he left her alone, she'd give in to the guilt that she felt and he couldn't lose her, their friends couldn't lose her.

As he sat there, staring into the abyss that was the plain stone wall. He tried to picture the events that had happened, he knew his father was involved. The others had told him soon after that, Elizabeth and Theo had gone there but how they ended up like this, he didn't know and he daren't ask. Not yet.

For the first time she'd they'd apparated into the dorm, Mattheo let his tears fall. There was no one around, no one to see, not that he cared that much if they did. Theodore Nott, was worth crying over. His bestfriend, the boy he'd grown up with and the boy he trusted so much, that he actually let him have his girl.

He longed for one last hug and this time, he wouldn't make the stupid remark about telling no one. Matter of fact, he'd let everyone see. He loved him.

They were brothers, through and through and now, Mattheo was supposed to live the rest of his life, without him.

The sadness he felt, couldn't be explained, it was unlike any other feeling and that made him worry for Elizabeth even more. Her sadness, was magnified. Her grief, her guilt, it had consumed her.

She lay asleep now, thanks to Madame Pomfrey's sleeping draught. The soft rise and fall of her chest was a soothing sight. Her wrist was in a cast and bandages were tightly wrapped around her abdomen, she looked like a child, a small, broken child as she lay on that bed and Mattheo wanted nothing more than to take her pain away, but he couldn't.

What he could do, was bring pain upon the man that had done this to her, to Theo. His father was on the top of his hit list and he'd be damned, if he let him walk free. Death was not punishment enough for him, no, Mattheo sought to make sure he suffered, for the rest of his life.

For them.

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