My Brother, my protector

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"Graham" Elizabeth poked her brother's shoulder. Watching as he turned around, his eyes softening at the sight of her.

"Are you okay?" His hand came to her chin, tilting her head up, inspecting her face.

"Yeah I'm okay" Elizabeth nodded, smiling slightly,

"Pucey is a dick, can't believe I'm saying this...but thank god for Riddle" Graham gave his sister a tight lipped smile.

"Yeah...thank god for Mattheo" Elizabeth looked down to the ground. She'd avoided any hot spots, that meant she'd have to see Mattheo, for days. So, the great hall and the common room, were off limits.

"Why haven't you been at meals? Are you not eating again?" Graham tilted Elizabeth's head back, staring into her eyes, as if he'd find the answer there.

"I've been eating..." Elizabeth lied, thankfully she'd mastered it.

"When's your next game?" Elizabeth quickly changed the subject, knowing how much crap Graham could talk about quidditch.

"Friday, Slytherin vs Gryffindor. First game of the season" he smirked proudly "you'll be there right?".

"Yeah of course" Elizabeth smiled.


"Hey Montague!" Graham spun around, seeing his friends calling him over.

"I have to go, I love you lil sis" Graham placed a kiss to Elizabeth's head before jogging over to his friends. Elizabeth watched him with a small smile before she turned on her heel and walked out into the courtyard. She decided she would complete some more research on the draught of living death, seeing as she would be brewing it in Snape's lesson tomorrow.

With her books spread out in front of her on the stone bench and her quill beneath her teeth, Elizabeth let the cool September air wrap around her body. Slight goosebumps rising on her skin. She enjoyed the peace and quiet, the calmness of being outside. But as she scribbled down her notes, the sound of high pitched laughter made her look upwards, only for her heart to break once more.

There, in her eyesights was Mattheo with his arm slung over Astoria Greengrass' shoulders. The brunette girl was stunning, even Elizabeth could admit that much. She laughed at something he said, placing her hand against his abdomen.

Elizabeth watched a lot longer than she should have, causing herself pain that could be avoided by leaving but she was stuck to her spot. He hadn't seen her yet but she wasn't sure he'd care if he did. He was free to do what he wanted now, he didn't belong to her anymore.

As soon as she felt a wetness pooling under her eyes, she decided to finally leave. Quietly packing her books up, hoping to escape unnoticed but it was just her luck that her bag would catch her jar of ink, knocking it flying onto the stone ground. The loud sound filled the quiet courtyard and Mattheo's eyes instantly whipped around, locking with hers.

His smile fell immediately when he saw her damp eyes and quivering lip. How could he be so careless?.

Elizabeth stared back at him for a second, sniffling as she fled from the scene. Her feet carried her quickly, wanting to be as far away from him as she could but Mattheo couldn't help himself, he left Astoria alone in the courtyard as he chased after his first love.

Through cloudy eyes, Elizabeth didn't see her brother coming towards her, until she felt his arms wrap around her body.

"Beth, what's going on?" Graham stroked the back of her hair, letting his sister sob into his robes.

"I-I don't want to be here anymore" Elizabeth choked out.

"No, don't say that" Graham hugged her tighter but as he glanced around the corridor, his eyes fell on Mattheo Riddle, watching with wide eyes. He would normally threaten him, beat him to a pulp maybe but the look on his face, made Graham remain still.

Mattheo wished he could erase the sound of her voice from his head. The way it cracked as she spoke those god forsaken words that he'd heard before. He remembered it well, it was the first time he realised that Elizabeth wasn't okay, the first time she told him all of her struggles and hearing it this time, felt no different. It still tore his heart in two.

As he watched her brother console her, he couldn't help but think it should be him, it should be him wrapping her in his embrace.

"Elizabeth..." he muttered quietly, watching as she turned in her brother's arms.

"No" the brunette spat, backing against her brother's chest.

"Please just-..."

"Go back to Astoria" Elizabeth hissed. Her attitude was always something that had irked Mattheo, his jaw clenched as he stared at her but when Graham pushed his sister behind him. Mattheo relaxed.

"Better you leave it Riddle" Graham spoke with a glare.

"You know, Montague. I'm getting tired of you getting involved" Mattheo growled lowly as he stepped forwards.

"Yeah? Well maybe if you weren't such a cunt, I wouldn't have to get involved at all" Graham now too stepped forwards, his fists clenching at his sides.

Elizabeth looked between the two boys, knowing she should step in but honestly she didn't have the energy.

"Leave Riddle. Before I make you" Graham stared intently at the boy that was once his friend.

Mattheo debated it. He could land a punch or maybe two, but as his eyes drifted onto Elizabeth, he decided against it, slowly backing away before turning on his heel and leaving the siblings alone in the corridor.

"Beth are you okay?" Graham asked as walked towards her.

"Yeah, just-can you take me back to my dorm?" Elizabeth swallowed thickly watching her brother nod his head before swinging his arm over her shoulders.

"Everything will work out in the end Beth, I promise" Graham muttered, squeezing his sister's shoulders and oh how right he would be.

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