Goodbye Brother

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The last day of sixth year, the last day of no worries and freedom. Next year, things would change, things would get real and Elizabeth was having a hard time. Not only would she have to pay more attention but, she would have to do it without her brother.

Graham would be graduating, for good. He'd never step foot in Hogwarts again and as excited as Elizabeth was for her brother, she was scared and anxious. He'd been her life line for the past year, supporting her and always fighting her corner and now, she had to cope alone. Not alone. But having her brother here was different, he was her blood. The boy who had always stuck up for her and beat up the boys in the street for picking on her when they younger. Even though they hadn't spoken much since Elizabeth told him that she wouldn't be going home and forgiving their mother, she knew she would miss him when he was gone.

So, as Elizabeth walked the corridors on that warm early summer morning, she was seeking out one thing and it just so happened, that Graham Montague was stood in the corner of the fourth floor, surrounded by his friends. Just as he'd always been and Elizabeth knew she'd see his face there next year, even though he wasn't really there.

"Look Montague, your sister has come to say hi" Adrian Pucey wolf whistled at the small brunette, making her eyes roll back.

"Fuck off pucey" Graham shoved the boys chest before looking to his sister, having not seen her in such close proximity in months.

"What's up Beth" Graham looked her up and down, slyly looking for any sign of discomfort.

"Can I talk to you?...alone" Elizabeth chewed her bottom lip.

"Sure" Graham nodded, bumping shoulders with his friends as he approached his sister, following her through the corridor, until they reached the entrance to the courtyard.

"I just wanted to say that...." Elizabeth looked into her brother's eyes, the ones that resembled her own. "I love you" Elizabeth's voice cracked as she lurched forwards, her arms wrapping around his torso.

"I love you too lil sis" Graham chuckled slightly but he too felt sad.

"I'm going to miss you, I don't know what I'm going to do without you here....what if-what if I get anxious in the middle of the night or what if-Mattheo fucks me over again" Elizabeth chuckled slightly as a single tear rolled down her cheek.

"You have Mattheo again, he'll always help you if you feel anxious and should he ever hurt you again, you better believe I'll be here in a second" Graham used the pad of his thumb to wipe the tear from his sisters cheek.

"Promise me, that no matter what...we'll always be this close" Elizabeth looked to him with wide eyes.

"I promise" Graham stuck out his pinky, like he had always done.

Elizabeth smiled softly as she linked her much smaller finger with his. A promise sealed forever.

"Come here" Graham pulled his sister into his chest, squeezing her tightly. "You'll be okay baby sis, always remember that you're stronger than you know" Graham kissed the top of her head. "Now get out of here before someone sees me being soft".

Elizabeth smirked at his words, lightly punching his arm.

"Yeah like everyone doesn't already know" Elizabeth teased playfully, watching her brother shake his head as he retreated back into the corridor.

"For you...I couldn't care less" Graham smirked before disappearing completely, leaving Elizabeth alone in the courtyard with a sad smile on her lips.

She let out a breath, twiddling her thumbs together. She hoped that she could survive a year without him and that, no matter what, they'd always remain the same.

As the girl reminisced, she found herself perched on a bench, slightly hidden under a tree, with a cigarette between her finger tips. She inhaled deeply, releasing the smoke into the air around her, watching it slowly dissipate.

"Hello darling" her head whipped to the side, her eyes locking with ones of chocolate. His hands were shoved deeply into his pockets and his curls hung messily over his forehead as they always did.

"Hi" Elizabeth gave him a sad smile. Gently wiping the ash of her cigarette against the bench.

"Are you okay?" Mattheo walked towards the bench slowly, dropping down next to her.

"Said goodbye to Graham" Elizabeth let out a sigh.

"Oh love, I'm sorry" Mattheo wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

"It's okay...I'll just miss him" Elizabeth smiled.

"I know" Mattheo nodded gently. He wasn't sure what to say, he too had an older brother but he didn't share the same bond with him that Elizabeth did with hers.

"It will be okay, won't it? I won't fall apart without him...will i?" Elizabeth looked to Mattheo with wide eyes.

" won't and if you do, I'll be here, to pick up all the pieces" Mattheo tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, slowly tracing her jaw with his index finger.

"This has been one hell of a year...hasn't it?" Elizabeth giggled softly.

"It has but...I wouldn't have changed it for the world" Mattheo gave her a toothy grin.

"Neither would I" Elizabeth flicked her cigarette butt away, leaning her head on Mattheo's shoulder. His hand drew light patterns on her arm and as they both sat in silence, staring at the school that they called home, they were hopeful for the future. Their future.

End of sixth year.

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