Live for him

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After saying their final goodbyes, the group of Slytherin's found themselves spread across Draco's living room. Drinking any and every type of fire whiskey they could find.

They'd reminisced over the boy they knew, they'd laughed, they'd cried but most of all, they cherished his memory. Just how he would've wanted them to.

Elizabeth looked around her friends, Blaise and Enzo were cuddled up on the sofa, both of them fast asleep. Pansy was led in between Graham's legs as they whispered sweet nothings to eachother. Draco was still nursing his tenth glass of whiskey and Mattheo, he was sat next to her, his arm around her shoulders, drawing small circles on her skin.

" don't happen to have any cigarettes, do you?" Elizabeth asked.

"Hmm...I might have. Let me look" the boy slurred, clambering to his feet and stumbling out of the room.

"You haven't smoked in ages" Mattheo pointed out in a soft tone.

"I know but Theo would want me to have one" Elizabeth tilted her head back against the sofa, pressing a kiss to Mattheo's cheek.

"He loved you Lizzy...he truly did" Had it been anyone else, Mattheo wouldn't have said it but there was no better man to love the same girl he did, than Theodore Nott.

"I know" Elizabeth smiled softly.

"Here!" Draco staggered back into the room, throwing Elizabeth a pack of Malboro gold cigarettes and a lighter. "Do it outside" he lazily pointed towards the kitchen, making Elizabeth snicker.

"Okay, dad" Elizabeth spoke in a teasing tone, pushing herself to stand before leaning down and pecking Mattheo's lips. "Be right back" she mumbled into the kiss.

Her bare feet, padded along the marbles floor, sending a chill throughout her body. Considering it was April, it was still very cold.

Her small hands slid the French patio doors open and she leant her body against its frame as she placed a cigarette between her lips, inhaling deeply as she lit it. Letting the smoke fill her lungs before she released it into the cold night air.

Every so often she'd tap the ash onto the floor outside, watching it get carried away by the breeze.

"You smell like a damn ashtray"

Elizabeth whipped her head to the side, to see her brothers infamous smirk.

"No need to relive old arguments" Elizabeth teased.

"Give me that" Graham walked behind her, his body towering over hers as he snatched the cigarette, taking a puff and handing it back to her with a grimace. "That's disgusting" he exclaimed, his face screwed up.

"Can't handle it brother?" Elizabeth chuckled slightly.

"Offended I didn't get an invite to the wedding" his words made Elizabeth sputter. Coughing out the smoke she'd just inhaled into her lungs.

"W-what?" She asked with wide eyes.

"You really think Pansy would get drunk and not spill all the gossip?" Graham raised his eyebrows in question.

"Look it was-..."

"I know, I'm not mad. I just can't believe you're married. We don't have the same name anymore" Graham dramatically placed his hand over his heart.

"I'll always be a Montague" Elizabeth nudged him with her elbow before discarding her cigarette butt to the ground. Making a note to pick it up in the morning.

"How's it been? Being married?" Graham leant back against the island as Elizabeth poured herself a glass of water.

Elizabeth wasn't sure how to answer this question. In all honesty, they hadn't had a chance to do anything 'marriage like'.

"We haven't really-been a married couple yet. What with-everything" Elizabeth took a large gulp of her water, trying to ease her nerves.

"Hey-Beth" Graham stepped forwards, pulling her into his chest and encasing her tightly in his arms.

"W-what?" Elizabeth stuttered.

"I know when you're getting anxious, I can see it all over your face" Graham stroked her back, the familiar feeling making her feel warm.

"It's should've been me, Graham. It was meant to be me and now-now he's gone" Elizabeth's voice broke, her body trembling as she let the water gates open.

"Shhhh. Listen to me...Theo did it to save you, he chose to save you because he loved you. He wouldn't want you to blame yourself, or spend your whole life feeling guilty. He would want you to live Beth. So live, live for Theo"

Grahams words sunk into her mind. He was right, she knew it, he always was.

"He was a good man Elizabeth and I will forever be in his debt. He saved my sister...and I wish I could thank him but I can't. So instead, I'm telling you to do, exactly what Theo would've wanted you to do"

Elizabeth removed her face from his chest, blinking rapidly as she tried to clear her hazy vision.

"I love you, you know that?" Elizabeth smiled softly, watching as a grin spread over her brother's face.

"I love you too, always will" Graham ruffled up her hair, making Elizabeth groan loudly.

"I thought we'd moved past this" she huffed.

"As long as you're smaller than me, it's never gonna stop" Graham shrugged casually.

"Go back to snogging pansy" Elizabeth poked her tongue out.

"Gladly" Graham winked, making Elizabeth fake a gag. As he went to leave the kitchen, Mattheo appeared in the door way, sending him a tight lipped smile.

"Good luck riddle, she's all yours" Graham snickered as he passed him, lightly tapping his shoulder.

"What does that mean?" Mattheo chuckled as he walked towards her. His hands finding her waist as he pulled her into his body.

"He's just being an ass" Elizabeth shook her head.

"Are you okay?" Mattheo asked softly as he swiped his thumb over the tear stains on her cheeks.

"I will be. I'm not going to waste the life that Theo gave me, I'm going to live, for him" Elizabeth smiled as she mimicked Graham's earlier words.

"Hmm, that might be difficult as Theo always said he wanted to sleep with at least, 200 girls" Mattheo stifled his laugh as Elizabeth's face fell into shock.

"Well-I don't think I can quite accomplish that" Elizabeth scratched the back of her head.

"I'd hope not, Mrs Riddle" Mattheo tilted his head down, his eyes flickering down to her lips.

"Don't worry Mr Riddle, you're the only one for me" Elizabeth smirked, their lips clashing together.

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