Just friends

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"He KISSED you?!" Pansy screeched, bouncing up and down on the common room sofa.

"Shush! But yes he did" Elizabeth whispered.

"Oh my god! This is fantastic...except you don't look excited" Pansy furrowed her eyebrows.

"I just...I'm okay with being his friend right now...but I can't be his girlfriend again, not right now anyway, I'm scared Pans" Elizabeth twiddled with her thumbs.

"You're scared that the same thing that happened before, will happen again" Pansy sighed, placing her hand on top of Elizabeth's fidgeting one's.

"Exactly and also, what if I lose him again? I've just got him back..." Elizabeth was sure she couldn't cope with them hating eachother again, it would destroy her.

"I understand and so will he, just...talk to him, okay? Don't bottle it up. That's what got you both into a mess before" Pansy smiled widely, wrapping her arms around Elizabeth's small frame.

"I will" she sighed into the hug.

"Brother alert" Pansy whispered, smiling as she turned to look at Graham. "Hi Graham".

"Parkinson" Graham spoke with furrowed eyebrows.

"Can I talk to you?" Elizabeth spoke up, staring into her brother's eyes that resembled her own.

"Yeah, come to my dorm" Graham spoke, side eyeing Pansy.

Elizabeth shot Pansy a grin as she stood up and followed her brother. She grimaced as she entered his dorm, gazing over the strenuous amounts of dirty laundry that covered his floor and as he patted the bed for her to join him, she politely declined, not knowing who or what he had done in it.

"How have you-..."

"Graham, what happened wasn't your fault, okay? I don't blame you. I blame Adrian" Elizabeth gave her brother a knowing smile. "I love you".

"I love you too lil sis, get in here" Graham stood up, opening his arms. Elizabeth stepped forwards into his embrace, wrapping her arms around his torso.

"I have something to tell you..." Elizabeth gulped.

"Okay?" Graham furrowed his eyebrows as he pulled back slightly.

"Me and Mattheo are friends, I've forgiven him, kind of. We are working on it" Elizabeth pulled her lip between her teeth watching as her brother seemed to think over his words.

"Okay..." Graham sighed.

"Y-you're not mad?"

"No...I kind of guessed" Graham chuckled.

"Oh" Elizabeth scratched the back of her head.

"If he hurts you again...I will kill him" Graham spoke with a glare.

"I know" Elizabeth giggled.

"Now go, unless you want to see me and that Ravenclaw-..."

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