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The weeks had passed in a haze. Elizabeth wasn't herself and everyone knew it. They walked on eggshells around her, not wanting to even mention, Mattheo.

She looked as if she hadn't slept in weeks and the truth was, she hadn't. Her thoughts were too consumed with him and where he was and what he was doing. That's what hurt the most. Not him being gone but not knowing if he was okay.

Enzo checked up on her a lot, he'd often stop by her dorm before he went to bed, just to make sure she was still alive. Or at least that's what Elizabeth thought.

NEWT's were fast approaching, her first one was tomorrow in fact but she didn't understand how she was supposed to focus and in truth, she didn't care anymore. She couldn't believe that whilst she was stressing over exams, Mattheo was planning on killing his father and then running away. It all seemed so pointless now.

Elizabeth would've skipped them all together, had it not been for her friends, telling her she should do this. That she could do this. She sure as hell, had studied enough but she couldn't remember a single thing, it was as if she'd lost all of her perception. She couldn't even do a simple, transfiguration spell.

She wanted everything to stop, she wanted to stay here, in this moment. At least that way, she wouldn't have to live her life without him.

Elizabeth already knew what she would do when she graduated. She wasn't going to scurry around and find a job, no. She would search the world, for Mattheo Riddle.

It was a plan she'd already set in stone, she'd thought over every detail. She just somehow, had to manage to escape the grasp of her friends.

She'd already started packing clothes in a bag, everything else, would stay behind. As soon as she graduated, next week, she would be gone. She just hoped, that she'd find him.

Her fingers brushed her jewellery box and with a sigh, she opened it. Her eyes scanned all of the things in there but only a few items, were of importance.

Theo's charm bracelet. The rings from Mattheo and the necklace from Pansy and Graham.

She dropped them into a pocket on the front of her rucksack, for safe keeping. Pansy could decide what to do with the rest of her stuff, when she packed up the room.

Maybe she was crazy. Mattheo had told her, to live her life but she saw no life without him. She'd run with him, for the rest of time, if she had to.

A light tap against her door, made her slam her trunk shut. She stood to her feet, dusting off her knees as she walked across the room. Of course, when she opened the door, she was met with Enzo.

"Hi Beth" the brunette boy smiled softly as he walked into the room, closing the door behind him. "Are you okay?" Enzo asked cautiously as he watched her drop down onto her bed. Mattheo's letter was still open on her bedside table, tear stains coating it. It made Enzo sigh.

"I'm okay enz" Elizabeth gave her most convincing smile.

Enzo simply nodded. He knew she was lying, of course she wasn't okay, he was just glad she was still breathing.

He shoved his hands into his pockets, rocking on his heels but as he let his eyes flicker around the room, they landed on Elizabeth's rucksack and a deep frown settled on his features.

"Going somewhere?" He quirked his brow, watching as Elizabeth became flustered.

"J-just getting started on my packing" Elizabeth leant back against her headboard.

"Hm and why would you pack a rucksack? When everything will fit in your trunk?" Enzo crossed his arms over his chest. Waiting for her to spill the truth to him, before he had to find out for himself.

"I'm leaving...after we graduate. I'm going to find Mattheo" Elizabeth looked down to her hands that rested in her lap.

"You're going to go looking for him? On your own? Do you have any idea how stupid that is! You'll end up dead if you're going round asking questions about him Elizabeth!" Enzo raked his hands through his hair.

"Better to die trying than to end up alone in some small cottage, with no family!" Elizabeth shouted back, the pitch of her voice matching his.

"No family? You have us Elizabeth!" Enzo shook his head in annoyance.

"I have to at least try and find him Enzo...I-i have to" Elizabeth's voice fell, her eyes brimming with tears.

"Beth..." Enzo stilled for a second, his eyes diverting down to her rucksack and then back to her face. "I'll come with you".

"What?" Elizabeth scoffed out a laugh.

"I'll come with you. That way, you're not out there alone. You'll be safe and...I've always wanted to travel the world" Enzo gave her a small smile.

"O-okay...I'd love that" Elizabeth's lip quivered as she pulled her mouth into a smile.

"But you can't leave...until after the night of graduation....if we're going on the run, we need to say goodbye to our friends" Enzo raised his eyebrows, watching as Elizabeth agreed with a nod.

"Okay" she let out a breath of relief.

"Now...let me help you with your transfiguration....heaven knows you need to pass at least one NEWT" Enzo chuckled slightly as he dropped down onto her bed, pulling out his wand and flicking it. Elizabeth watched with a smile as her pile of textbooks levitated across the room, dropping down in between their bodies.

The two teenagers sat for hours, going over the basic spells that Elizabeth needed to know. Eventually they were joined by Draco, Blaise and Pansy.

It felt like old times, when they'd all squash into one dorm and spend hours laughing and talking. It's what Elizabeth missed the most because now, it would never be the same.

They were missing two of the most important pieces and one of them, would never come back.

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