Summer love

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Riddle Manor had been a summer sanctuary, apart from Mattheo's father of course, who always lurked in the shadows, watching the couples every move, as if he was planning something. Mattheo had told Elizabeth that she was crazy and simply imagining things, but the girl was certain she could feel an energy coming from him, something that wasn't good at all.

However, apart from her ticking mind, she'd lived a summer of bliss. Spending every day and night with Mattheo and sometimes, with the older riddle brother as well. Surprisingly, they'd all managed to get along very well, with minimal arguments. Tom had even called Elizabeth 'his sister'. She was certain he didn't mean for it to slip out, but nonetheless it did.

Being wrapped up in Mattheo's arms every night, their warm skin pressing together under the thin white sheet, was a dream come true. Elizabeth had never been more thankful for 'mufliato', it was definitely their most used spell and had anyone else checked their spells, they would be severely embarrassed.

On the last night of the summer, Elizabeth and Mattheo had layed out on the freshly cut lawn, watching the stars. Talking about their futures and where they saw themselves after this school year. Of course, they'd be together.

Mattheo had some very interesting ideas, he wanted them to have their own manor, that was surrounded in fields where they could be alone, just the two of them...he'd also been very descriptive of where they would have sex.

Elizabeth on the other hand, didn't care for a big home or lots of money, she simply wanted him. Them. It was all she'd ever wanted.

They'd made a promise that night under the star light, that they wouldn't let anything ruin them this year. They were so close to the finish line, they could practically taste it, touch it.

As for the rest of their friends, they were all too, living the summers of their dreams.

Theo had been sending various postcards from Italy, where he'd been for weeks, staying in his grandmothers Italian villa. His days mostly consisted of alcohol and girls and a few drugs. Elizabeth didn't ask too many questions, she wasn't sure she wanted to know but according to Mattheo, he now had more bodies under his belt than grindlewald.

Enzo was in London, he'd been travelling with his parents. Something he was used to, it's how it had always been, his parents travelled for work and he followed. He seemed to be enjoying himself though because Elizabeth now had a whole collection of moving photographs that Enzo had sent her, of all the sights that he'd seen.

Blaise had been trying to survive his mother's sixth husband, he'd been very detailed in his letters, once actually quoting 'poor bastard, he doesn't know what's coming for him'. Apart from that, he'd been in a drug rouse, probably high more times than not, it would explain the sloppy handwriting.

Pansy, well, parties and balls were her thing and it was safe to say that she'd been relishing in it. Often disappearing with girls at the end of the night, under her parent's noses. She said that she'd tell them she was a lesbian every year, but she never did and not that Elizabeth could blame her, she knew what pureblood parents were like.

Draco, was a wild card. He didn't send many letters, claiming he didn't have the time but the ones he did send, were sparse. Although, it had come to Elizabeth's attention that he'd been writing letters to Hermione, but she didn't hear it from Draco. She heard it straight from the source, after the Slytherin party, Elizabeth had grown closer with the bushy haired Gryffindor and it turned out, so had Malfoy.

Graham's letters, were more than entertaining. He mostly moaned about their parents, telling Elizabeth how annoying their mother had become since she didn't have Elizabeth to pick on anymore. Apparently she was pushing him to take a wife but Graham, like the playboy that he was, opted on prowling around clubs, taking home girls just to spite his parents and that was enough to make Elizabeth burst into a fit of laughter.

Even though she and her friends had all had amazing breaks, Elizabeth couldn't deny the anxiety she felt about her seventh year. Something felt off, she couldn't pin point it but it was a niggling feeling in the bottom of her gut, that had been slowly eating away at her and no matter how many times she had tired to ignore it, it always came back stronger. She was worried, scared. Fearful that she would lose something important to her.

As it would turn out, her fears weren't so silly because at the same time that Elizabeth and Mattheo laid together in his bed, dreaming of sweet nothings. Mattheo's father was in his study, signing a contract that would change Elizabeth's life. A contract that would see that they never got to feel the warmth of each other's skin again. He did it with his son's best interests at heart, deciding that the girl who shared his bed, was not worthy to take the riddle name or bear its heir's. Instead, he'd ensure that their name survived. Sealing Elizabeth and Mattheo in a fate that not even he could predict.

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A//N: Welcome to seventh year, where everything falls apart

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