I be wed

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A//N: this is the longest chapter I think I've ever written. 2394 words. Enjoy my babies xoxo

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"I need to get Dillon" Elizabeth groaned. Almost forgetting the thing that would allow them to be married.

"Did you say Dillon? As in Ravenclaw, blonde, Dillon?" Mattheo sneered slightly.

"Who else was I meant to ask huh?" Elizabeth whipped her head to the side, a frown on her face.

"Fine. Get him" Mattheo huffed.

Elizabeth nodded. Making her way out of his dorm and quietly creeping down the staircase. Much to her despair, her friends were sat on the sofa's. She'd been avoiding them. They both had.

She tried to creep by unnoticed, but thanks to enzo's big mouth, all eyes were diverted onto her.

"Beth!" Theo jumped up, running towards the girl and encasing her in his arms. "Where are you going?" Theo narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Just for a walk. It's getting rather hot being cooped up in that dorm" Elizabeth chuckled nervously.

"Well we'll come with-..."

"No!-I mean no, it's okay...I'll be back soon and then I'll hang out with you guys" Elizabeth smiled at her friends.

"Oh-Kay" Blaise spoke sceptically.

Elizabeth smiled sheepishly before darting out of the common room, letting out a strangled breath as she searched the castle for the blonde boy.

She managed to catch him just as he was about to go into the great hall and it took a lot of bargaining to get him to miss his meal time.

"I'll do your homework for the rest of the year!" Elizabeth grinned watching as the boy seemed to dither for a second.

"Fine!" He huffed.

"Okay, come on" Elizabeth grabbed his hand, dragging him back towards the dungeons.

"How do you live down here" Dillon grimaced.

"Now isn't the time" Elizabeth sneered. "Salazar" she muttered, watching as the entrance slid open.

Dillon seemed to be analysing every small detail of her commons. From the green high ceilings, to the large glass window that the murky water of the lake lapped against.

"Andrew's, what are you doing here?" Draco furrowed his brows.

"Uh-Beth needed some help with her work" Dillon gave the Slytherin's a tight lipped smile. They all glared at him, seeing straight through his lie.

"Yeah, so-we are gonna...yeah" Elizabeth rambled before grabbing Dillon's hand and dragging him up the stairs. Bursting into Mattheo's dorm and spelling the door shut behind her.

"Riddle" Dillon nodded courteously.

"Andrew's" Mattheo shoved his hands deep into his pockets.

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