The day after we...

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Once again, Elizabeth had found herself hardly able to sleep but this time, it wasn't because her anxiety was raging in her mind but because, she slept with Theodore Nott.

She knew she shouldn't feel guilty, Mattheo had lied to her and she owed him nothing but she couldn't help the niggling feeling inside of her as she laid in bed staring at the photo frame on her beside table.

It was a photo of Elizabeth and Mattheo from fifth year after one of his quidditch games. He was sweaty and disgusting but even when she grimaced at the sight of him, he wrapped his arms around her neck, pressing a kiss to her head.

A small smile rested on her lips as she stared at the younger version of herself, the girl who was so in love and so happy, she wondered where it had gone so wrong.

She knew she had to tell Theo that nothing more could happen between them. Had it been him that she'd met first, had it been him that had smiled at her that day...then things could have been different but, it wasn't. As much as she hated to admit it, her heart belonged to Mattheo Riddle.

At the ripe time of seven in the morning, Elizabeth clambered out of bed, walking across the hall and gently tapping her knuckles to the oak wood. Within seconds, the door swung open, revealing Theo, who looked like he hadn't slept either.

"Hey" Elizabeth smiled softly.

"Hey...come in" Theo scratched his head, standing aside.

Elizabeth walked into the room, her eyes immediately falling on Mattheo's bed before she cleared her throat and looked back to Theo. His hands were deep in his pockets and a knowing look rested on his face.


"Beth...I know" Theo smiled.

"W-what?" Elizabeth stumbled over her words.

"You love Mattheo...and I know that. What happened with us, was great but that's all it was. I can live with that as long as we are still friends" Theo gave her a tight lipped smile.

"Theo we'll always be friend's" Elizabeth chuckled.

"Come here" Theo opened his arms, allowing Elizabeth to walk into them. His arm wrapped tightly around her and he left one kiss to her forehead.

"I won't tell anyone Beth" Theo muttered softly.

"Thank you" Elizabeth let out a breath of relief. Not because Theo said he wouldn't tell anyone but because she hadn't lost one of her bestfriend's. "I should go tidy up the dorm before pansy comes back and has a breakdown" Elizabeth giggled as she stepped out of Theo's arms.

"Good idea, I don't wanna hear her squealing" Theo smirked.

"See you later?" Elizabeth asked as she walked towards the door.

"Of course" Theo nodded.

"Okay" Elizabeth smiled one final time before walking out of the door and back into her own room. She let out a loud sigh as she fell onto her bed.

Her mind consumed her as she lay still, thoughts of the past few weeks rushing around in her head. She still loved Mattheo, of course she did. He was her first love and he was meant to be her only love. Maybe she was too hasty? She should have let him talk. She should have listened to him, how she knew he would have listened to her. Was he really capable of doing that to her? Of spending weeks trying to get back together with her, only to kiss someone else? Of sleeping with her? Taking her virginity, when he knew she had waited so long because she was so scared.  No. He wasn't.

He might of lied before, but he wasn't evil. He would quite literally die, to protect her and she knew that. She just didn't see it, not in that moment of rage. How could she of been so stupid. It was obvious, Astoria Greengrass was the only one who had lied that day...not Mattheo.

Elizabeth jumped into an upright position. She had to see him, now.

She scrambled around her dorm, grabbing random articles of clothing and shoving them into a bag, before grabbing her wand and slipping on a pair of trainers.

With quick movements she ran out of the common room, going to the only place that she knew would get her to Riddle Manor. Dumbledore's office.

She just hoped she could sneak in and somehow use his fireplace, either that or persuade him with her charm.

As she sprinted through the empty corridors, she lost all use of her lungs. The only thing pushing her was her need to apologise, for being so stubborn, for not listening to him.

Elizabeth finally found herself on the seventh floor corridor, after tackling the moving staircases rather terribly. She was thankful that she already knew the password to sneak into her headmasters office, she just prayed to Merlin that he wasn't in there.

"Sherbet lemon" Elizabeth watched as the spiral staircase appeared to her, stepping onto it as it rose up towards Dumbledore's office.

She crept through the large door, looking around cautiously as she did so and once she was certain it was empty, she relaxed, letting out a sigh of relief before walking towards the green flames of the fireplace. You'd really think he wouldn't leave it lit when any student smart enough could break in and use it.

Elizabeth chucked slightly at her own thoughts, shaking them away before sucking in a deep breath. But just as she was about to depart into the flames...

"Miss Montague, to what do I owe the pleasure"

"Professor" Elizabeth felt breathless again as she turned around. "Uh-I was just..."

"Intending to use my fireplace" Dumbledore looked at her over his glasses.

"Yes sir" Elizabeth looked to her shoes.

"May I ask why?"

"Sir it may seem very unimportant to you but there's somewhere I have to be, someone I must talk to right away..." Elizabeth gulped, watching as the man seemed to stew over her words.

"Mr Riddle, I presume?"

"Yes sir" Elizabeth felt a heat rise to her cheeks.

"I was young once too Elizabeth, I too had a first love, believe it or not" Dumbledore chuckled slightly "I understand the wish to make things right when they are wrong".

"Then please sir, let me go...I promise to come back" Elizabeth looked to him with wide eyes.

As he looked her over, something seemed to click in his mind as a knowing look fell upon his face.

"Very well..." he bowed his head, turning around.

"Sir?" Elizabeth asked in confusion.

"Well I cannot watch you go, if I don't see it...then it's okay" Dumbledore spoke in a hushed tone.

Elizabeth smirked, maybe he wasn't so bad after all.

"Thank you sir" Elizabeth hummed, taking a deep breath before focusing her mind on Mattheo and only Mattheo. She took a step forwards, her body being engulfed by the green flames.

Her surroundings changed before her eyes and where her headmaster once stood, was now replaced by another figure.


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