She's mine

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Oh no.

"Hi...Mattheo" Elizabeth spun around. A innocent smile on her face but his eyes were narrowed in on something behind her. Henry.

"Who's this?" Mattheo growled.

"This is Henry, he helped me with grahams present" Elizabeth gulped.

"Hm" Mattheo scoffed, a smirk on his face as he stepped forwards and wrapped his arm around Elizabeth's waist.

"I-I thought you didn't have a boyfriend?" Henry asked as he scratched the back of his head.

"I don't" Elizabeth smiled as she stepped out of Mattheo's grip. "This is Mattheo Riddle, my...ex". Henry's mouth formed an 'o' shape as he looked between them.

"Ex but...I'd say we are more than that" Mattheo added. Elizabeth cleared her throat, feeling the tension that had built around them.

"Y-yes we are...something" Elizabeth agreed. They were definitely something.

"Oh I see...well it was nice to meet you Elizabeth" Henry smiled, sending Mattheo a glare before walking back into the shop.

"Asshole" Mattheo muttered as he rolled his eyes.

"Do you have to be a cunt?" Elizabeth hissed.

"What? You're mine" Mattheo spoke lowly, his jaw clenched as he looked up and down Elizabeth's figure. "No one else, gets to look at you like I do" Mattheo whispered as he leant down by Elizabeth's ear, his breath fanning her skin.

Elizabeth gulped as heat rose within her. "Uh-um..."

"Do I make you speechless Lizzy?" Mattheo spoke with a smirk. His words had such power over her.

"Y-yes" Elizabeth mumbled, staring up into his chocolate eyes.

"Good" Mattheo whispered, tilting his head down and pressing his lips to hers. Elizabeth melted into his touch, his hand rising to her cheek, where he brushed his thumb over her soft skin and the other, resting on the small of her back, pressing her body into his.

She gulped as he pulled away, her eyes flickering open to see a smirk on his lips. "Let's go back to the castle" Mattheo mumbled, starting to walk away and leaving Elizabeth stood with parted lips. She regained her thoughts after a few seconds and soon enough, she was at his side again.

"Want to tell me why you were in hogsmeade...alone?" Mattheo asked with raised eyebrows and suddenly, Elizabeth's eyes widened.

"Fuck!" She exclaimed loudly, making Mattheo turn to her immediately.

"What? What's wrong?" His eyes filled with worry as he inspected her figure.

"Nothing I just....i need to go somewhere" Elizabeth gulped.

"I'll come with you"

"No! You can't! Just-stay here, I'll be five minutes" Elizabeth smiled widely before quickly turning on her heel and taking off in the direction of the jewellers.

She burst through the door, trying to catch her breath as the sweet old man stared at her with raised eyebrows.

"Sorry-I..almost..forgot" Elizabeth chuckled.

"Not to worry, it's all ready for you are" the man handed her the small gift wrapped box.

"Thank you very much" Elizabeth smiled, dropping it into her bag before giving him a small wave and leaving the store once again.

With a breath of relief, she began her walk back to Mattheo. She couldn't believe she almost forgot. She blamed the gorgeous brunette who had her so distracted by his lips...

"Long see"

No. No no no.

Elizabeth turned around slowly, to see Jay Garcia, leaning against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest. Without a second of delay, Elizabeth pulled out her wand, pointing it at him with a shakey hand.

"Ohhh not this again...let me guess?..." Jay pulled out his wand, twirling it around his fingers. "Stupefy!" He swiftly pointed it at Elizabeth, sending her plummeting against the wall. Her head throbbed and she could have sworn she'd just broken arm.

"Was that correct? Do I earn some points?" The boy chuckled, walking towards her. His hand made its way into her hair, as he grabbed it in his fist, pulling her to her feet. "Tell me would you feel about finishing...our moment" he smirked devishly. Pushing her up against the wall. Elizabeth's eyes searched the floor for her wand, seeing it in the place she'd once been. Her eyes widened, she was trapped.

"What do you want? Why are you doing this to me?" Elizabeth hissed as he pulled her head back by her hair.

"'re so...beautiful. So...innocent and I just...can't resist" Jay smiled, leaning his head down towards her lips. Elizabeth thrashed around and this time, she was smarter. Her knee came up, hitting him right where it hurt most and as he doubled over, she scurried to the floor, grabbing her wand and pointing it at his neck.

"Too slow" Elizabeth growled with a smirk.

"What? Are you going to stun me again....ill just keep coming back" the boy groaned in pain and Elizabeth's eyes wavered.

"Oh you were going to....poor, weak Elizabeth Montague" Jay hissed and in a swift motion that Elizabeth didn't see coming, he wrapped his arm around her neck, pulling her body back against his. "Too slow" Jay mocked.

"No...just you again" Elizabeth hissed, sinking her teeth into the flesh of his arm. A cry of pain leaving his lips and this time, Elizabeth didn't hesitate.

She pushed out of his arms, spinning around and pointing her wand, directly at him.

"Crucio!" She shouted, watching as his body crumpled as he fell to the floor. Writhing in pain, his hands clawing at his own face.

Elizabeth's chest heaved up and down, every ounce of anger, sandness and fear, dissipating. Pouring into her spell.

"Lizzy" Mattheo called out, his breath ragged as he saw Jay Garcia rolling on the floor. "You have to stop or you'll kill him" Mattheo muttered, slowly walking closer. Her eyes slowly found his before flicking back onto the boy and suddenly, she dropped the spell, letting her wand fall from her grip and clatter against the cobbled street. Mattheo slowly nodded, opening his arms and letting her run into him. Her face burying into his chest.

"I-he was going to hurt me...I did the only thing-.."

"I know" Mattheo whispered, stroking her back gently as his eyes fell onto the passed out boy.

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