I dont share

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"Ugh I hate her! I want to rip her skinny little fingers off and shove them so far up her-....what the fuck!" Elizabeth's eyes widened as she took in the sight in front of her. Olivia was in her room. In hers and Pansy's room.

"What are you doing in here?" Elizabeth grumbled, watching as the girl looked her up and down.

"This is my room" Olivia rolled her eyes.

"Nuh uh, there's only room for one black haired girl in here and that's me, so leave" Pansy hissed as she took a step forwards.

"This is the room I was assigned to" Olivia stood up, her figure towering over Elizabeth and Pansy's but that didn't scare them, not one bit.

"Listen here you pretentious little bitch..." Pansy's fists clenched but Elizabeth's hand clasped her wrist, stopping her from stepping forwards.

"Leave. Now" Elizabeth's eyes narrowed. Her once piercing green, turning almost black.

"No" the girl crossed her arms over her chest, her eyebrow quirking as she challenged Elizabeth.

"Okay" Elizabeth smiled, pulling her wand from the back of her skirt at pointing directly at the girls neck. "Leave".

"You can't do that. I'll tell Dumbledore" Olivia's eyes flickered between the wand pointed at her throat and Elizabeth's eyes.

"Tell him, me and him are actually very tight, practically besties. So let's see who gets away with what" Elizabeth smirked.

"Y-you're bluffing, you won't actually hex me" The girls brown eyes wavered.

"Hm" Elizabeth looked to Pansy who subtly nodded her head. "Serpensortia" Elizabeth spat, watching as a snake flew from the end of her wand, its tongue flew out; small hisses leaving its mouth as it slithered across the floor towards the girls feet. Wrapping itself around her leg and slowly slithering up her body. Screams of terror left Olivia's mouth, her body flailing around as she tried to shake it off and Elizabeth and Pansy watched in amusement as the girl's lip quivered in fear.

"They do say snakes are drawn to their own kind" Pansy smirked as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"I'll leave! Just please get it off me!" Olivia shrieked.

"Stay away from my boyfriend and from me. Or next time, I'll kill you" Elizabeth spat. Slightly scared of her own voice in that moment. She wasn't sure when she got so dark but she was sure it had something to do with being so utterly in love with Mattheo.

Olivia nodded rapidly, shaking her leg around still as she tried to get the snake off her. Pansy chuckled as she pulled out her own wand, pointing it at the snake.

"Vipera evanesca"

The snake coiled up, its body burning and turning to ash, leaving a small burn mark on the floorboards.

Olivia let out a breath of relief, quickly collecting her trunk and dragging it behind her out of the room. Elizabeth held her hand up, high fiving Pansy before dropping down onto her bed. She flicked her wand at the door, watching as it slammed shut. "Colloportus" she mumbled.

"Just to make sure she doesn't come back" Elizabeth sighed.

"You're a bad ass, you know that?" Pansy gawked at her friend.

"I think Mattheo has been rubbing off on me" Elizabeth ran her hands over her face.

"He's done more than rub off on you" Pansy winked playfully, making Elizabeth send a cushion flying across the room, hitting the girl straight in the face.

"Ow!" Pansy picked the cushion up, throwing it back at the girl on the bed.

A knock against the wood of the door, broke the girls from their pillow war. Pansy grumbled as she walked across the room, mumbling 'alohamora' and swinging it open, expecting to see Olivia there again.

"Listen you little-..oh Riddle" Pansy chuckled nervously, looking at Elizabeth with wide eyes.

"Hi" Elizabeth sat in slowly, an awkward smile on her face.

"Uhh I'm gonna-yeah" pansy excused herself, clearing her throat as she left the room.

"Lizzy I'm sorry that I got short with you" Mattheo had his hands shoved into his pockets, his curls hung messily over his forehead, like they did when he'd been ruffling his hand through them.

"I'm sorry that i was accusing you" Elizabeth smiled softly.

"I can assure you, that she is not my type" Mattheo shook his head, walking closer to the girls bed.

"And what is your type Mr Riddle?" Elizabeth smirked playfully.

"Hmm five foot two, light brown hair, piercing green eyes, a massive attitude" Mattheo smirked devishly, taking a seat on the edge of Elizabeth's bed.

"Sounds like a lovely girl" Elizabeth quirked her eyebrow, tilting her head to the side slightly.

"Oh she is-she's, beautifully perfect" Mattheo leant in, his lips ghosting hers. "And she drives me insane, especially when her hands are all over my body"

Elizabeth's breath hitched in her throat and she couldn't resist, her lips connected with his.

The sound of the door handle jiggling, made Elizabeth pull away, a groan falling from her lips. Mattheo chucked, leaning back on her bed and crossing his arms behind his head.

The small brunette stomped across the room, swinging the door open. "What!" Elizabeth growled, seeing Theo stood in front of her with wide eyes.

"Uhhh-..." Theo looked behind Elizabeth, seeing Mattheo led on her bed, a smirk on his face. "Did you hex the new girl?" Theo asked, excitement in his voice.

"Uhhh" Elizabeth laughed nervously, turning around to see Mattheo looking at her with furrowed eyebrows, anticipation clear in his eyes. "Yes?".

"You are so cool" Theo held his hand up, Elizabeth shaking her head as she high fived him.

"You hexed her?" Mattheo asked, a tone of amusement in his voice.

"Yeah well, she deserved it. She wants to touch my boyfriend, give him sex eyes and then say this is her dorm? I don't think so" Elizabeth huffed, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I love you" Mattheo shook his head, a breathy laugh falling from his lips.

"I love you too" Elizabeth sent him a wink. "Now Theo, either leave or watch Mattheo fuck me" Elizabeth smirked at the boy.

"Yeah, bye" Theo rushed away from the door. Allowing Elizabeth to close it.

"Colloportus, Muffliato" Elizabeth cast the spells and threw her wand to the side before running towards her bed, jumping into the air and landing on top of Mattheo with a thud. Laughter filled the space before silence fell again, their lips locking the sound away.

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