Lying for elizabeth

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"She did what?!"

Draco's eyes were bulging out of his head as he looked between his three friends.

"She used the cruciatus curse" Mattheo gulped.

"She's dead...there's no way out of that" Draco shook his head.

"We have a story" Mattheo growled.

"It doesn't matter! Do you think they'll fall for some stupid story?" Draco hissed.

"Yes and if they don't, I'll say it was me, I'll say i took her wand and did it" Mattheo stood up. His chest heaving up and down as he challenged the blonde.

"Okay enough" Theo stood up, pushing Mattheo back down by his chest. "And you...cut it out! She's our friend" Theo sneered.

"Who's your friend?" Elizabeth looked between her friends suspiciously.

"Uhhh..." Pansy scratched the back of her head.

"You were talking about me" Elizabeth nodded, looking down to her feet.

"No Lizzy-.."

"Yes we were" Draco and Mattheo spoke at the same time. Glaring at eachother as they did.

Theo sighed, stepping out around the sofas and taking Elizabeth's hands in his own.

"We were, but it's only because we care about you Beth, we just don't want you to...." Theo gave her a knowing look.

"Thank you Theo" Elizabeth smiled, letting the boy wrap his arm over her shoulders.

"You really used crucio?" Pansy asked with smirk.

"Yeah" Elizabeth huffed.

"You're such a badass" Pansy smirked, making the boys roll their eyes. "What?" The raven haired girl hissed.

As the boys retook their seats, Elizabeth perched on the arm of the sofa next to Mattheo. Stiffening as his arm came around her, drawing small circles on the skin of her thigh.

Her eyes wandered the room as she tried to ignore the sensations growing in between her legs but as her friends fell into conversation, Elizabeth couldn't take it anymore. She stood up abruptly, clearing her throat.

"Uh-I-um....bye" Elizabeth stuttered out, screwing her face up as she took the stairs to the dormitories.

"Idiot, uh I um bye? What was I thinking?" Elizabeth mumbled under her breath, letting her body fall face first onto her bed.

"Lizzy..." Mattheo gently knocked the door, pushing it open slowly and frowning when he saw her face down on her bed.

"Hi" Elizabeth lifted her head, turning it just enough to make out his brown eyes and curly hair.

"Are you okay? That was an abrupt exit" Mattheo chuckled, walking towards her bed and taking a seat on the end of it.

"Yeah I just-..." Elizabeth froze for a second as she stared at his face. Taking in his sharp jawline, the scar across his nose and his thick long eyelashes and in that moment, everything else was forgotten because she leaped forwards, slamming her lips against his.

Mattheo's hands found her waist instantly, his fingers digging into her flesh as she swung her leg over his lap, straddling him. The kiss was hungry and full of lust and Mattheo could feel himself growing hard under her but as realisation hit him, he pulled away, cradling Elizabeth's cheeks.

"Hey...what-what's going on" Mattheo flickered his eyes down to her now swollen lips.

"I-I want you Mattheo" Elizabeth gulped.

"Lizzy...I-i don't think you do. I think you're feeling things that scare you and you think that this...will help you figure it out" Mattheo's eyes softened as he looked at her fallen features.

"Do you not want me? Am I not who you want to do this with? I'm sorry-..."

"No! No no! Lizzy" Mattheo turned her face back towards his. "You don't know how much I want you...but not like this...I want you to really want it" Mattheo smiled softly, running the pad of his thumb over Elizabeth's bottom lip.

"Okay" Elizabeth sighed, climbing off Mattheo's lap and readjusting the tennis skirt she was wearing.

"What's really going on?" Mattheo asked quietly.

"I....i love you" Elizabeth spat out.


"No listen, I know you already know that and I already knew that as well. I'm just-I I know, that I want to be with you Mattheo" Elizabeth pulled her lip between her teeth as she stared into his wide eyes.

"You want to be with me?" Mattheo's mouth parted slightly. Not believing the words had left her mouth.

"Yes but I can't jump back in where we left off" Elizabeth raised her eyebrows, silently asking if Mattheo knew what she meant.

"I know, I don't expect you to. We'll start from fresh, act like we've never done this before" Mattheo smiled widely.

"Okay" Elizabeth hummed as Mattheo leant towards her, locking his lips with hers.

"Elizabeth Montague, would you like to go on a date with me?" Mattheo spoke with a smirk.

"Yes Mattheo Riddle, I would" Elizabeth giggled lightly, pulling the brunette boy into a hug. "If I'm not thrown in Azkaban" Elizabeth let out a dry chuckle.

"Stop, it's not going to happen. I won't let it happen" Mattheo placed his hand on her jaw, staring into her eyes as he spoke. "I promise".

Elizabeth let a soft smile fall upon her lips. Laying down and placing her head on Mattheo's lap, as he stroked his fingers through her brown waves.

"I love you, Mattheo Riddle. I don't think I ever stopped" Elizabeth hummed as she let her eyes fall shut.

"I love you too, Elizabeth Montague" Mattheo spoke softly.

"Please...don't break my heart again. I can't take it"

"I won't break yours if you don't break mine".

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