Christmas eve

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The past few weeks had been a little glimpse of hell for Elizabeth, her heart was broken, for a second time. Her only outfits became that of pyjamas and her school uniform, her dorm became her safety net once again, just as it had last year and any chance of her leaving it was gone.

Christmas Eve had come around quickly, quite frankly, Elizabeth had forgot, time really did away from you when all you did was lie bed, staring at a wall. Pansy had been the one to bring it up, telling Elizabeth they were having drinks before they left for Christmas. Of course, she declined, only for Pansy to literally beg on her knees and when she mentioned that Mattheo wasn't invited, Elizabeth's interest peaked slightly and she decided that she should see her friends and also give them their Christmas presents.

As she pulled herself from the comfort of her bed, she finally got changed, only into joggers and an oversized jumper but it was something. She made her way to her trunk, where she pulled out her bag of presents but she stilled, reaching into the bag and rummaging until the small box was in her hand. With a shakey breath she pulled it out, flicking the lid open and staring at the expensive ring. The initials 'MR & EM' engraved into the inside of the band, she smiled sadly as she tucked the box into her trunk, clearing her throat as she made her way down to the common room.

Her friend's loud talking was the only thing she could hear and sure enough, when she rounded the corner at the bottom of the staircase, she saw them. All sat together on the old sofas.

"Beth!" Enzo was the first to notice her, jumping up and running towards her, wrapping her tightly in his arms.

"Enz... I can't breathe" Elizabeth chuckled as he pulled away with an embarrassed look on his face.

"How are you?" Blaise asked, eyeing the small brunette carefully.

"I'm..." just lie elizabeth. "Fine". Everyone seemed to believe her answer, all except pansy and Theo.

He was watching her with furrowed eyebrows, a sigh escaping his lips.

"Sooo...presents?" Pansy exclaimed, slapping her hands against her thighs.

"Yeah" Elizabeth smiled, walking over to the sofas and taking a seat next to Theo. Where she was squished rather closely to his side because Enzo had his legs outstretched.

"Who wants to go first?" Pansy smiled widely.

"I will" Elizabeth felt a grin rise on her face, the first one there had been for a while. "Okay..." she muttered, pulling out Pansy's present first and handing it to her.

Pansy shook the box, an excited look on her face as she undid the ribbon. Her eyes widening as she squealed.

"Oh Lizzy I love them! Thank you" she jumped from her seat, encasing the brunette in a tight hug before showing off her emerald earrings to her friends.

Elizabeth dove back into her bag, handing Draco his present. He seemed unamused, but she knew deep inside that he was probably jumping up and down. His slender fingers undid the wrapping paper, a crease forming as he looked at the muggle camera.

"What is it?" He frowned, inspecting it.

"It's a muggle camera, it takes still photos. A moment forever frozen in time" Elizabeth spoke softly, eyeing the blonde carefully and a breath of relief fell from her lips as she saw the corners of his mouth turn up slightly.

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