The deal is off

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Riddle manor. The place that Mattheo had grown up in, what looked to be a loving home but was anything but the sort.

He still remembered the times that Tom had thrown himself in front of his father's hands, to save him the pain of being hit.

When your own father, bids your life in a marriage contract, just to keep you away from the girl you love, that tends to be the last straw.

Mattheo wished to never see him again, to be as far away from him as possible and he would be, as soon as June came and went. Until then, he had to make it through weekly dinners. He had to sit opposite him and restrain himself from pulling out his wand and killing him. It would be too easy though, death was not enough. He deserved to suffer, in the most terrible ways.

He watched as his father sipped his glass of wine, looking over both of his sons as he did so. Mattheo found his jaw involuntarily clenching but a swift kick to his shin from Tom, made him relax his posture.

"So Tom, tell is it going at the ministry?" His father's face remained flat. He didn't look proud, he didn't even look happy.

"It's fine.'s not quite the same as being a professor" Tom's sly remark made Mattheo smirk. He was good at that. His indirect hits were more evil, more personal. Mattheo simply couldn't do it, his choice of resentment was more...physical.

"Working for the ministry is more honourable" his father's words, clearly irked Tom, because Mattheo had never seen his eyes grow so dark.

"Mattheo. I hope you've been treating your soon to be wife well" of course, it always came back to this. He couldn't just leave it alone.

"Very well" Mattheo sneered, sipping from his glass of fire whiskey.

"You'll thank me one day boy. You never could of had such a life with that....girl"

Mattheo felt his grip tighten around his glass. He had never allowed anyone to talk so badly of Elizabeth, anyone else, would have been met with his fist.

"I believe Elizabeth Montague is a rather fine woman"
Tom spoke up. Mostly to stop the fight that was about to break out and because he had genuinely grown to like the girl.

Their father snickered. Slamming his wine glass down onto the table. "The only thing she is good for now. Is a little bit of fun after a night out".

Mattheo finally snapped. He couldn't bear it anymore. His father's words made him feel sick.

His chair screeched against the marble floor and within a second, he was at his father's side. His hands clasping the fabric of his shirt tightly as he dragged him from his chair and slammed his back against the wall.

"Don't you ever. Talk about her like that" his voice was low and his eyes dark as he glared at the man in front of him.

"She is beautiful and intelligent. More than what could be said about the girl you've chosen for me to marry. Let me tell you...father. That you should watch what you say...because I'm not a child anymore and I will, kill you"

Tom watched with a slight smirk on his face but when he saw his father's hand reach towards his pocket, he was too on his feet.

"I wouldn't" Tom sneered. His own wand, pointed at her father's throat.

Their father looked between his son's, his hands rising in surrender.

Mattheo's grip was still tight, his chest heaving up and down but Tom's hand on his shoulder, pulled him back into reality. He let his father go, looking down to his disheveled clothes before he turned on his heel and stormed out of the room.

As he entered the foyer, his hand connected with a vase that sat on the entry table. Smashing it to a thousand pieces. His hands found their way into his hair, where he tugged at its roots. He should kill him. Gut him for how he spoke about Elizabeth.

"Mattheo" Tom stood tall in front of him. His eyes flickering to upstairs before he began to climb the staircase.

Mattheo watched with furrowed eyebrows but when Tom narrowed his eyes at him, he knew he was to follow.

He followed his brother into his bedroom. Watching in confusion as Tom locked the door and placed a silencing spell upon the room.

"What's going on?" Mattheo asked.

"I know how you can get out of marrying that wretched girl" Tom sat on the edge of his bed, crossing his arms over his chest.

"What?" Mattheo hissed, taking a step forwards. He was officially intrigued.

"I managed to take a look at said marriage contracts last week...when I was borrowing something from fathers study" Tom smirked devishly, making Mattheo narrow his eyes "anyway- no where in that contract does it specify you have to marry Olivia. Only that you must marry by June. Father lied to you. Which isn't surprising" Tom rolled his eyes but Mattheo was no longer paying attention. His heart was rattling against his rib cage.

"W-what does that mean?" Mattheo croaked out. His throat suddenly very dry.

"It means. We found your work around. Marry Elizabeth Montague brother" Tom lifted his head, watching him through his eyelashes.

"Are you having me on? Is this your way of getting me killed?" Mattheo narrowed his eyes.

Tom scoffed loudly. Huffing as he stood to his feet. "As much as that does sound like fun. No. Believe it or not, I'd hate to have that girl as my sister in law. Elizabeth would be the better choice and...I don't despise you".

"You're certain you read it correctly?"

"Yes brother. I did" Tom raised his eyebrows as he watched a grin grow on Mattheo's face and suddenly, he was being encased in a hug.

"What are you doing" Tom hissed.

"If you don't hug me back, this is going to get very awkward. So just do it" Mattheo grumbled.

With a sigh, Tom hesitantly, wrapped his arms around his brother's back.

"Go and get your girl Little Brother"

His girl. HIS girl.

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