Epilogue-Part 1

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~2 and a half years later~

A twenty four year old, Elizabeth Riddle, stood in her front garden. Trimming back the rose bushes that surrounded her small cottage.

She had on her green gardening gloves, her hair was tied back in some sort of bun at the back of her head. Her overalls, were shabby, the knees adjourned by holes from all the times she'd knelt on the gravel of her small driveway.

The autumn sun was beating down on the back of her neck, causing small beads of sweat to form there.

She had dirt on her nose and definitely in her hair, but it didn't matter, she wasn't expecting any visitors.

With a sigh, she pulled off her gloves, dropping them on her bench, along with the secateurs. She stood back, admiring her work. The rose bushes now looked perfect. Ready to sprout their flowers again come spring.

There was a satisfied smile on her lips. She'd accomplished all of this, by herself. Of course, she'd had visits from her friends and of course, they'd contributed to the rebuilding of the cottage but it was hers. It was moments like this, that she wanted to go back to London, just to flip her parents off.

She shook her head at her own thoughts, grabbing her things and carrying them inside. She placed them down on her kitchen counter, only to realise, she'd left her wand outside. She didn't use it much these days, only when she was teaching but out of habit, she took it everywhere. Just in case.

With heavy footsteps, she walked back outside. Looking around, in search of it but she couldn't spot it anywhere. She pulled her lip between her teeth. She knew she had it. So, she began to gently rummage through the rose bushes, thinking she'd dropped it at some point during the afternoon.

As she was about get on her hands and knees, she heard a voice. One that made her whole body freeze but at the same time, alerted all of her senses.

"Looking for something?" That smug tone. It hadn't changed. Not one bit. But maybe, it was just because she could pick it out of thousands.

She slowly, straightened her spine. Turning around with caution. Maybe he was a fragment of her imagination. But when her eyes, locked with his chocolate ones. She knew, it was real.

"Hi Lizzy" Mattheo gave her a tight lipped smile. Spinning her wand around his fingers.

"M-what-Mattheo...you-how-I..." she shook her head rapidly. Squeezing her eyes shut before peeling them back open.

"How did I find you? You can thank Enzo for that...I went back to London and was welcomed with this" he raised his finger, pointing to the bruise that surrounded his eye. "After apologising and begging to see you, he told me...you were in France and that you had been, for 4 years" Mattheo swallowed thickly, tilting his head to the side.

Elizabeth just stared at him. What did he want her to say? Thank you?.

"You-...you shouldn't have come" Elizabeth wiped her sweaty hands against her denim overalls.

"Hear me out-.."

"No! You don't get to come here and ask me to hear you out! It's been 4 years Mattheo. You left without saying goodbye to me. You left me with a letter. And then I searched for you, only for Enzo to find you in Italy, to then tell me that you hexed him! I had hope but that stopped when I realised, you clearly didn't care anymore" Elizabeth could feel a lump forming in her throat but she pushed it away. She wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of her tears.

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