Stay away from me

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"Theo?" Elizabeth mumbled as she traced her finger over his bare chest.

"Hm?" The boy hummed.

"Thank you" Elizabeth tilted her head back, just enough to make out his thick eyelashes that brushed his cheekbones as he blinked.

"For what?" His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, his hand tangling into Elizabeth's hair.

"For not giving up, for not letting me drink myself to death. Thank you, for being you" Elizabeth smiled softly as she spoke the words she'd been wanting to say.

"Beth, I'd do it a thousand times over if it means you're still here" Theo smirked as he rolled onto his side, tilting his head down until their noses brushed together.

"Annual Halloween party this weekend, I'm not sure if me going is such a good know, last year and also Mattheo" Elizabeth gulped, looking down.

"Hey" Theo used his finger to tilt her face upwards. "I won't let anything happen to you and as for him, chances are we won't even see him" Theo ran his thumb over her bottom lip as he stared into her green eyes.

She knew he was right. The common room would be so full of people, that it was unlikely she'd ever meet his eyes but the thoughts of last year, her corset being ripped off her body, made her anxiety skyrocket.

"Beth" Theo's face was contorted with worry. She realised why when she felt a single tear fall down her cheek.

"Sorry" Elizabeth cleared her throat, sitting upright as she wiped it away.

"You're thinking about..."

"Jay Garcia, yeah" Elizabeth nodded, swallowing the bile in her throat.

"He's gone, he can't hurt you, ever again and Beth, believe me, I wouldn't let him if he tried" Theo's voice was soft and kind. It was something Elizabeth had always admired about the boy, he was so gentle. A soft touch, the funny one. But Elizabeth had come to know him as more than that, his emotions ran deeper than anyone would ever know, he hid it well but she'd seen it and someone who could show their emotions, was anything but weak.

"Theo..." Elizabeth swallowed thickly, the words catching in her throat. "I-..."

"I know" Theo smiled making Elizabeth release a sigh of relief. He knew.

"Wanna go for a walk?" Theo hummed as he let him finger slide from her face, down and over her shoulder and then onto her waist.

"A walk would be great" Elizabeth smirked, leaning forwards and pressing her lips to his before sitting up. Deciding that Theo's quidditch sweatshirt would suffice.

"Now what will I wear?" Theo chuckled as he pulled his sweatpants on.

"Get your own jumper Nott" Elizabeth taunted, poking her tongue out at him.

"Very cute" Theo smirked, tapping her nose with his finger as he walked past her. Elizabeth followed him, stopping outside of his dorm as he went in to grab a sweatshirt.

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