Exam week

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The dreaded exam week. The moment Elizabeth had been anticipating for weeks now. Her brain was filled with information, so much, that she feared she would forget it the second she put quill to parchment.

It was obvious within the whole year group, that everyone was stressed. The great hall seemed quieter, many students using their meal times as extra study. Apart from the odd few students who didn't seem bothered at all, like Theodore Nott and Blaise Zabini for example.

The two boys insisted to their friends that they already knew everything they needed to know. A comment which made Elizabeth sputter out her pumpkin juice all over the table.

Elizabeth had managed to rope Mattheo into studying with her and luckily, he seemed rather happy about it but she guessed that was due to them having sex against the bookshelves in the back of library after a long study session last week. Something Mattheo said would 'help with her stress' and it seemed he was right because it did.

The first OWL Elizabeth had to take on, was transfiguration and she was more than happy that she had her own wand again, hoping it would work in her favour. Most of the stuff she would have to do, was things she'd learnt in her first few years, just basic spells. Although she assumed there would be more difficult ones thrown in as well.

She'd helped Mattheo with his transfiguration skills, because it wasn't one of his strong suits. Mattheo claimed that he was better at DADA and potions, which Elizabeth found out was true when she had asked him to turn a goblet into a rat.

Now as she sat in the great hall, at a single desk, her quill in hand and small beads of sweat on her forehead. She completed the last of her theory questions. Placing her quill down with a breath. Her green eyes looked up to the large clock, seeing there was one minute left and with time to spare, she discreetly looked around the hall. Mostly gryffindor's and hufflepuff's surrounded her but she could see Mattheo's curl brown locks a few rows away.

"Quill's down please..." Professor Mcgonagall's voice rang out over the hall.

Elizabeth took note of the loud huffs around her, a proud smile on her face as she realised that a lot of people, probably didn't even finish.

"Please raise from your seats and leave the hall in an orderly fashion" Mcgongall nodded slowly, waving her wand, all of the exams sliding from the desks and neatly forming a pile on her desk.

Elizabeth stood up, stretching her arms out as she did so, her hands coming to her skirt, to try and smooth out some creases that had most likely formed. She stepped into the aisle between the rows, glancing down to make sure her socks were still in the precise place on her legs but with her attention diverted, a body collided with hers.

Hands came to her waist, steadying her but as she looked upwards, expecting to see her boyfriend, instead she saw a blue and silver tie. A Ravenclaw. She lifted her eyes even further and she met ones of icy blue.

"You should pay more attention Elizabeth" the boy chuckled, releasing his grip on her but Elizabeth furrowed her eyebrows, she didn't know who he was. She suddenly felt bad, had he always been in her classes and she just hadn't payed attention?.

"S-sorry...what's your name again?" Elizabeth scratched the back of her head awkwardly.

"Dillon...I'm in your transfiguration class" the blonde Ravenclaw raised his eyebrows.

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