The new normal

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Numb. That's how Elizabeth would explain it. She wasn't sad and she wasn't happy. She felt nothing. A shell of the person she was before and it made her realise that maybe, she only liked the person she was when she was with Mattheo.

It had been two weeks, two whole weeks and Elizabeth had managed to avoid seeing Mattheo, with help from her friends. Who, were all just as confused as she had been.

Draco, Blaise and Enzo found out, when they saw Mattheo walking the corridors with Olivia on his arm. Apparently he'd looked rather disgusted by her presence, that was the first time Elizabeth had laughed since it happened.

Theo and Pansy had the worst of it. Theo was the one who caught Elizabeth's crumbling body that night when she ran back into her dorm. He sat on the floor with her in his lap for more than an hour, whilst Pansy tried to make sense of the words leaving Elizabeth's mouth.

Her days became blurred after that, cigarettes and alcohol becoming her means of survival. It didn't go unnoticed by her friends, but for the first week, they didn't say anything. The second week, they did. Theo had been the most persistent, he'd even gone as far as to hide Elizabeth's cigarette's from her. It didn't last long however, because the girl was brilliant at the accio charm.

Elizabeth had avoided the great hall, knowing it would only bring her sorrow but after Theo's annoying persistence, she gave in.

"I don't want to be here" Elizabeth groaned, massaging her temples that burned from the hangover she had most days.

"You have to eat" Theo hissed, grabbing her hand in his own as he pulled her into the great hall.

Elizabeth didn't let her vision raise, instead she stared at the rings on Theo's hand.

"Sit" Theo huffed.

Elizabeth sighed as she clumsily tried to climb over the bench, Theo's hands sliding under her arm pits as he lifted her up slightly, helping her to sit down.

"I'm not a child" Elizabeth shrugged off his touch.

"Then stop acting like one. You're drunk again, aren't you?" Theo scolded the small brunette.

"No" Elizabeth scoffed. Lie.

"You're a terrible liar" Theo shook his head, dropping down next to her. He was quick to pile food onto her plate but the sight alone made her nauseous.

"Hello children" Pansy chirped as she sat opposite her friends but when she looked over to Elizabeth. Her eyes widened.

"Is she drunk?" Pansy whispered towards Theo but the girl was not blessed in the art of subtlety.

"I can hear you" Elizabeth frowned, stabbing her fork into a potato and shoving it into her mouth.

"Whoops" Pansy muttered quietly.

"Parkinson" Blaise appeared, with Enzo and Draco close on his tail. He dropped down next to Pansy, whilst Draco sat next to Theo. Enzo took the seat on the other side of Elizabeth, wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

"Beth, you okay?" The brunette boy whispered close to her ear.

"Perfect" Elizabeth gave him a thumbs up.

"Yeah you smell it" Draco chucked to himself but Theo delivered a punch to his arm. "Ow!".

"Shutup Draco!" Pansy threw some lettuce at the blonde from her plate.

"Had a drink or two Beth?" Blaise asked with a small smirk.

"Maybe" Elizabeth grumbled. Her moodiness had become well known.

She pushed her food around her plate, occasionally putting some into her mouth just to please Theo, who had been watching her intently. The conversation around her had been bubbling but she hadn't heard a word, that was until, she took notice of her friends suddenly hushed voices.

With a frown she looked upwards, instantly seeing the reason for their sudden quietness.

Mattheo and Olivia, walking hand in hand into the hall and of course, taking a seat only slightly down the table from where they were sat.

Her friends watched in anticipation, expecting the girl to burst into tears, so when she rolled her eyes, they were shocked, so much so that their mouths hung open.

Elizabeth watched shamelessly, seeing how the raven haired girls hands trailed over his arms and tangled into his hair. The way he smiled at her. How he used to look at her the same way.

As much as Elizabeth hated Olivia, she shouldn't have blamed her and she tried not to but seeing the way she was flaunting him around, in front of her, she couldn't control the anger she felt. Maybe it was the alcohol or maybe, she was no longer the quiet little girl she'd once been but in a swift motion she was on her feet with her wand pulled out.

"Beth-..." Theo stood up, reaching for her wand, only for her to clamber over the table, escaping his grasp.

"You just couldn't help it could you" Elizabeth chuckled slightly as she pointed her wand at the girls neck.

"What are you doing!" Olivia squeaked, backing into Mattheo slightly.

"Was it not enough that you took him away from me? You had to come in here and sit right in front of me?" Elizabeth's hand trembled as her eyes pierced into the girls. She daren't look away, afraid she'd meet his gaze.

"Lizzy-.." his voice, rang loudly in her ears. Echoing around in her mind.

"I wasn't talking to you" Elizabeth growled, still not looking at him as she spoke.

Mattheo's eyes wavered as he looked towards Theo, who only looked back at him with a blank expression. He hadn't seen her, for two weeks but being this close, was enough to make him want to wrap his arms around her and never let go. He could see it in her face, the way her cheeks were slightly sunken and the way darkness surrounded her eyes. She wasn't well.

Her hand shook violently and thankfully, her reflexes were dulled, allowing Mattheo to snatch her wand from her grip.

"What are you doing?!" Elizabeth finally looked at him. His eyes were wide and his Adam's apple bobbed in his throat as he swallowed harshly. He was beautiful.

"Lizzy please, you need to go and lie down" Mattheo stood up, whispering as he spoke.

"Don't tell me what to do" she sneered.

"Theo" Mattheo whipped his head to the side, throwing her wand at the boy, who caught it easily.

"Lizzy" Mattheo spoke in a warning tone. Silently begging her with his eyes.

She didn't lose her composure, not once. Not even when Theo appeared behind her and wrapped his arm around her waist, supporting her tired body.

"I hate you" Elizabeth spat as she took one more look at the boy. The boy she loved more than anything in this world but sometimes, when you love something, you have to let it go.

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