The weasley twins

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Four weeks. That's all there was until they left Hogwarts for the summer. The Slytherin seven were all on edge, submerged in stress and strain. Their friendships were struggling the most, with all of them working on different schedules and in a bid to make sure they remained friends next year, Elizabeth had asked everyone to meet in the common room.

"Okay so why are we here?" Enzo asked with furrowed brows.

"Because, we are having a party tonight" Elizabeth smirked proudly as she saw Theo and blaise's faces light up. Although she knew they'd be the most excited.

"Why?" Draco huffed in annoyance.

"Because we leave for summer soon and we can all take one night off from studying" Elizabeth raised her eyebrows, watching as Draco sunk back into the sofa.

"It's a great idea" Pansy smiled, sending Elizabeth a playful wink.

"What about you?" Elizabeth turned to her boyfriend, who had been silent the whole time.

"I'm in" Mattheo nodded, standing up and joining Elizabeth's side.

"Great! Okay, Theo and Blaise, invite people...invite everyone. Enzo, Alchol and Pansy and Draco, get this common room sorted out" Elizabeth barked out her orders, watching as the boys saluted her.

"What are you and Mattheo going to do?" Draco asked in a flat tone.

"Me and Matty are going to...well...I'm not sure yet but we will do something" Pansy began laughing at a flustered Elizabeth before she hauled Draco up from the sofa.

"Have fun" Pansy smirked as she walked across the room, Draco trailing behind her.

"So, what are we going to do?" Mattheo turned to the girl, his fingers taking a piece of her brunette hair and twirling it around.

"Well I wanted to talk to you about the summer...I don't know where I'm going to end up and I wanted to-..."

"You're staying with me" Mattheo spoke quickly.

"But what about your father?" Elizabeth bit down on her tongue.

"Don't worry about him" Mattheo shook his head, pulling Elizabeth into his arms. "We will have the best summer of our lives" Mattheo smirked devishly.

"Oh yeah?" Elizabeth hummed, knowing exactly what he was referring to.

"Yeah" Mattheo planted a kiss to her lips.

"Thank you" the small girl looked upwards, staring into his eyes. "Let's go and get some weed" Elizabeth's eyes lit up as the idea seeped into her mind.

"Oh no" Mattheo pouted slightly.

"Yes! Come on" Elizabeth grabbed his hand, pulling him out of the common room.

"Who do we even ask?" Mattheo scoffed.

"Fred and George Weasley of course" Elizabeth smirked.

"Like they're going to give any to me" Mattheo huffed.

"They'll give it to me, you'll just have to listen to me flirting a little bit" Elizabeth nudged his shoulder.

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