Halloween party-part 2

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The night had been lost on Elizabeth, after taking a few shots with her friends, they all disappeared to their retrospective areas of the common room. Their dates or 'mess abouts' at their sides. Elizabeth was yet to see Jay anywhere and with the idea that he'd only agreed to embarrass her prominent in her mind, she found herself nursing a bottle of raspberry vodka, alone.

She'd had a conversation with her brother, who had been running around with a cloak on, scaring people, before he too, was lost to his Ravenclaw girlfriend. She could see him in the corner of the room, with his tongue down her throat and quite frankly, she'd rather see that than look the other way to see Mattheo and Astoria, all over each other.

Just as she was about to call it a night, her 'date' in question, appeared before her. He was wearing black robes and his hair was parted in the middle, smothered in gel and Elizabeth knew exactly who he was.

"Hello Elizabeth" Jay smirked leaning on the wall next to her.

"You're Snape" Elizabeth said with a snicker.

"Yes and you're drunk" the boy pointed out.

"Yeah well..." Elizabeth sighed, taking another large sip of vodka.

"Where's your scary boyfriend?" Jay asked with wide eyes.

"Off doing scary boyfriend things" Elizabeth rolled her eyes.

"See, I think you lied to me because I'm pretty sure he's over there, doing the slutty brunette" Jay motioned with his head and as Elizabeth's eyes followed his movement. She saw Astoria, straddling Mattheo's lap as she placed sloppy kisses to his neck.

"We're in an open relationship" Elizabeth remarked with a fake smile.

"So..." Jay took a step forwards, placing the tip of his finger against Elizabeth's bare shoulder before slowly dragging it down her arm. "He wouldn't mind me doing this?".

"No but I do" Elizabeth shrugged off his touch.

"Okay" Jay held his hands up in defeat "how about instead...you join me for a walk".

"A walk? You're at a party and you want to go for a walk?" Elizabeth scoffed.

"Oh come on, I figure if we are friends, we should get to know each other better" Jay shrugged, taking a sip from his cup.

With narrowed eyes, Elizabeth scanned his face. It couldn't hurt. After all, she was fed up with watching all her friends 'get some'.

"Fine" Elizabeth sighed, allowing him to lead the way.

The cool air of the dungeons, whipped around Elizabeth's body as soon as they walked into the corridor, it was silent, not one sound could be heard and Elizabeth wondered how many silencing charms were on the common room right now.

"So tell me something about yourself" Elizabeth giggled as they walked together.

"Hmm let's see...I'm incredible at flirting" the boy spoke with a wink, making Elizabeth gag.

"Yeah okay" Elizabeth shook her head.

"And...I always get what I want"

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