The revenge plan

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Time had passed quickly, maybe it was because they'd spent weeks mourning, the days had blurred together.

Everyone was doing better, they were living life to the fullest. Trying to squeeze everything in before they left this place forever. With that and the unnecessary amounts of school work that they had to catch up on, in order to actually pass their NEWT's, Elizabeth had spent little time thinking about Mattheo's father.

Mattheo on the other hand, had been thinking about him non stop. The images of what he saw in the pensive, tainting his dreams and his every waking thought.

According to his brother, his father had disappeared, Riddle manor had become nothing but an ever lasting reminder of what had happened. Turns out, he'd also informed Olivia of the events that had taken place, which earned Mattheo a real earful when she finally caught hold of him. Maybe his father felt guilty, but Mattheo doubted that. If anything, he was running because he knew, he knew what was waiting for him.

Which is why, Mattheo had been using any free second he had, to find a spell to locate him. To him, that was more important than some measley exams.

The library hadn't been too much use, he knew he needed to get into the restricted section but he wasn't sure how to do it, not without Elizabeth finding out what he was doing. He knew, that if he revealed his plans, the rage she felt deep within would surface and she would fall apart under her own mind. Killing someone would destroy her, even if the person in question deserved it. She wasn't a murderer.

She thought that she wanted to be apart of his torture and destruction but Mattheo knew her better than that. She felt guilty for using the cruciatus curse on Jay Garcia in sixth year, so what would watching someone scream in pain, as they lost their eyeballs, do to her?.

Mattheo raised his eyes, watching as his wife had her nose deeply in a textbook. She had a blanket draped across her lap and her wand in her hand as she practiced her wrist movements. He smiled at her beauty, it was indescribable to him.

"This damn spell!" She exclaimed loudly, a crease forming between her eyebrows like it always did when she couldn't do something.

"Which one is it Lizzy?" Mattheo watched as Pansy dropped down next to her, placing the blanket across her legs too. He saw this as his opportunity, whilst the girls were distracted, he slowly stood up and casually walked towards the exit of the common room. It seemed him nonchalant actions had worked, because neither of them called out after him.

He let out a sigh of relief as he strode through the empty corridors. It was way past curfew, so not only was he breaking one rule. But two. Although, he'd never been one to care for rules.

"Lumos" Mattheo mumbled as he outstretched his wand, letting the light illuminate his path.

Of course, the library was locked. Which made him grumble in annoyance before whispering a simple, 'alohamora' and watching as the lock clicked open.

He walked straight to the back of the room, not paying any attention to any of the books of the shelves. They didn't posses what he needed. Instead, he pushed open the door to the restricted section. It was a dark room, that had a strange eary feeling to it, he wasn't surprised and having grown up in riddle manor, nothing could scare him.

He ran his finger tips slowly over the dusty bookshelves, his eyes scanning the spines of the books.

After getting to the last shelf, his eyes finally stopped. A book titled 'a wizard and witches guide to tracking spells'.

A smirk grew on his face as he wrapped his hand around the dusty leather bound book. He shoved it under his robes, holding it with his arm before quickly making his way out of the library.

"Colloportus" he made sure the door was locked once more, before taking off back towards the dungeons.

His wand lit his way, allowing him to see about a metre in front of his face.

His shoes lightly clicked against the stone floor but he tried to keep the noise to a minimum, not wanting to wake the sleeping portraits that covered the walls. Their soft snores made him jump every so often as he thought someone was coming. God forbid that Snape caught him, he'd never hear the end of it.

"Knox" he mumbled before walking back into the common room. The book still tightly under his arm.

Elizabeth and Pansy were still exactly where he left them, now joined by Enzo and Blaise.

"Where were you mate?" Enzo called out.

"Just went for a stroll" Mattheo shrugged as he made his way over to Elizabeth, leaning over the back of the sofa and pressing a kiss to her cheek.

"Come up when you're done love" Mattheo muttered in her ear, catching her slight nod as she still focused in on the words in her textbook.

He turned on hell and took the stairs two at a time, barging into his dorm and pushing the door shut with his foot. Forgetting that he shared his dorm, he pulled out the book, rapidly flicking through the pages.

"Now what have you got there?" Draco's smug voice made him roll his eyes.

"Must you always lurk" Mattheo sneered.

"This is my dorm as well, dipshit" Draco huffed as he stood up and strode across the room, snatching the book from Mattheo's grasp. His eyebrows furrowed as he read the title.

"What is this for?" Draco narrowed his eyes.

"Revenge" Mattheo smirked.

"On your father? You'll get yourself killed. He took down Elizabeth and Theo. Are you forgetting that Elizabeth is an extraordinary witch?" Draco scoffed.

"He won't stand a chance with me and Tom. Tom is more skilled in the dark arts than anyone I know" Mattheo spoke highly of his brother. Not that he ever would if he was in the room.

"It's still a risk. Are you really going to risk your life? To risk Elizabeth's sanity?" Draco's eyebrows raised in question, his silver eyes burning into Mattheo's.

"He can't get away with it Malfoy, he tired to kill Elizabeth-he killed Theo" Mattheo swallowed thickly.

"I know! And I'm angry too, we all are Riddle but don't set yourself up for the same fate. We can't attend another funeral" Draco shook his head, retreating back to his bed and drawing the curtains around it.

Mattheo slouched backwards, his back hitting his headboard. His hands found their way into his mess of brown curls. Malfoy was right and he knew it but he also couldn't live another day on the same earth as his father.

He was going to kill him and it was going to happen tomorrow night.

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