Midnight Texts | Yang Jeongin

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You were lying in bed, binge-watching a series on Netflix because you just couldn't sleep

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You were lying in bed, binge-watching a series on Netflix because you just couldn't sleep. You glanced at your phone. God, it was already three in the morning. You sighed and grabbed your phone from the nightstand. Maybe your best friend was still awake, and you could text? She had a new number since today, which she texted you from her old number earlier. You copied the number and saved it in your contacts. Deciding to go all in, you triple-texted her. "I can't sleep," "I started that new drama you recommended," and "It's so good and that guy is so hot" were the three messages you wrote in under a minute.

Not long after, you got a message back. "I'm sorry, but I think you have the wrong number," it said. You furrowed your brows in confusion. Was she messing with you? "What do you mean? Stop pranking me!" you replied.

"No seriously. This is Jeongin," the number texted back. You felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment. "Oh, sorry," you quickly texted. "I won't bother you anymore." You locked your phone and turned it face down in mortification. Your best friend must have typed her new number wrong.

But to your surprise, your phone vibrated again. You peeked at it first, but finally turned it over in surprise. "It's okay. I can't sleep either, and I'm bored. What's your name?" the text said. After that message, you and the stranger texted until the sun came up.


The texting continued for days and then weeks. Eventually, he started calling you when you both couldn't sleep, and you talked for hours on end. This went on until one Wednesday when you got an incoming FaceTime call from him. You panicked, running to grab your hairbrush and hastily smoothing down your hair. You had developed a little crush on him. It was stupid, you thought, because you didn't know what he looked like, and theoretically, he could be an old creep pretending to be your age... but now he was FaceTiming you, so you would know for sure.

You accepted the call, and the most beautiful man you had ever seen appeared on your screen. You two just stared at each other for a moment. "Uhm... hi," Jeongin finally said, smiling like crazy.

"Hi," you responded, feeling your heart race. "What's up?" you asked, sitting down on your bed and leaning against the headboard.

"Nothing. I'm bored," he said, lying flat on his back, holding his phone in front of his face.

"Me too," you sighed.

"Wanna meet up?" he asked suddenly. You looked at him, surprised.

"Now? It's the middle of the night," you replied.

"So?" he asked, grinning at you.

You smiled. "Let's meet at the Han River," you suggested.

He nodded. "Be there in 10," he said before hanging up. You quickly got ready and headed out of your apartment.

You saw him and his light hair from afar, illuminated by the streetlights. As you approached, he turned and smiled shyly.

"Hi," he said softly, his eyes sparkling under the moonlight.

"Hi," you replied, feeling the butterflies in your stomach go wild.

You walked together along the riverbank, the city lights reflecting off the water. You talked about everything and nothing, the conversation flowing as naturally as it had over texts and calls. The night was cool, but you felt warm just being near him.

After a while, you found a quiet spot and sat down, the silence between you comfortable and peaceful. Jeongin turned to you, his expression serious but soft. "I feel like I've known you forever," he said quietly. "I'm really glad you texted the wrong number that night."

You laughed softly. "Me too. It's funny how things work out sometimes."

He reached out and took your hand, his touch sending a pleasant shiver down your spine. "Can I see you again?" he asked, his voice hopeful.

You nodded, smiling. "I'd like that."

As you sat there, hand in hand, watching the city lights dance on the water, you felt a sense of contentment wash over you. You leaned your head against his shoulder and closed your eyes. What started as a simple text to the wrong number had turned into something beautiful and unexpected, and you couldn't wait to see where this new connection would lead.

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