Popcorn and possibilities | Bang Chan

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"Come on, Y/N! We're going to miss the beginning of the movie!" your roommate pressed you

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"Come on, Y/N! We're going to miss the beginning of the movie!" your roommate pressed you. You rolled your eyes as you tied your shoes. "Relax. Your boyfriend will be late anyway," you answered and stood up, grabbing your jacket.

"I don't think so. He's bringing a friend today too. And he hates being late," she replied, pulling you out the door by your wrist.

"Hyunjin is bringing a friend?" you asked, confused. "Wait... are you two trying to set me up with someone again?"

Your friend sighed. "We just want you to be happy," she said.

"Yeah. Sure," you mumbled. Reality was that you struggled a lot in your love life. You always got into stupid situationships and never found someone that mattered enough to settle for. And now it would be one of Hyunjin's friends, great.

You two arrived at the movie theatre and Hyunjin was standing in front of it alone. Your roommate greeted him with a little kiss and you hugged him. "Let's get in. Chan Hyung is already inside getting popcorn," he said and turned, pulling your friend with him.

You sighed and trailed after them. Hyunjin paid for your tickets. It was a little like your friend and he were your parents. They adopted you so that you didn't sit around alone in your apartment all the time. You looked at their intertwined hands and couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy. Why couldn't you find a nice guy like him for once?

"Hey Chan!" Hyunjin said as you walked towards a dark-haired man. He turned towards you and you stopped in your tracks. His hair was hanging in his face a little. You really wanted to brush it out of his face, but that would be weird. He was wearing a hoodie and some simple pants but it was still obvious that he had a lot of muscle under there. You gulped. Why couldn't your friend warn you that Hyunjin's friend was so... hot?

Chan started smiling and greeted Hyunjin and your friend first before he came to you. "Hi, I'm Chan," he said, smiling shyly as he reached out his hand. You shook it.

"Y/N," was all you could bring out. You couldn't look away. He was just too fine, and he was staring at you too.

"Here are your tickets, we're going to get inside already," your friend said as she shoved the tickets into your hand. You looked after them perplexed. Chan did the same, starting to chuckle.

"I'm starting to feel like they want to set us up," he said amused, taking the tickets from you.

"Oh, they do. She told me," you answered.

"You want popcorn?" he asked, not addressing the topic further.

You smiled. "Hyunjin did take yours with him, right?" you asked. Chan smiled sheepishly.

"Yeah. I think it was his plan," he laughed.

You nodded. "But I probably won't eat a whole bag of popcorn by myself," you said as you walked to the counter.

"That's fine. We can share," he said.

You nodded. He got you two popcorn and drinks and you walked in to watch the movie finally. You spotted Hyunjin and your friend immediately but as you stood in front of their row you furrowed your brows. Your seats were further down. Your friend's eyes met yours and she grinned cheekily, wiggling her eyebrows. You groaned and Chan laughed.

"Let's just ignore them," he said and walked further down to your seats. Of course, it was a love chair.

"They seriously are so ridiculous," you whispered.

"I can go and ask if we can switch seats if you're uncomfortable," Chan suggested.

"No. It's fine," you said, embarrassed. You two sat down and the movie started, but honestly, you couldn't really concentrate. Chan's and your thighs were touching in the small double seat and his arm brushed yours every time he moved it to grab a new handful of popcorn. You turned and wanted to glare at your friend and Hyunjin because they brought you into this situation, but they were heavily making out in the back row. You sighed and turned back to the movie. At least they wouldn't watch your every move now.

You reached to grab some popcorn when Chan did the same. Your hands met for a short time. You felt yourself blush and pulled back quickly.

"Go ahead," Chan said and smiled at you. You smiled back as he held the bag out to you and grabbed some popcorn. It was like your own movie right now. Chan turned for a moment as well.

"Oh god. Can't they get a room?" he whispered.

You giggled quietly. "They're unbelievable. I guess we're lucky we aren't sitting with them," you whispered back. He laughed quietly and leaned more towards you so he could whisper even more quietly.

"Yeah, but I have to say, this seat is pretty cozy," he said with a grin.

You smiled, feeling a little more relaxed. "True. It's like they wanted us to get to know each other better."

"Seems like it," he agreed. "So, what do you study?"

You began talking about your studies, and he shared stories about his work. You found yourself enjoying the conversation so much that you forgot about the movie for a while. His voice was comforting, and the way he laughed at your jokes made you feel warm inside. You only stopped talking when someone behind you shushed you two annoyed.

Halfway through the movie, you found your head leaning against his shoulder. You didn't even realize how it happened, but he didn't seem to mind. He adjusted slightly to make you more comfortable and slung an arm around you in the process. You glanced up at him, and he gave you a soft smile.

When the movie ended, Hyunjin and your friend were still lost in their own world. Chan and you decided to leave them for the staff to get separated and walked out of the theater together. The night air was cool, and you wrapped your arms around yourself.

"Cold?" he asked.

"A little," you admitted.

Without a word, he draped his jacket over your shoulders. It smelled like him, and you felt your heart flutter. "Thanks," you said, pulling it tighter around you.

"Do you want to grab a coffee or something? The night's still young," he suggested.

You nodded. "I'd like that."

You ended up at a cozy café, talking and laughing over warm drinks. It felt natural, like you'd known him forever. By the time you both realized how late it was, the café was about to close.

"I had a really great time tonight," you said as you walked back to your place.

"Me too," he replied, looking at you with those kind eyes. "Maybe we could do this again sometime?"

You smiled brightly. "I'd like that a lot."

As you stood at your door, you hesitated for a moment. "Goodnight, Chan," you said softly.

"Goodnight, Y/N," he replied, leaning in to kiss your cheek. It was a gentle, sweet gesture that left you feeling warm and hopeful as you watched him walk away.

Inside, you couldn't stop smiling. Maybe, just maybe, this time things would be different. This time, you might have found someone who mattered enough to settle for.

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