Starving for Perfection | Lee Felix

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Authors note: just so you know, the main character has some problems with eating in this one shot. So please be aware and maybe skip this one if you're not comfortable with it!

Also, ATE came out and I'm listening to it right now. Did you already listen to it? What's your favourite song? Apparently Han has a tattoo now as well. I have two, but my parents don't know about them, help.


You came home to your boyfriend Felix's dorm after practice, your body aching from exhaustion

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You came home to your boyfriend Felix's dorm after practice, your body aching from exhaustion. The girls, your best friends and bandmates, wanted to watch a movie at your own dorm, but you felt down and just wanted to lie in Felix's arms for a bit. When you walked to his room, it was empty. "Guys?" you called out, but there was no answer. They were probably still at the company. You sighed, heading back into his room and grabbing one of his hoodies from the closet. You slipped it on and lay down in his bed, snuggling into the sheets that smelled so much like him. Your heart ached for his presence.

Today had been awful. You were trapped in the practice room for eight hours straight, working on new choreographies without a break or any food. To make matters worse, they humiliated you by making you stand on a scale in front of the entire staff and your bandmates, just because you had gained only two pounds. As a result, you were put on a strict diet that barely allowed you to eat anything.

You heard the front door open but didn't move. Felix peeked into the room and broke into a smile when he saw you wearing his hoodie. "I knew those small shoes in the hall were yours!" he exclaimed, happily coming over.

Your mood brightened at the sight of his sunshine smile. "Who else's would they be?" you giggled as he lay down next to you, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. Your heart fluttered.

"I don't know. Channie has pretty small feet," Felix joked, pulling you close to his chest.

You giggled. "His feet are big! I doubt my shoes would fit him." Felix gently brushed through your hair.

"How was your day?" he asked. "I didn't see you in the cafeteria for lunch."

"They made us skip it to practice for the comeback," you mumbled.

Felix tensed up next to you. "Again? This is the third time this week!" he protested.

You pressed yourself closer to him. "It's okay, Lixie," you whispered, looking up at him. His usually bright face was scrunched up in anger.

"It's not okay! I don't understand JYPE's obsession with making you guys starve! Come on, get up," he said, lifting himself from the bed.

"Why?" you asked, a bit worried.

"I'm taking you to a restaurant. You need to eat something," he said.

You sighed as you sat up. You hadn't planned on telling him about the diet, so he wouldn't get mad, but how could you hide it from him? "I'm not really allowed to eat," you whispered.

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