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You loved going to the fair, and today was the first day it was in your city. Unfortunately, none of your friends had time to go today. You sat in your room alone for a while before you decided to just go alone. You could totally have fun on your own. You first got yourself some delicious snacks and finally stood in line for the big Ferris wheel. It was finally your turn, and you got in, already excited to see the view of the beautiful city lights. You were ready to go all alone, but the worker signaled the next person in line to get in too.
"Oh, we're not together... I'll take the next one," the man said politely.
It was the first time you saw the man behind you properly. He wasn't too tall, but a bit taller than you for sure, and man, he was well-built. You were sure he could lift you like a feather. He was also very handsome and apparently really polite. He stood in line with two other boys, one with shoulder-length blonde hair and freckles, the other had long black hair and was taller than both of them. They were all handsome for sure, but the one who was talking was by far the best looking.
"Get in. We don't do single rides," the worker said annoyed. The man looked at you. "Is it okay?" he asked shyly.
You smiled. "Sure," you quickly answered, letting your hair fall into your face a little so he wouldn't see you blush.
He smiled and got in next to you. The ride started, and you were silent for a moment. You stopped a few times on your way up to let other people get on, and you were wiggling your legs excitedly.
"I'm Changbin, by the way," he finally said.
You looked at him surprised. He was smiling at you shyly. "I'm y/n," you answered.
"So why are you here alone?" he asked curiously. The ride stopped and continued its way up again.
"I thought I could have some fun on my own," you answered, looking away from him shyly as he held eye contact a moment too long.
The ride stopped again as you finally reached the top, but this time way more abruptly. First, you thought nothing of it, but then the music stopped and the lights went out.
"Is it broken?" you asked nervously and looked down. Wow, now that you looked at it from this perspective, it was kind of high up...
"I think so," Changbin mumbled. You suddenly felt a tiny bit scared. What if you crashed down?
"Hey, are you okay?" Changbin asked and looked at you with worry in his eyes. You looked at him and as soon as his eyes met yours you calmed down a little bit. But only a little bit.
"I'm scared," you whispered a bit embarrassed. He gently took your shaking hand in his.
"That happens all the time, don't worry. They get it fixed in no time, I promise," he said quickly, "let's talk to get your mind off it, shall we?"
You nodded, giving him a little smile.
You were stuck up there for about two hours, but it seemed like minutes to you. Changbin was so sweet and funny that you forgot all your worries and the time. When you finally came back down, you smiled at him gratefully.
"Thanks for helping me out," you whispered as you stood there, waiting for his friends.
"No problem. It was really nice with you," he said. It was silent for a moment. "Do you... maybe want to spend the rest of the evening with us? So you don't have to be alone?" he asked shyly.
You smiled. You already liked him a lot. "I would like that. Only if it's okay with your friends, of course!" you said happily.
Changbin nodded enthusiastically. "I'm sure they'll be fine with it."
As if on cue, his friends approached, looking curious about the new addition to their group. Changbin quickly introduced you to the two boys.
"This is Felix," he said, pointing to the boy with shoulder-length blonde hair and freckles. "And this is Hyunjin," he added, indicating the taller boy with long black hair.
"Hi, nice to meet you!" you greeted them warmly.
The four of you wandered around the fair, enjoying the various attractions and games. Changbin stayed close to you, making sure you were having a good time. You laughed and chatted with Felix and Hyunjin, feeling like you had known them for years.
At one point, you all decided to try the ring toss game. Changbin handed you a ring and smiled. "Want to give it a try?"
You nodded, focusing on the bottles lined up in front of you. You tossed the ring, and to your surprise, it landed perfectly around one of the bottles.
"I did it!" you exclaimed, turning to Changbin with a big smile.
He grinned back. "Nice job! See, you're a natural."
As the night went on, you felt more and more comfortable with Changbin and his friends. You shared stories and jokes. It was one of the best nights you had in a long time.
When the fair was closing, and you were all standing by the entrance, you felt a bit sad that the night was ending.
"This was really fun," you said softly, looking at Changbin.
"Yeah, it was," he agreed, his eyes twinkling under the fair's lights. "We should do it again sometime. Maybe with just the two of us?"
Your heart skipped a beat. "I'd like that," you replied with a shy smile.
Felix and Hyunjin exchanged knowing looks but didn't say anything.
As you all said your goodbyes and went your separate ways, Changbin walked you to your car. Before you got in, he hesitated for a moment.
"Hey, um, can I get your number?" he asked, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
"Of course," you said, quickly exchanging numbers with him.
"Great," he said, looking relieved. "I'll text you later."
You nodded, feeling butterflies in your stomach. "I'll be waiting."
As you drove home, you couldn't stop smiling. You couldn't wait to see where things would go with Changbin.