Author's note: This one is so weird and random. I don't know what was going on in my head but it's kind of funny, I guess?
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You sat at the boys' dorm, as usual, playing on your phone. Hyunjin, Lee Know, and Seungmin were with you, and after a while, Changbin entered the room. You really liked Changbin. Despite his muscles, he was such a cute guy. He always blushed when he talked to you and was very considerate. For example, he would bring your favorite food when he came to the studio at lunchtime, knowing you were probably practicing with your band all morning without breakfast. He also always brought coffee for you and made sure you drank enough water. It was nice to know someone cared, and you wished he would ask you out, but he was just too shy.
"Hey Changbin, you good?" Han asked. You looked up from your phone. Changbin looked kinda stressed. "Yeah. Just a little stressed," he mumbled. The boys giggled.
"Maybe you need to hook up with a girl for once," Lee Know suggested.
"Yeah, or you need to learn to talk to them without turning into a tomato," Hyunjin joked. Changbin gave them a forced smile. The boys had been teasing him a lot lately because it had been a while since he last hooked up with someone, which apparently they found amusing. But Changbin looked really sad right now, so you decided to do something probably stupid.
"Didn't you tell them?" you asked, pretending to be confused. Changbin looked at you, surprised.
"Huh?" he asked, startled.
"Jagiya! We talked about it!" you exclaimed.
"Jagi-Jagiya?" Han asked, confused.
"I can't believe he didn't tell you. We, well... how should I put it? We decided that we should just be together after... you know... it was supposed to be a one-time thing but... I just couldn't get over him after," you sighed. The boys looked surprised, glancing between you and Changbin. Changbin himself didn't look convinced, which made the boys start laughing.
"Yeah, sure. Stop defending him, Y/N. He couldn't have pulled it," Hyunjin laughed. Changbin looked down at his fingers, embarrassed. You scoffed and decided to take the show to the next level. You stood up, grabbing Changbin by his wrist.
"Come on, Jagi," you said, pulling him with you to his room.
"What are you doing, Y/N?" Changbin asked, confused.
"We're giving them a show," you said, locking the door and making sure to rattle the key extra loudly.
"Huh?" Changbin asked, still confused.
"Just play along. It'll be fun, trust me," you giggled. You started moaning, first a bit more quietly but making sure the boys would still hear it. Changbin looked at you with raised eyebrows, clearly not knowing your plan.
"Come on! Play along!" you whispered and started to moan louder. He sighed, starting to make the same unholy noises as you. You both looked at each other, trying not to burst into laughter. This was so ridiculous.