Viral Crush | Lee Felix

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You were smiling at the camera brightly as the interviewer bombarded you with questions

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You were smiling at the camera brightly as the interviewer bombarded you with questions. You had arrived in your hometown, Sydney, for an interview about your comeback last week, and you honestly loved every single minute of it.

"Who's your celebrity crush?" the woman asked.

"Sure, that's what people want to know," you said, playfully rolling your eyes and grinning. "Let me think for a moment... I have to go with Felix from Stray Kids," you said, feeling yourself blush a little.

The woman chuckled. "Why?" she asked, amused.

"I don't even know. One day he just came onto my For You page on TikTok and now he's in every second video," you laughed, hoping that he would never see that interview. But why would he? He wouldn't know you for sure. You were just rising up in Australia and America, and he was already known across the globe.

"Any nice events coming up?" the woman asked, changing the subject.

"Oh, just the VMAs next week, and I'm happy to announce that I'm going on tour! Tickets will be available soon, so stay tuned, guys!"


You were heavily jet-lagged when you were getting ready a week later. Your stylist had a hard time covering those under-eye bags, but to your luck, she was a professional and managed it pretty well. She put you in a ridiculously short dress, and before you knew it, you were in a black van on the way to the venue. The red carpet was a storm of flashlights, and you posed for pictures without even seeing anything. Finally, you made your last stop in front of a microphone for a short interview.

"So, you know Felix is also here, right?" the nice reporter asked you.

You laughed nervously. You kind of went viral with your interview, hoping even more that he hadn't seen it. "Really? You think he'll give me an autograph?" you joked.

Both of you laughed, and she asked you a few more questions before you finally got inside, immediately grabbing a glass of champagne to relax your nerves. You just hoped that he wouldn't cross your path today because you would be a stuttering mess.

"Nice dress," a deep voice with a thick Australian accent said behind you.

You recognized the voice immediately, pressing your eyes shut in panic. Why? Why must this happen? Okay, you needed to calm down. You put on a smile and turned around, looking at the man you watched really ungodly fan edits of just a few hours ago. He was wearing a white suit, half of his hair tied back. He was glowing, and he was even more beautiful in real life.

"You think so?" you asked, amused, gripping your glass harder to stop your hand from shaking.

"Yes. It makes you look really beautiful," he gifted you a smile that made your knees go weak.

You blushed at the compliment. "Thank you. You look very handsome as well," you answered, inwardly screaming.

He grabbed some champagne as well, and you noticed a little blush on his cheeks too. "Thank you," he said, "so... you called me your celebrity crush, huh?" he grinned at you cheekily.

You felt your face get even hotter. "Guilty as charged. I hope it wasn't too embarrassing for you. I didn't know it would go viral," you said, embarrassed. Of course he had seen it.

He smiled. "No problem," Felix said, his smile widening. "It's actually quite flattering. I had to see the mysterious person who said that about me in person."

You raised your eyebrow playfully, deciding to go along. A little flirting couldn't hurt, right? "And now that you've met me, what's the verdict?" you asked, amused.

Felix chuckled and took a sip of the champagne. "The verdict is that I'm really glad we're both here tonight. Did you see where you are sitting?" he grinned.

You shook your head. "Didn't have time yet," you said. "Why?"

He grinned brighter. "They put you right next to me and the boys," he said.

You groaned. "Of course they did," you mumbled to yourself. "It's livestreamed. They want some drama."

He laughed. "Let's give them some drama," he said. "Let's go. Do you want another drink?"


You watched the show excitedly after Felix introduced you to the rest of the band. Of course, they all knew who you were by now, and the teasing immediately started.

"Are you going to survive the night sitting next to Felix?" Han teased, making you laugh and blush at the same time.

"We'll see," you replied playfully, trying to keep your composure.

As the evening progressed, you found yourself increasingly comfortable with Felix and his bandmates. They were all charming and welcoming, making you feel like part of their group. Felix, in particular, seemed to go out of his way to ensure you were having a good time.

During a break, he leaned over and whispered, "Are you enjoying yourself?"

You nodded, smiling. "More than I expected, honestly. You guys are great."

Felix grinned. "Glad to hear it. Maybe we can hang out more often, outside of these events."

You felt a flutter in your chest. "I'd like that."

Before you knew it, the show was coming to an end. Awards were handed out, even one for the boys, performances were cheered, and the energy in the room was electric. When the final award was announced, Felix turned to you with a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Ready for the after-party?" he asked.

You laughed, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. "Absolutely."


The after-party was even more chaotic than the main event. Music, laughter, and flashing lights filled the room. Felix stayed by your side, introducing you to various industry professionals and making sure you were never without a drink in your hand.

At one point, he led you to a quieter corner of the venue, away from the noise. "I wanted to get a moment alone with you," he admitted, looking a bit shy.

You smiled, feeling your heart race. "I'm glad you did. It's been a crazy night."

He nodded. "It has, but in a good way. I've really enjoyed getting to know you."

"Me too," you agreed. "I didn't expect tonight to turn out like this, but I'm really happy it did."

Felix took a step closer, his gaze softening. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure," you said, your breath catching in your throat.

"Would you like to go out sometime? Just the two of us, without all the cameras and chaos?"

You felt a warmth spread through your chest. "I'd love that, Felix."

His smile was radiant, and he took your hand in his. "Great. Let's exchange numbers before the night ends."

You quickly exchanged contact information, and Felix gave your hand a gentle squeeze. "I'll call you soon," he promised.

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