Heels | Hwang Hyunjin

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The night is winding down, the cool breeze a welcome relief after the warmth of the lively evening you and Hyunjin just spent together

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The night is winding down, the cool breeze a welcome relief after the warmth of the lively evening you and Hyunjin just spent together. You're walking side by side, hand in hand, when you start to notice the sharp discomfort radiating from your feet. Each step feels worse than the last, and despite your best efforts, you can't help but slow down.

Hyunjin notices immediately, glancing over at you with a mix of curiosity and concern. "Y/N," he says, his voice teasing but with an edge of seriousness, "why are you walking like a baby deer?"

You let out a small laugh, trying to brush it off. "It's nothing, just... these heels. They're kind of killing me."

He stops in his tracks, turning to face you with an exaggerated sigh, his eyes narrowing slightly in playful reprimand. "What did I tell you before we left?" he asks, folding his arms across his chest.

You bite your lip, feeling a little sheepish under his gaze. "That I should wear something more comfortable..."

Hyunjin nods, his expression somewhere between amused and exasperated. "And what did you do?"

"I wore the heels anyway," you admit, a small smile tugging at your lips.

He clicks his tongue, shaking his head in mock disappointment. "You just had to be stubborn, didn't you? And now look at you, practically hobbling home."

You open your mouth to defend yourself, but before you can, Hyunjin steps closer, his expression softening though his tone remains teasing. "Honestly, Y/N, why do you do this to yourself? You know you don't have to wear those things to impress me, right?"

"I know," you say, feeling a little silly now. "I just thought they looked nice."

Hyunjin sighs, the frustration giving way to affection as he reaches out to gently squeeze your hand. "They do look nice," he concedes, his voice warm, "but not if you're in pain. You've got nothing to prove to me."

You nod, a little embarrassed, but grateful for his understanding. "I just didn't want to ruin the night by complaining."

He raises an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. "Ruin the night? You think letting me carry you the rest of the way home would ruin the night? Because that's what's about to happen."

Before you can protest, Hyunjin crouches down, patting his back and looking over his shoulder at you with a grin. "Come on, hop on. We're not letting these shoes win."

You hesitate for a second, then laugh softly, realizing there's no arguing with him when he's in this mood. Carefully, you climb onto his back, wrapping your arms around his shoulders.

As soon as you're settled, he stands up, making sure you're secure before he starts walking again. "See? Was that so hard?" he teases, his voice light and playful.

You rest your chin on his shoulder, smiling despite yourself. "You didn't have to carry me, you know. I could've made it."

"Oh, I know you could've," he says, his tone full of mock seriousness. "But why should you have to when you've got a perfectly good boyfriend right here to carry you? Consider this a lesson learned—heels are overrated, but boyfriends who carry you home are not."

You giggle, tightening your hold on him as he continues down the street. A couple of people walk by, one of them raising an eyebrow at the sight of Hyunjin carrying you. You catch their look and start to feel a bit self-conscious, but Hyunjin just grins.

"Let them stare," he says, clearly unbothered. "They're probably just jealous they don't have someone as amazing as me to carry them home."

You laugh, shaking your head. "You're so full of yourself."

He chuckles, adjusting his grip on your legs as he keeps walking. "Nah, I'm just full of love for you. And maybe a bit of pride for having such a cute, if slightly stubborn, girlfriend."

As he carries you the rest of the way, the playful banter keeps flowing, and the discomfort in your feet fades into the background. By the time you reach your apartment, you feel lighter, not just because you're no longer walking, but because of the way Hyunjin has turned what could have been a miserable walk into something sweet and fun.

When he finally sets you down at your door, he looks at you with a satisfied grin. "Next time, maybe take my advice on the shoes, yeah?"

You nod, smiling up at him. "I'll try. But if I don't...?"

He chuckles, leaning down to press a quick kiss to your lips. "Then I'll just carry you again. But don't make it a habit, okay? My back can only take so much."

You laugh, pulling him into a hug. "Deal."

As you both step inside, you can't help but feel a little lucky. Not just because of the way Hyunjin takes care of you, but because of how he always finds a way to make even the smallest moments feel special.

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