Dancing Hearts | Hwang Hyunjin

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You lay on the floor of the practice room, frustration coursing through you

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You lay on the floor of the practice room, frustration coursing through you. As a backup dancer for a massive anniversary show this weekend, you just couldn't get the choreography for "Back Door" right. It was maddening because you'd mastered much harder routines before. But learning ten new choreographies in just a few days had left your brain in a fog. Being two in the morning certainly didn't help.

The door to the room opened, and your boyfriend Hyunjin peeked his head inside. "You're still here?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.

"I can't get it right," you muttered.

He walked over and sat on the floor beside you, gently placing your head on his lap and running his fingers through your hair. "Which one?" he asked softly.

"'Back Door.' I'm off by two beats every time," you whispered, closing your eyes.

"Well, you're exhausted. Maybe that's the problem," he said.

"But I only have three days left to practice, and the other choreographies aren't as perfect as I want them to be either," you mumbled.

Hyunjin stroked your cheek, his touch soothing. "Do you want me to help you?" he asked.

You nodded slowly, opening your eyes to meet his. The love and concern in his gaze made you smile despite your frustration. You'd been together for a year now, and the butterflies and nervous excitement you felt around him had never faded. Hyunjin was not only stunningly attractive but also incredibly kind and supportive. Seeing him dance still left you in awe; he could transform from the cutest person in the world to the most intense and captivating dancer in seconds.

"Are you sure you want to practice now? Don't you want to sleep first?" he asked, still concerned.

You shook your head. "Let's practice for an hour, and then we can go home," you said.

He nodded and stood, helping you to your feet. He handed you your water bottle. "Drink something first. I know you forget to stay hydrated," he said with a smile.

You returned his smile and drank half the bottle, satisfying him. He smiled back and started the music. After you danced through the routine once, he said, "You're placing your feet wrong. That's why it's not working."

The realization clicked in your head. You'd known something was off but couldn't pinpoint it. Hyunjin quickly showed you the correct movements, and finally, after hours of struggling, you managed to get it right. You hugged him tightly.

"Thank you, Jinnie," you mumbled.

He laughed and held you close. "No problem. I'd do anything for you," he replied.

The song changed to a slow one, and Hyunjin began to gently sway you to the music. You laid your head against his chest and closed your eyes, letting him lead you to the soft tunes. It was one of those magical moments you never wanted to forget—slow dancing in the middle of the night. It felt like you two were the only ones in the building, even though you knew Chan was probably still in his studio.

"I love you," Hyunjin whispered quietly.

You smiled as you heard his heartbeat quicken. "I love you too," you whispered back.

You continued to sway together, feeling the stress and frustration of the night slowly melt away. Hyunjin's embrace was warm and comforting, and for a moment, everything felt perfect.

"You should try to rest more," he murmured softly, his breath tickling the top of your head. "You're pushing yourself too hard."

You nodded, knowing he was right but feeling the weight of the upcoming performance pressing on you. "I know, but I just want everything to be perfect. It's a huge opportunity for me."

Hyunjin pulled back slightly, looking into your eyes with a serious expression. "You're already amazing. Don't forget that. And you're not alone in this. I'm here to help you."

You smiled, touched by his words. "Thank you, Baby. I don't know what I'd do without you."

He kissed your lips gently. "You'd still be incredible. But I'm glad I get to be here with you," he whispered before pressing his lips on yours again. You were hypnotised by the feeling of his soft pink lips on yours, sighing in pleasure.

The moment was interrupted by the sound of a phone ringing. Hyunjin pulled away, glanced at his phone and sighed. "It's Chan. Probably wants to check if we're still alive."

You laughed softly. "Tell him we're fine, but we'll be heading home soon."

Hyunjin answered the call, assuring Chan that everything was okay and that you'd both be leaving shortly. After hanging up, he looked at you with a mischievous grin. "Ready to head home?"

You nodded, feeling a sense of relief. "Yeah, let's go."

As you gathered your things, Hyunjin grabbed your bag and slung it over his shoulder. He took your hand, leading you out of the practice room and into the quiet hallways of the building. The cool night air hit you as you stepped outside, and you took a deep breath, feeling more at ease.

On the way home, Hyunjin kept the conversation light and fun, making you laugh and forget about the stress of the day. When you finally arrived at his apartment, you both collapsed onto the couch, exhausted but content. Han and Changbin were both still awake but in their rooms. This truly was the dorm that never slept.

"You should take a hot shower," Hyunjin suggested, rubbing your back gently. "It'll help you relax."

You nodded, appreciating his thoughtfulness. "Yeah, I think I'll do that."

While you showered, Hyunjin prepared snacks and some tea, knowing it would help you unwind. When you emerged from the bathroom, feeling refreshed, you found him waiting with a tray of your favorite treats.

"You didn't have to do all this," you said, touched by his gesture.

He smiled, handing you the cup of tea. "I wanted to. Now, let's relax and watch something before bed."

You curled up together on the couch, watching a light-hearted movie and enjoying each other's company. As the night wore on, you felt the remaining tension in your body dissipate, replaced by a warm sense of comfort and love.

You heard Chan come home and talk quietly with Hyunjin, but you found yourself drifting off to sleep, your head resting on Hyunjin's chest, so you didn't quite get what they were talking about. He gently carried you to bed, tucking you in and joining you under the covers.

As you lay there, wrapped in his arms, you felt grateful for his support and love. No matter what challenges lay ahead, you knew you could face them with Hyunjin by your side.

"I love you," you whispered again, feeling his heartbeat slow and steady against you.

"I love you too," he replied softly, kissing the top of your head. "Sweet dreams."

With that, you drifted off to sleep, feeling safe and cherished in his embrace, ready to face whatever tomorrow would bring.

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