Chapter 56

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Harrys POV

I run down the stairs and put both hands in my hair.

"What the fuck was that?" I ask myself out loud. I shake my hair and brush it back with my fingers.
"Get the cream and sit the fuck down" I whisper to myself as I sit on the couch.

"Ok I'm coming" yells Alison as she walks out of her room

I am completely speechless as she walks down the stairs she looks so good in my clothes. The shirt falls just right a little under her hips, and the way the boxer briefs are slightly loose are perfect. Not to mention her long wet hair making the whole thing even sexier. I stop my thoughts before I get to carried away if you know what I mean. Still speechless and completely staring at her she breaks the silence.

"Sorry it took so long" she smiles and blushes
"I like taking long showers"

"Yah you were in there for like 30 minutes" I say and lean back against the couch

"Yeah I tried to cut my time down a little"

"Seriously?" I ask with a small laugh

"Seriously" she replies

"What do you do in there?" I ask as she sits down on the couch across me
"Wait never mind I don't want to know"

"Ew Harry" she shrieks and throws a pillow at me.

"What?" I laugh and throw it back at her, to which in my surprise she actually catches.

"Your so gross."

"Hey you never know" I add and we both smile

"Actually I use it as time to think"

I raise both my eyebrows waiting for her to continue talking

"Im usually so busy back at home dealing with Eli, Kendall, dance, school and a bunch of other things, so when I'm in the shower I just let my water and my thoughts flow out."

I smile "Spend any time getting clean in there?" I ask with a witty smile

She gives me a playful glare

"haha styles" she says as she gets up and sticks her arm in my face..

I back away

"What are you doing?" I ask confused

"Go on smell me" she says

"No" I laugh

"Go on smell my hair" she says and shoves her wet hair in my face

"get away from me" I say and playfully push her

"Your loss, it smells quite delicious" she says, and it does. Her hair smells amazing from the hint I got. 

"Just get over here so I can put this stuff on your eye" I say and pat to the spot on the couch directly next to me

"Aye Aye Captain" says Alison and sits down next to me

I smile

"Come closer" I say and Alison scoots over to me. We are face to face on the couch sitting on our legs with our knees touching each others.

I open the cream and start gently rubbing It around her eye. Alison closes both her eyes. As I'm rubbing cream over her eye I notice how truly beautiful she is inside and out. Once Alison smiles still with her eyes closed I can no longer control myself as I crash my lips to hers.

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