Chapter 43

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Alison walks in and I walk in shortly behind her and of course everybody's fucking here. I see Eli, Hunter, Michael, Louis, and a few other people I kinda know.... This is gonna be a interesting evening.

Alison's POV

"Hey harry, I see my friends I'm gonna go say hi." I say as I trot over to Lizzie, Mia, Trevor and some mystery girl under Trevor's arm.

I wonder who that is?

I look back to see where Harry is.. He's with Eli of course, as I'm glancing at Harry and Eli I see a blonde girl walk over to them and sit on Elis lap.... Great it's Emily.

I love Emily so much... But I don't have time to explain everything to her and I know she's gonna ask what's been going on.

I turn around quickly before she sees me and I walk over to my other friends.

"Hey guy-..." I stop.

I found out who that girl with Trevor is.... It's my sister.

"Kendall!" I shout

"Alison" she shouts back mocking me.

I realize the whole grill is looking at us now including Harry, Emily, and Eli.

"What's the matter with you" Asks Trevor.

"What the hell are you doing?" I snap at Trevor. With Lizzie and Mias full eyes on me.

"This is the girl I told you about at the party" he smiles

"Yah that's my little sister...Kendall" I snap again and glare at her

I guess I never really thought through how this situation was gonna turn out.

Trevor, Mia, and Lizzie's faces are all in shock.. And Kendall is looking at the ground.

"What's going on?" asks Harry as he walks up and stands right next to me. We would be shoulder to shoulder if I wasn't so short.

I can see Harry and Mia exchanging awkward looks in the corner of my eye.

"Nothing it's my sister she-" I say as I point to Kendall

"Dude" laughs harry "isn't that like illegal?" He laughs again and crosses his arms

I'm guessing Harry knew what I was going to say.

Trevor storms out of the grill.

"Harry!" I yell as I swat his arm.

"What?!" he chuckles finding the whole situation amusing and I roll my eyes.

Mia and Lizzie try to follow Trevor but end up turning back around and sitting at a table on the opposite side of the grill.

"How many more ways can you ruin my life?" Shouts Kendall as she pushes me out of her way.

I rest my head in my hand.

I text Lizzie to see if my sister asked why I wasn't with her and she replied saying she gave a good cover story. Thank god.. I'll have to thank her for that later. Kendall was probably curious why I wasn't with Lizzie after I said I'd be at her house all week. I told Lizzie to just cover for me until I could explain everything to her. Ugh life's so complicated right now. I have suicidal harry, angry Kendall, probably mad at me Mia and Lizzie, and Emily. Emily is prob...

My thoughts get interrupted.

"Look what the cat dragged in. " says Emily.

I turn around to see her walking up to me holding hands with Eli.... Great. Harry moves closer to me and gives me an 'are you ok look.' Which I appreciate.

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