Chapter 71

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"Ok Louis can you please skim through the chapter and pick out the major events so I know how many columns to draw"

"Sure thing" he smiles and starts to skim through the chapter.

"You tired?" asks Harry

I turn towards him and give him a weak, but soft smile.
"Yeah how'd you know?" I ask

"Well your not talking that much for once." he smirks

I laugh tiredly
"Yeah the good thing about being tired is that you'll be fine by tomorrow"

Harry chuckles
"Yeah I guess you could put it that way or you could just say being tired sucks ass"

I smile in reply

"Ok guys" says Louis and Harry and I turn our attention towards him

"I picked out 6 major events that we should draw"

"Okay cool ill start drawing the margins" I say as I reach over the table and grab my pencil.

After I finished drawing the margins Louis tells me the six events he picked which are great because I was basically thinking the same exact thing.

Louis explains the first event and Harry and I start drawing in the first box. We constantly but playfully push each others hand out of the way and one thing I found out is that Harry is a terrible drawer.

"Ew" I say as I look at his drawing

"What?" he stands up straight

"Its horrible" I say with my eyes on his drawing and smiling slightly

"Well look at your drawing" he says laughing while pointing at the little man I drew.

"Hey at least you can tell what it is" I smile
"Yours is just... bad"

Harry opens his mouth to say something but Louis interrupts him

"Guys it doesn't matter lets just hurry up and finish this"

Harry is glaring at Louis when I look over at him and I laugh a little.

"Okay then" I say as I continue to draw
"Harry maybe you can just write the captions" I say with a smile

"Fuck you" he smiles at me and I giggle while I continue to draw

"So Ali, are you ready to perform at the assembly" ask Louis

"Um yeah I guess" I say and look at him
"I mean I'm never going to be fully ready because I have terrible stage fright and plus nobody knows who I am around here" I say focusing drawing

"Anna told me your dance was insanely good" Says Louis

"She did? That's sweet, but really its not that good"

"How the hell do you know all this do you just ask people questions about her all the time?" Snaps Harry as he glares at Louis.

"For the record Anna brought up the dance show and Alison's dance so shut up" says Louis with complete sass and looks back down at the book

Harry starts walking over to Louis with his fists clenched and I grab the back of his shirt and pull him back over to me without stopping drawing or even looking up from the paper.

"No" I say and smile slightly still drawing and Harry glares at me for a second but then gives up and smiles.

"Okay and we are all done" I say and stand up

"Alison Gilbert, Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson" I say as I'm writing all our names down. Louis and Harry are both smiling at me and I look at them both awkwardly.

"Okay I'm gonna turn this in" I say and get away from this awkwardness as I quickly walk over to Mrs. Blayne.

Harry is sitting on top of the desk and Louis is sitting in the desk next to him. They are right next to each other but they do not say a word. I really don't want to be a part of that so I decide to stay and chat with the teacher until the bell rings. Harry and Louis both look over at me a few times but I quickly look away. The bell rings and I walk over to get my stuff, Harry hands me my things.

"Thanks" I say and smile

"No problem" he replies
I start walking to the door and he quickly catches up to me. He then pulls my arm back making me face him.

"Why didn't you come back, did I do something wrong?" he asks and looks upset.

"No no, you didn't do anything wrong I just felt awkward being in the middle of you two and your feud"

"Feud?" Harry smiles

"Shut up" I smile and lightly push him as we both walk out of the door.

Lizzie, Mia and Trevor are waiting for me like they usually do and Harry continues walking while I stop to join my friends, but this time he turns around and gives me a quick smirk... I smile to myself.

We stand in the usual long cafeteria line and I get Pizza and of course a salad with like a gallon of ranch, like I said before I don't eat the salad to be healthy I eat it because its good. I even dip my pizza in ranch. When we get back to our table Lizzie and Mia automatically start talking about homecoming. So I decide maybe I should too.

"Guys guess what I got my homecoming dress the other day"

"Yay" says Lizzie and I smile

"So you're for sure going then?" asks Mia

"Yep I'm for sure going" I smile

"Yay I'm so excited that we are all going together" Says Mia which surprises me
"Were gonna be the three hottest girls there"

Lizzie and I both giggle.

"Isn't that right Trevor?" asks Mia

"Of course" he says and smiles sarcastically

"You're a jerk" says Mia with a smile

Trevor sighs playfully
"In all seriousness" he pauses
"I think you will be the three hottest girls there" he says and smiles

"Aww Trevor" says Lizzie while Mia smiles and I blush. Damn me and my rosy cheeks

"Don't make me regret saying that" says Trevor and takes a bite of his pizza

"Trevor are you going" I ask

"Yes" says Mia at the same time he says "I don't know"

"Trevor please you have to go please please please please please please" begs Mia

"Fine ill go" he groans
"If it's gets you to shut up" he says and takes another huge bite of pizza

"Trevor you know like a million girls are in love with you" says Lizzie

"That is so not true" he says with a mouth full of pizza

"Yeah it is" says Mia
"Your insanely gorgeous and your nice trust me your almost talked about as much as Harry"

"Not true, and not true again. He's like the most talked about person in school, and probably even other schools. I hear his name like every two seconds" Says Trevor while chewing.

"Yeah he's a good looking life ruiner" says Mia

"I don't think he's that bad" I say quietly while Mia, Lizzie, and Trevor just look at me

"I mean something could be wrong with him like maybe he acts that way for a reason" I look at Lizzie and she looks down because she knows everything

"Yeah Ali's right" says Lizzie

"He's just a dick you guys and I really don't appreciate you guys sticking up for him" says Mia as she gets up and walks away. Trevor glares at Lizzie and I

"Wait Mia" says Trevor as he chases after her

Lizzie and I look at each other and don't say another word until the bell rings.

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