Chapter 1

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"Alison sweetie, please come downstairs... I made you breakfast" says my mom in that annoying tone moms get when you can tell they are angry but are trying to be nice.

I am not going to respond due to the fact that she knows i'm trying my very best to be downstairs in time for 'Family Breakfast'.

My life has been a zoo recently because I just got a new stepdad, and stepbrother who rarely talks to me, but does if he has to. I also have a little sister named Kendall who is in 8th grade and surprisingly, we are extremely close. I couldn't have dealt with this "new family" thing alone.

My real dad passed away in a car accident when I was six years old. Kendall was too young to remember, but still, she's always been there for me when I need her.

My name is Alison by the way. Alison Gilbert, born and raised in Virginia. Im nothing but an average teenager, believe me when I say that. Nothing interesting ever happens in my life.

I have long dark brown hair with dark brown eyes...Yep, like I said plain and boring

I really only talk when.....

my mom rudely interrupts my thoughts

"Alison you already missed breakfast do not make your brother late for school"

"Ok mom" I yell down the stairs.

What I really wanted to say is 'ok mom first of all Eli is not my brother and second of all I would never allow us to be late on the first day of school. This isn't just any first day for me, this is my first day at a new school, so the last thing I would want is to be late. If anything we should be worried about Eli making me late, considering the fact that he just woke up about ten minutes ago.

I haven't got my license yet, although yes, I am a Junior in highschool. I'm 17, but with the new happy family being the number one priority I haven't exactly had the time. So until then I'm stuck with Eli driving me.
Im probably gonna be stuck with Eli for a while because even if I get my license that doesn't solve the problem that I don't have a car.

My mom yells that Eli waiting so I rush down the stairs and jump in the car quickly.

We start driving to school and Eli is going really fast. I couldn't help but notice that he's driving 40 mph with a speed limit of 25.
"Umm Eli?"

"Yes sis?" The sarcasm in his voice was obvious, of course he didn't actually think of me as his sister. But hey, that's fine with me. He's not my brother.

"Your kind of speeding a little, and I wouldn't want us to get pulled over." I pause "You know, on the first day of school" I say, hinting at his irresponsibility

Eli just rolls his eyes at me. You would think he would be better at driving at 17 years old, almost 18. Then again Eli and his friends are not very good fact they are quite the opposite of good influences.

They always seem to be getting in trouble. I've only seen his friends a few times, but when I do they are always doing stuff they aren't suppose to. Sadly I'm sure I'll be seeing a lot more of them now that Eli and I live in the same house.

I can't believe I'm just now am thinking of that.... Im so stupid their going to be over all the time. At least I have Kendall.

We finally pull up to the senior parking lot at Midway High, and two of Eli's friends are waiting for him next to his parking spot.

Im guessing Eli's the Alpha? Why? That I don't know.

His friends have no clue who I am because i hear one of them congratulate Eli on his 'hot new hookup'. Great, he really didn't tell them he was getting a new stepsister. That shows how much this all means to him.

Eli flinches and tells them I'm just his new stepsister. The boys start walking to the front door while I'm still sitting in the car looking around.

I notice they are gone, groan in annoyance then get out of the car. Just as I close the door and start to walk away I notice my shirt is stuck. Quickly I get pulled back and slam into the car door. I angrily pull my shirt out and walk a few steps only to slip on mud.

I nearly fall completely into the mud when a troubled looking boy with a few tattoos comes and grabs my arm with one hand and my back with the other. We look into each other's eyes and he gives me a slight smirk. I form a smile in return and then he whips me back onto my feet, safely away from the mud pile. He opens his mouth just about to say something when...

"Harry come on dude" yells Eli across the lot.
The troubled boy smirks at me again, turns on his heels and walks away. Im still in shock on what just happened.

I know I have never seen him before. I would have remembered. Right?

I am just about to yell at Eli to lock the car when suddenly there's a beep and I jump at the sound. I look over at Eli and he waves his keys in front of his face like I'm some idiot that gets scared because of a car door locking, which I guess in this case I am.

I decide that I should probably go to the front office to pick up my schedule. I start to walk repeating the name"Harry" to myself trying to remember if I have ever seen him before. I come to the conclusion that I haven't and continue walking with my brain in overload thinking of all the things I have to do.

{Danielle Campbell as Alison Gilbert}

{Harry Styles as Harry Styles}

{Munro Chambers as Eli}

{young Kylie Jenner as Kendall Gilbert}

{A/N: I know it's awkward that Alison is portrayed by Danielle Campbell but this was written so long ago, way before her and Louis got together. I have been a huge fan of her since Starstruck, and she's really the only girl I can see as Alison so I'm not going to change it. I really hope you guys are okay with it xx

Also Kylie Jenner is supposed to look how she did when she was like 15 or 16.

All rights reserved to Degrassi for the name Eli. This character has no affiliation with Eli from Degrassi. This is a completely different character and there may be a name change coming because of that reason.

Eli's name may very well be changed to Eric throughout the book so if I update the names and it says Eric that is Eli's new name.
Because of copyright and the fact that he has NO affiliation with Eli from degrassi so it will be getting changed eventually

Mr. Grey's name will also be changed to Mr. Green. I'm doing that for obvious reasons and because it was initially just a joke because I couldn't think of a name but I obviously let it go too far and should of changed it earlier.

Possibly Trevor's as well.

All though as for now, all names remain the same.

Also follow me on twitter at @itgirlwriter for Devotion updates and other fun stuff! It's so hard to reach you guys through this app! Xoxo

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