Chapter 42

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Harry's POV

I wake up to the bright light shinning through my blinds. The sun is so fucking annoying in the morning.. well afternoon, It's 12:30. Im sure Alison's already up. I decide to put on some black basketball shorts before i walk downstairs. When I get downstairs I don't see Alison. Im about to walk into the kitchen and bam there she is. She is fucking spinning around on those pointy shoes and she came flying around a corner scaring the shit out of me.

"good afternoon." she says and spins across the kitchen.

"You fucking scared the shit out of me."

"Sorry" she says playfully. I just shake my head at her and walk over to the couch. Alison is walking around on her toes... literally. She's moving around and spinning. She's doing many ballet tricks I have never seen before. I cant help but to watch her. She sees me watching her and she sits on the couch...and i look down.

"Why don't you have any food?" she asks bluntly

"I have food." I reply

"Those mini granola bars don't count as a good breakfast.."

"They're perfect for breakfast." I reply in defense

"I would of made something if you had anything.... You don't even have milk who doesn't have milk?"

I groan in annoyance. "What do you want me to do?" i ask.

"Lets go grocery shopping today" she blurts out.

"No.. we will just order pizza or something."

"okay then what about tomorrow?" she asks

"We eat the leftovers." i reply

Alison puts a disgusted look on her face "For a week straight?"

"Fine you win we will go 'Grocery Shopping'" I air quote. I kinda have been needing to do this anyway so might as well get it over with now. And maybe it wont be as horrific as usual if she's there with me. Or if anyone was with me.

I feel like I'm starting to turn into a fucking baby. I used to be fine doing shit by myself and I was fine alone and now i get all lonely and shit... this is so fucked up... I'm so fucked up.

When we get in the car its quiet.

"Hey can i plug in my phone?" she asks

"Sure" i respond

"I'm gonna play my favorite song" she smiles and blushes

When she turns on the song I haven't heard it before but i know its going to be a very down to earth and meaning full song. I know that's the kind of music she would listen to. She's not like Lindsey and Anna who listen to dance and rap.

"Let it go.. let it roll right off your shoulders don't you know.. the hardest part is over let it in let your clarity define you in the end. It will only really matter how you feel." sings Alison. I cant help but to look at her.. I can tell I'm smiling at her like a fucking idiot.

"What?" she smiles, puts her head down and blushes.

"Nothing." I smile. "You're just good at singing."

Alison chuckles/scoffs "Me.. good at singing, about the only thing I can do in my life is dance."

"You can do way more than that Alison." I say seriously.

She smiles in reply

The rest of the car ride is quiet but its only about 3 minutes.

When we get inside Walmart Alison grabs a cart.

"Hey I have a idea." I smirk and Alison raises her eyebrow at me. "Stand on the edge of the cart and ill push you through the store." I say seriously with a small smile. I love pissing people at stores off

"Harry, the Walmart people don't like it when people do stuff that stuff."


Alison looks down and thinks for a second. "Okay" she gives in and jumps on the back of the cart.

We go down each isle because she says each isle has a necessity we need . I argued that there is many point less shit in the isle and she agreed but said there's always that one item though. She always has a different view on life. Not in a bad way... But a unique way.

I'm swirling her around the isles running across the store pushing the cart.

We are both laughing at the top of our lungs. Everyone in the fucking store is watching us.

When we get to a new isle I decide that I'm going to scare her and run super fast then put my feet on the bottom of the cart. Long story short we ended up hitting a shelf making many paper towels, tissues and other shit sprawl all across the isle.

Alison and I have both fallen off the cart and are laying in the isle surrounded by tissue items. At first she gives me the biggest glare and yells my name but after like 5 seconds of staring at each other we both burst out into laughter.

Some stupid fucking dork in the hideous blue employee shirt tries to kick us out but Alison convinces him to let us at least check out. When we finally load all the groceries into the car still laughing about what just happened.

Once we get in the car and start driving we calm down a bit and stop laughing. 

"I'm starving." Says Alison

"We could go out" I reply while in driving.

"Really?" She raises her eyebrow and half smiles.

"We'll just go to my house" I snap

"Woah woah... Calm down I want to go out"

"Okay" I reply "where?"

"Wherever you want." She replies

"Really Alison?"

"What" she looks at me and laughs

"I hate when people do that."

"What ask a question?"

"No say wherever you want. I obviously asked you not myself"

"Fine" she replies "oh what's that place...." She pauses "Trevor told me it's were everyone hangs out."

"Who's Trevor?" I ask

"My friend" she replied.... "Why?"

"Just wondering... " he pauses
"And it's called the grill."


"Do you want to go there?"

"Sure, I might see my friends."

"Well if your friends go to our school they will most likely be there... Everyone always is."

"Well are you sure it's ok if we go together?... Maybe people will"

"I really don't give a fuck at this point" because I don't... I want to go with her and whatever my ego is telling me.... which is strong, I'm gonna push it aside. She wants to go, but she tells me we have to walk in separate because no one knows I'm with you and they can't know... And I'm not gonna take that personal I know it's cause of her fucking mom so..

But eventually I'm gonna fucking sit with her... Why cause I want to.

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