Chapter 46

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I smile at harry while crunching my cereal.. He gives me a tired smirk in return, grabs a banana, and sits across from me. We don't talk about the bathroom encounter ment.
"Harry?" I ask
"Alison" he replies while peeling his banana
"Cofffeee?" I ask inpatient but sweet.
"Ughhh.. You don't give up do you?" He wines and takes a bite
"No I don't... I promised." Harry opens his mouth to say something but I continue. "Harry please these are my only friends here and I really really don't want to mess things up." I beg
"Okay okay..." He says as he lifts up a hand from defeat. "Let's go" he says, grabs his keys, takes another bite of his banana, throws it on the table, then walks to the garage. I roll my eyes pick up the banana throwing it away and run out to the car.

Harry blasts his music as loud as possible. He looks at me and I look back at him covering my ears with the 'I'm miserable' face... He sighs turns down the radio and changes it to a modern station. I don't say anything I just smile to myself.

"So... Where do your friends get their 'everyday coffee'" he mocks

"McDonalds" I say and he laughs
"What's wrong with that?" I ask

"Nothing I just thought you were gonna say some place fancy." He laughs and I squint my eyes in confusion.
"It was just funny" he snaps.

I roll my eyes.
After about three minutes of silent driving we finally get to McDonalds.

"Harry" I say "Harry!" I shout lightly "you missed the drive through"

"I don't use drive throughs... They fuck everything up to much."

"It's coffee" I say slowly like I'm talking to a two year old.

"I'm going inside, and you can stay here and I'll just guess what coffee your friends like."

I groan and get out of the car. As we're walking to the entrance I ask "what should I say to Lizzie."

"What do you mean?" He asks

"Well she dropped me off at your house and I told her I'd explain everything later and you want me to lie so I don't know what I'm supposed to say... Cause I'm gonna explain it to her today."

"What are you gonna explain?" He asks

"I don't know that's why I'm asking you."

"Your not gonna tell Mia are you?"

"No why?" I ask

"Don't want her to get all crazy"

"I don't think she would..." I get interrupted my the cashier, and realize that most of our conversation was right in front of him due to there being no line.
"Are you too done yet?" The cashier asks in a low and miserable voice

Harry looks up at him with the rudest look "You can fucking wait till we finish talking, taking that you work at MCdonalds. This is probably the most interesting thing that's happened to you in months"

"Harry" I shout and slap his shoulder. Harry glares at me with the cutest face possible for a glare. The cashier looks like he's in his mid 30's he has pimples all over his face. He looks completely miserable with no possible emotion. I start to giggle thinking about the physical difference between him and harry.

"Okay I'll have 3 large.-" Harry interrupts me

"4 large" He says... I guess he wants one to.

"4 large carrr-" i stutter because I'm not sure what flavor he wants. Harry sees my confusion and hand gestures me to continue.
"4 large Carmel iced coffees please." I smile and say sweetly.

"That will be 6.39" says the cashier dully.

I open my wallet to get the money, but harry has already handed the cashier his card.

"Harry I can pay for it"

"Ma'm I already swiped the card" says the cashier dully again as I squint my eyes at him.

"Ya ma'm" says harry sarcastically as he smiles "he already swiped the card" he smiles again and gestures towards the cashier.

I laugh..
"Ya but I feel..."

"Alison Please, I have more than enough money."

"Here's your coffee" says the cashier. Have a nice day.

Harry and I walk back out to the car. And as I'm walking I realize how when harry and I are talking how much time goes by. I feel like I'm in a whole new world with him. Like the cashier had to bring us back to reality more than 2 times. Just like the other day when we were playing video games. It's amazing to have someone you can feel that with. I wonder if harry feels the same or anything towards me at all. Even a sense of friendship would be nice.
when we get into the car I say
"That cashier was something" I laugh

"He was a fucking doof" says harry

"What's a doof?" I ask laughing back.

"I'm not sure." He laughs and runs his fingers through his hair pushing it back. Which is completely gorgeous.. "But it's that guy." He says and gestures towards McDonalds.
We both laugh and drive out of the parking lot

As we are driving almost halfway to school i ask "Ok.Harry do you remember the plan"

"Yes Alison" he says proudly with a smile

"Ok what is it?" I ask and smile

"Umm, go to school" he says and gives me the Im guessing face.

"Harry!" i playfully snap and lay my head against the headrest. "Thats not the plan... I mean the plan for dropping me off."

"Why cant i just drop you off from my parking spot."

"Because people will see us."

"So the fuck what." he says and squints at me in confusion

"Harry, if people see us they're gonna question."

"Alison I could care less what people think, but if you don't want to be seen with me then i can drop you..." I cut him off

"Harry" i frown at him... "Its not that, its that I lied to my mom and said I was staying at Lizzie's for schoolwork."

"When really your babysitting me?" he asks, but also snaps.

"Not to be mean, but yes thats exactly what i have to do, and I would still like to talk about what happened because-" he cuts me off

"What more do you need to know?" he asks, and I change the subject.

"Ok I just don't want to be seen getting out of your car by Eli, so can you just drop me off at the front of the school?" i ask

"Sure" he flatly responds.

I roll my eyes and take a drink of my coffee.

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