Chapter 41

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Alison's POV

I calm down a bit when Harry and I walk back to the car. As soon as I get in the car my phone rings. I have no time to think about what just happened. I cant believe I told him about my uncle., no body knows the sexual assault part nobody.. not my Mom, Kendall or even Emily. I would tell Harry to keep quiet but I'm sure he already understands not to tell anybody... or at least he should. Harry looks over at me and my buzzing phone then continues to start the car. Its a unknown number... I wonder who it could be.

"Hello."I anwser

"Hello is this Alison?"

"Yes thats me" I respond and Harry chuckles at me. I shoot him a dirty look

"Hey Alison its Ms. Rose so sorry for the late notice but I would like to inform you that you are one of the three dancers I have chosen to perform your solo dance at the assembly next week."

"Oh...really... its just I didnt" she intterupts me

"Your going to do wonderful. Practice Practice Practice. See you on Monday."

"Um ok bye" i stutter and the line goes dead. "Ugh" i groan and lean back in my chair.

"What?" asks harry.

"I got picked to perform a solo dance at this weeks assembly." I mumble

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"No.. not for me." I respond

"Well I guess you'll just have to get over it." he shrugs his shoulders and smirks slightly

"Thanks. Thanks Harry you're so much help." i joke and a small laugh escapes from him

It stays quiet for a few seconds while we drive back to my house before I tell him the plan. As much as I'd love to giggle with Harry in the car we have to get back to business, I have to get back to business. 

"Ok so drop me off at the corner of the street and wait by that mailbox right here and I will be back in like 15 minutes"

"15 minutes" he says annoyed 

"Or more" I smile as I slam the car door and run to my house. I can almost feel Harrys eyes following me as i run.

I open the front door and walk inside. My mom is reading a book, Kendall's probably in her room and Eli and Phil are watching tv like always.

"Hi mom" I yell as I walk up a step of the staircase before I get stopped.

"Alison sweetie. Is Lizzie or her parents outside I would love to meet them." my mom says as she stands up.

"No!" i reply quickly as my mom tilts her head at me. "She um dropped me off because she said she didn't want to wait for me to get all my stuff."

"Well okay if..."

"Mom thanks so much for letting me do this we really need the extra homework time and I really need some friends here"

"You're welcome sweetie."

"Love you" I yell as I run up the stairs.

I manage to grab my things very quickly. I have 3 pairs of jeans and 2 pairs of jean shorts with a few camis and t-shirts from aeropostale. I also grab the safe as well.

I am about to walk into Kendall's room but then decide against it. I don't have time to argue right now Harrys already gonna kill me. I run downstairs yell goodbye and run out the door. Thank god that went easily. I run down the street and hop into Harrys car. When i get in he is just glaring at me.

"What?" i ask

"Fifteen minutes huh?" he sassfully remarks

"Or more..." I reply and raise my eyebrows. Harry rolls his eyes and drives off.

"Ok" I sigh ignoring his eye roll "I got all the essentials."

Harry presses his lips together to stop him from smiling "Like what?"

"Glad you asked." I smile "I have toothbrush, hairbrush, clothes, ballet shoes, bag, homework, chargers,..." I am about to mumble on with more but harry interrupts me.

"Ok ok I get it... you brought your whole god damn room.."

"Hey you asked?"

"Yeah worst mistake of my life." he jokes and i laugh.

My phone rings again.... its Emily. I decide to decline it again because I really don't have time to hear about her and Eli right now. I will make sure to text her and apologize and say I will call her when I have the time. When we pull up to Harrys driveway he grabs my bags and we walk inside.

"So...." i say awkwardly 

"So..." he replies also awkward.

"Um where am i going to sleep?" i ask

"Uh theres a guest room across from my room you can stay in there." he pauses "if you want."

"Yah thats perfect." I reply

"Theres also a bathroom in there so you can fill it with all your girly shit." he smiles slightly 

I laugh. "Hey there are girls way worse than me."

"We'll see" he grins and walks to the couch.

"Okay I'm going to take a shower than go to bed."

"K" he replies having no interest in conversation right now as he turns on the  tv. 

"Okay I'm leaving this pill here for you."

"Okaaay" he mutters

"Okay" I mock and head to the staircase.

"Okay" he mocks back.

A big smiles on my face and i can feel that he has one too. As i reach the top of the staircase i lean over the railing

"Goodnight." I yell from upstairs

"Goodnight Alison." Harry mumbles from downstairs.

I smile at the ground for a few moments, turn around and head to the guest room.

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