Chapter 58

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Alison's POV

4:30 am my alarm goes off, and I sit up. I don't know why it went off so early but I'm glad it did.
"Oh my god Kendall" I say to myself remembering I was supposed to meet her yesterday to hug and talk things out and instead I was making out with Harry on his couch! What am I going to do? I jump out of bed and pace for a few minutes.

"Ok ill get dressed, brush my teeth and then Harry can take me to my house right after that, then Kendall will probably be up and I'll beg and cry for forgiveness, then we will do each others hair and makeup like we used to do, then Phill will take us to McDonalds to get the coffee, then we should be fine." I ramble to myself still pacing around the room

"Okay that's perfect" I talk to myself again

I slept on my hair wet so it's a huge frizzy mess but I don't even care right now. I brush my hair out, then brush my teeth as fast as I can. Then I throw on a blue cami with my light washed skinny jeans with the rips. Then finally nothing else but my black converse.

Here comes the worst part... Waking Harry up.

I walk over to his door and pace back and froth psyching myself out.
"Just go Alison" I say to myself
I knock on the door..
I knock again "Harry?"
Now I bang on the door "Harry can I please come in?" and what do you know...

Oh my goodness is he a heavy sleeper I think to myself as I walk into his room.

And there he is dead asleep. The covers are half on the bed and half on the floor, and he's sprawled across the bed laying diagonally on his stomach with both his hands under his pillow.

He even looks hot when he sleeps.

"Harry" I shake him
"Harry get up" I yell in his ear and his arm swings up in defense and hits me in the stomach.
"Ugh" I groan and fall off the bed dramatically.
"That's gonna leave a bruise"

I'm sitting on the floor holding my stomach. Damn he's strong even in his sleep. I imagine how hard he could hit me if he wasn't unconscious.  After a few seconds on the floor I see Harrys head pop over the side of the bed

"Hey do you need something?" he asks with his eyes closed as he yawns.

Man does this boy like his sleep. This is the last time I'm ever gonna wake him up without a pool stick.

"Do I.." I stutter in shock that he doesn't remember hitting me
"You just, but you"

Harry is barely keeping his eyes open and he's looking at me with the most blunt facial expression I have ever seen.

"Yah I need something"

Harry groans and rolls over

I stand up and he's back to where he was only with a pillow over his head this time.

"Well what is it?" he asks from under his pillow with the sexiest morning voice I have ever heard.

"I need you to drive me to my house like right now its an emergency"

"Hold on" says Harry and looks at the clock
"No" he says and goes back under his pillow

"Harry pleaassseeee" I beg

"Alison its 4:45 in the morning"

"Come on I don't live that far you can go back to sleep when you get back please please please"

He groans

"It better be World War fucking three going on over there"

"It's worse, now lets go" I say and drag him out of bed

Harry takes like five minutes to get down the stairs and he doesn't even have his eyes open. When we finally get to the car I realize that I forgot my bag.

"Ill be right back" I get out of the car.
"Stay" I say by his window

"Woof" says Harry mocking me. I laugh and run inside grabbing my bag.

When I get back Harrys head is on the steering wheel. I get in the car thinking he's joking when I hear a small snore come out of Harrys mouth proving me incorrect.

I whack the back of his head

"Harry get up"

"What!" he whips up

"Lets go chop chop"

"Sorry I have a hard time waking up early" he says and looks at me

I laugh "Yeah you do" and Harrys expression changes to surprised when he looks at me

"Hey your black eye its almost gone" he says surprised 

"What?" I whip out my phone and look in the camera.
"Ah oh my gosh it is, the cream really works" I cheer

"I told you" says Harry and smiles as he starts the car.

I continue looking at my eye in awe admiring how much better it looks since last night. I was in such a rush this morning I didn't even notice it was there at all.

"So tell me again why I'm driving you to your house at 4:50 in the morning"

"Okay so remember how I told you I was going to have Kendall over and stand outside and talk"

"Wait who's Kendall?" asks Harry

"Its my sister geez keep up" I playfully snap and Harry smiles tiredly

"So she thinks I'm at Lizzie's so I was going to say that your house was Lizzie's house and invite her in for a few minutes. While you would be hiding upstairs" I pause and Harry gives me the 'seriously' look while I smile and continue talking
"So we were gonna make up and be best friends again but I totally forgot so now I'm gonna make it up to her this morning by doing each others hair and makeup"

"Wow" says Harry "That was a big plan"

I nod "Yep"

"You talk a lot when your nervous don't you?" asks Harry and grins at me

I nod my head and laugh embarrassed "Yeah I do"

When we finally pull up to my house I say

"Okay so you don't need to take me to school I'll have Phil take Kendall and I so I can stop and get that stupid coffee"

"So you think its stupid?" asks Harry with a witty smile

"Just a little" I say and get out of the car
"But shh tell no one" I smile

Harry laughs lightly
"Wouldn't ever"

"So are you gonna be okay while I'm gone?"

Harry gives me again the 'seriously' look.
"Yeah I am. Why would I want to die before I go to my favorites place in the world" he says sarcastically.

"Okay I trust you"

"I'm so glad" says Harry a bit offended that I even asked him that

"Ill see you at school okay" I yell as I run up to my garage and enter the code.

"Mhm" says Harry still tired an waits till I'm inside to drive away.

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