Chapter 93

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Harry's POV

I hear my name angrily being shouted across the cafeteria and I turn to see Eli storming over to us. I groan and rolls my eyes before he finally approaches Alison and I.

"What the fuck-?" I ask attempting to say 'what the fuck do you want?' but get interrupted by Eli

"Shut the fuck up, Harry!" he shouts and the whole cafeteria looks over at our table
"I know everything!" he laughs and shakes his head.

"Eli, please-" Alison says with a hint of fear but also gets interrupted by Eli

"You shut the fuck up too, slut!" he shouts and Alison's expression drops to a genuinely upset yet confused frown.

I look at Alison and also frown before an intense amount of anger rushes up and inside me. "What the hell is your problem!?" I nearly scream at Eli as I stand up making the chair squeak loudly

"I know you've been fucking my sister!" Eli shouts back at Harry with rage in his eyes.
"and that's why you've been acting so god damn weird!"

I narrow my eyebrows and shakes my head.
"Eli, no." I say seriously
"That's not what's been happening at all."

"Save it!" he snaps back at me.
"And you." He says and points to Alison
"You've been going behind everyone's back, just so you could be a nasty little slut."

Alison quickly forms tears in her eyes and they soon fall down her face. The look in her eyes breaks my heart.

"You hear that everyone!" he shouts across the cafeteria.
"Alison Gilbert is nothing but a dirty little whore!" he yells and Alison's tears start to get more heavy. She quickly stands up grabbing her things and is about to leave.

I know what I have to do, I have to do this for her. I can't let people think of her like this, she doesn't deserve this. She won't be able to get out of this with a lie, it will destroy her.
I look at Alison before looking back at Eli

"I tried to kill myself, Okay!" I scream at Eli, full of rage and his expression falls as he turns to look at me.

Alison freezes and looks at me with wide eyes and a shocked expression.
"Harry, No." she says and walks a little closer.
"You don't need to do this." She says softly with tears still streaming down her face

"I have to Alison!" I snap
"I'm not going to let people think of you like that just so I can hide my own mistake." I pause.
"I won't." I say sternly and serious as I look into her eyes

Alison looks at me with sad eyes and slowly shakes her head at the ground as more tears fall down her face.

"What the hell are you talking about!?" Eli asks which snaps my attention back to him.

"I tried to kill myself you stupid inconsiderate prick!" I snap full of anger.
"I was opening my pill bottle about to down the entire thing when low and behold your sister walks through my door. Why she did, I don't know but she saved my damn life." Eli briefly looks away almost embarrassed but then looks back at me.
"I had just drunken an entire bottle of whiskey and was drunk off my ass. Alison got me to calm down and immediately wanted to take me to the hospital. I begged her not to and not to call the cops, or even to tell my nanna and she didn't. She was forced to have to stay with me so that I didn't kill myself. It was the only way she felt comfortable with staying silent so we made a deal. She'll stay with me for a week to watch over me in return for her keeping quiet, and that's what she did." I say and look at her making eye contact with her beautifully sad eyes before looking back at Eli.
"So that's why she's been lying! That's why she's been sneaking around!" I yell nearly screaming so everyone can hear me.
"So now you all know!" I say with a laugh and shake my head before looking Eli into the eyes.
"That's the truth." I say coldly before shaking my head and looking over at Alison.
Alison's looking at me with tear filled eyes and pure heartbreak. I've never seen anyone look so sad. As she stares at me with her devastated eyes I have to force myself not to go over to her. I look down breaking the eye contact between us and grab by bag heading towards the exit doors.

What have I just done? I may have ruined everything, but I didn't have a choice. I couldn't let Alison go down with what Eli was accusing her of. All the nasty rumors and whispers, she didn't deserve any of it. I know it's still going to be the talk of the school, but at least it's the truth and not a lie. I can't think about the consequences, or what's going to happen right now. I just need to get home before anyone can stop me.

I did what I had to... for her and only her.

Hey guy's, it's been forever, I know I have no excuse. This chapter is short but I just wanted to give you guys something here. After this comes.... A lot, so I thought I'd just give you guys this chapter while I work on the others. I hope you like it, Sorry for the plot twist but there's WAY more to come. I know it's very active without many of their thoughts but trust me you'll be getting a good dose of that. Love you guys, can't wait to write the rest of this.

ALSO I MADE A TWITTER @itgirlwriter follow me for Devotion updates and other cool stuff about this book! Because it's really hard to reach you guys through here unless you constantly check my page which I doubt you do!
Thanks guys

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