Chapter 45

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* 5:30 am on monday*

My alarm goes off very loudly startling me awake. It goes again until I eventually turn it off. Good thing its set for every week day.

The realization hits me that their are two arms wrapped around me... Harrys. He slept right through the alarm. I do not know what time he wakes up and I'm not about to be the person who wakes up someone who is clearly probably not a morning person.

I decide to go ahead and get ready. I put on a pair of jeans and a cami. With my black converse.

when the clock turns to 6:30 i decide to wake harry up.

"Harry. Its time to get up." Harry growls and rolls over. "Harry seriously get up! we need to leave early today" I say, but harry says nothing. "I swear to god i will pour this water on your head." i say with my best intimidation voice while still being playful. 

"You wouldn't dare" he replies with his sexy morning voice and his eyes still closed

"Harry seriously its my turn to get the coffee." I smile down at him

"You mean my turn to get coffee." he growls

"Well if you want I will just have to drive your car and get it myself" I say slowly.

"Never!" he says and quickly gets off the couch.
"Im going to shower and then we will go"

"Okay" I reply innocently with a smirk and sit on the spot where he just got off.

its been 15 minutes and I haven't heard any sign of movement. I begin to start thinking the worst. What if he tried to hurt himself again. He wouldn't do that right? I'm just gonna go check on him. I walk up the star case and figure the door would be locked so in instinct I open the door and see Harry standing there with no clothes on except black boxer briefs.

I expected it to be locked so i pushed hard on the door knob and when the door flew open i could tell I scared him by the way he ripped his toothbrush out of his mouth and looked like he was ready to fight me. I'm sure it's just because he's not used to having people at his house. I stand there in shock looking at his body and I cant help but to think it's really hot.

I look at his toned abs and torso and notice a huge butterfly tattoo and two birds on his chest area. They fit him nicely.

Harry notices my staring and is standing there with a full sexy smirk. I immediately open my mouth trying to say something but instead just slam the door and run down the stairs.
I make sure all my school stuff is together and pour myself some peanut butter captain crunch, which I made harry buy for me yesterday.

Harry finally comes down the stairs in a black t- shirt, black jeans, and blank converse... I guess black is his color.

{ hey guys the ending is kinda choppy, but it's been taking me forever to write this idk why so I'm just gonna post this and start a fresh chapter... Maybe that will help.. Xoxo if your reading this just.... Thank you }

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