Chapter 3

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I'm already late to class, but the fact that I cant even find the dance room scares me. I'll probably have trouble finding every one of my classes.

After getting directions from a faculty member, I run to the fine arts building and once I see the classroom labeled 'dance' I burst through the doors.

A few people laugh. "Sorry I'm late.... Im new"

"Yeah, we can tell" says a blonde haired girl and turns to giggle with her friends. I choose to ignore her and walk up to my teacher who just happens to be stunning.

I hand her my pass and form a soft smile. "Hello Ms. Rose, sorry I'm late. I had a little bit of trouble finding the building."

she nods assuringly, causing a sense of relief to wash over me.
"Don't worry about it and welcome to Midway."

"Thank you." I smile and turn around, making my way towards the other girls.

"Take a seat anywhere on the floor ladies" Ms. Rose yells..... I sit alone, but not to far from everyone.

Ms. Rose spends the whole class talking about the syllabus for dance and what we need to do  in order to be successful.

I notice two girls staring and laughing at me. One of them happens to be the same blonde girl that commented on me being late.
They look like people that im not gonna get along with. Im just going to try to ignore them.

Dance class ends and I dont tend to get as lost getting to Algebra as I was for dance. I do feel much more comfortable in here. The teacher is nice and a few other nice people have walked up to me and asked me my name... Algebra went a lot better then dance, that's for sure.

Next is third hour which is American History H. Instead of going over a syllabus we are making a map. Which I don't understand why because syllabus's really tend to help me get prepared for each class, but who am I to complain. I also like activities, but not when I know nobody.

We have to get in groups of three. Mr. Glay says it's to get to know each other better.... but I don't get up. I'm sitting alone really awkwardly when a nice looking girl and an extremely cute boy walks up to me.

"Hey do you wanna be in our group?" Asks the girl with a nice smile.

"Sure" I reply, mirroring her smile.

"I'm Mia and this is Trevor"

"Hi, I'm Alison."

We exchange small talk and complete the map for the hour. Mia asks me if I've made any friends yet and since teachers don't count as friends I think of the first girl I remember.

"Um, Lizzie Erikson... I met her earlier today, she's really nice."

"Hey, thats my best friend..... small world" She says with a light laugh.

I smile and agree with her. Of course they were best friends. That really was a strange coincidence.

The boy stays quiet for the most part. He is extremely good looking but... not the cutest guy I've seen today. I may or may not be referring to Harry. I just, can't get his picture out of my head.

I am reliving what happened in the parking lot this morning when Mia asks me what lunch i have and invited me to sit with her...

I watch the clock until the bell rings. I am really looking forward to meeting my English teacher. English is my favorite subject. I know I'm only 17 years old, but I know I want to major in Literature/English.

When the bell rings I make my way to the classroom perfectly on time.

I would have been earlier but there was a small distraction in the hallway. Eli and his friends were in a huge group and i have no clue what Eli said but all his friends started pushing him and winking at me. I am pretty sure I have a good idea of what they said due to the look on his face, He probably said something like.

'She's just my stupid new stepsister' and they were probably messing around with him hinting at the fact that we hook up. Which to me, is an absolutely disgusting thought. I will admit that Eli is good looking, but he's a jerk, so I'd never hook up with him. There's also the fact that we're now "family". Us hooking up would just be /so/ wrong.

I didn't see Harry with them I wonder where he is. Hopefully he doesn't hang around them to much. I don't know why I care but If Eli a jerk then I'm guessing Harry might be, I know that's judgmental of me but its logical.

I walk into class with full confidence and I see guess who sitting on top of a desk with a sea of girls surrounding him....

"I found him" I mumble under my breathe.

{Sarah Hyland as Mia}

{Zac Efron (like 18) as Trevor}

{Nina Dobrev as Ms. Rose}

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