Chapter 91

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Alison's POV

I run through the Algebra door right as the bell rings. Mr. George looks up at me but doesn't say anything he just returns his eyes back to his computer. I set my bag down on the floor and sit next to Niall out of breath.

"You okay?" he asks with a small smile.

I nod my head still a little out of breath. "Yeah I'm good. I just ran all the way here from the nurse."

"Why were you at the nurse, are you okay?" he asks and furrows his eyebrows

"Uh" I stutter trying to gather a lie together
"My step brother got into a fight. I went to check on him."

"Oh yeah, Eli right?" he asks and I nod

"Yeah that's the one"

"What happened?" asks Niall

"I'm not exactly sure" I lie again "We didn't talk much about it"

"Oh" he pauses and I flip open my notebook. "I'm looking forward to seeing you perform tomorrow" he says

I turn to look at him and give him a soft smile "Thanks, I'm going to have to practice hard core tonight. I haven't really been practicing much." I say disappointed in myself and look down.

"You're gonna do great." he says sincerely and places his hand on my shoulder. "I promise."

I smile at him as Mr. George stands up and starts talking to the class about the lesson today. As Mr. George is talking I lean over to Niall and sincerely whisper "Thank you". Niall is such an amazing person, he's one of the kindest people I've ever met and I hardly even know him.

"You're welcome" he whispers back and we continue to listen to the lesson.

I cant help but to gaze off and reenact what happened in the nurses office. I honestly can't believe that happened. I don't regret it at all I just wasn't planning or expecting to do it. I never stopped thinking of what happened in the kitchen on Tuesday night., and the way he made me feel. I wanted to do the same for him and see if I could make him feel the way he made me feel. To me it looked like I did okay but I really have no idea I'm a major beginner.

We get to work on our homework during the last fifteen minute of class and Niall and I both finish like usual. I say goodbye as the bell rings then head to third hour. I'm kind of nervous for third hour because of Mia. I know I upset her by defending Harry at the lunch table the other day and I hope she's not too mad at me. I know that today we have a little bit of time to work on our projects before we present them but that's okay because we're almost done.

I head into History and find Mia and Trevor working on last minute touches for our poster.

"Hey guys." I say softly as I approach them.

"Hey Ali" says Trevor and Mia looks up at me and gives me a soft smile.
"Look about yesterday I'm sorry I shouldn't of-" I apologize but Mia interrupts me and shakes her head.

"Don't worry about it Alison." she says sincerely. "I overreacted" she says and I cant help but to mentally agree with her. "i'm still just a little touchy about the situation, you know?" she asks and looks up at me.

I smile softly and nod my head. "Yeah I know." I say sincerely. "But I'm still sorry anyways" I just can't seem to think of Harry that way. So negatively to the point where she breaks down whenever she thinks of him.

Mia stands up and we give each other a quick hug.

"Alright so are you girls ready to present?" asks Trevor thankfully changing the subject

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